This book is the result of a hurricane and a 20-second meeting with the dynamic Matt Holt, from Wiley in the US. Thanks Matt. Whatever I said to you in that 20-second conversation, please text it to me — I was jet-lagged!

Secondly, thanks to one of my best friends, Alex Moloney, for being by my side as we rode out the storm together. I promise never to buy you a cinnamon-scented candle for any birthday, Christmas or random gift EVER, and to not travel during hurricane season again. I couldn't have got through it without you.

To Kristen Hammond, whom I've had the amazing pleasure of working with at Wiley. Your support, encouragement and belief in me as an author have been nothing short of humbling. None of this would have been possible without your support and the incredible team at Wiley to make this book possible.

A big shout-out and much love to two special people — my mum, Fay Angel, for being a rock in my life and inspiring me to step up my game; and my dad, Steele Angel, for being a constant presence in my life, despite no longer being here with us in physical form. I could never have asked for a better upbringing and two better role models.

To my amazing friends, whom I consider family, Johnny, Mat, Dean, Jaya, Nick, John H, Adam, Rosie, Paul, Mike, Neil and Daniel. And, a special mention to the gorgeous Andrea Moss of The Real Housewives of Melbourne. You've all impacted my life in ways that you'll never truly understand. I could not be more grateful for having each of you in my life.

And, most importantly, my thanks to you the reader. Without you, I'd be ordinary. You make me strive to be more of who I am. This book is dedicated to each and every one of you.

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