Activate Your Superconscious Mind

A miracle is nothing more nor less than this.
Anyone who has come into a knowledge of
his true identity, of his oneness with the
all-pervading Wisdom and Power, thus makes
it possible for laws higher than the ordinary mind
knows of to be revealed to him.


Today’s wide-bodied passenger jets have the most advanced and sophisticated avionics equipment imaginable. The high-tech computers on the average passenger plane today are capable of monitoring every part and performance measure of the plane. The avionics systems, costing millions of dollars for a large plane, are so advanced that they can make the plane take off, fly, and land almost without human assistance.108

Pilots, of course, are essential on every plane for three primary reasons. First, they are necessary to set the destination. They must then go through a checklist to ensure that the plane has no technical problems. They are required to taxi to the runway, take off, and achieve altitude.

Second, pilots are essential to continually check that everything in the plane is working properly and to personally make decisions regarding wind, turbulence, storm patterns, and essential course corrections.

The third reason pilots are essential is to ensure that the plane lands safely at its destination.

Fortunately, in most cases, once the coordinates for the destination are programmed into the onboard computer by the pilot and the plane reaches cruising altitude, the plane goes on autopilot and flies unerringly toward its destination, making numerous course corrections and adjustments throughout the flight. The pilot can relax a little, knowing that millions of dollars of sophisticated technology are controlling and directing the plane toward its destination.

Your Superconscious Mind:
Your Greatest Power

In the same way, your superconscious mind serves as your personal advanced avionics and guidance system. To use this mind, you first determine your exact destination or goal. You write it down, thereby programming it into your subconscious mind. When your goal is clear to your subconscious mind, it is passed over to your super-conscious mind, which then works on it twenty-four hours a day until your goal is achieved and your destination is reached.109

The superconscious mind has been known and talked about throughout human history. Mystics and religious teachers have called it the “God Mind.” Ralph Waldo Emerson called it the “oversoul.” Carl Jung referred to it as the “collective unconscious.” Napoleon Hill referred to it as “Infinite Intelligence.” He concluded that the ability to activate it was the primary reason for the success of the wealthiest people in America. It is also referred to as “intuition,” “gut feeling,” “instinct,” or “the inner voice.”

It doesn’t matter whether you are religious or nonreligious, spiritual or nonspiritual. Your superconscious mind is the greatest power available to you, and properly directed, it can enable you to achieve any goal and reach any destination that you can set for yourself, as long as your goal is clear. It is one of the most important secrets of success.

Your superconscious mind attracts into your life people, ideas, and resources in harmony with your dominant thoughts. It brings you everything you need to succeed.

You can tap into your superconscious mind, like a supercomputer, at any time for ideas, solutions, guidance, and assistance. It becomes more powerful and grows in capability the more you use and believe in it. When you start to tap into your superconscious mind on a regular basis, it will begin to operate easily and automatically to solve your problems and achieve your goals.110

It Requires Clear Commands

Your superconscious mind is activated by clear commands in the form of positive affirmations. These are the present-tense, positive, personal statements that you make from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind. Each time you make a positive affirmation or statement of your goal as if it were already realized, you activate your superconscious mind.

Emotionalized mental images, pictures, and visualizations also activate your superconscious mind. The greater clarity you have regarding the goals you desire and the more emotion with which you can visualize these goals, the faster your superconscious mind will bring them into your life.

It Works Automatically and Continuously

Your superconscious mind automatically and continuously solves every problem on the way to your goal, as long as your goal is clear. By writing out your goals clearly and specifically, you actually program them into your superconscious guidance system, where they then take on a life and a power of their own.

Whether you are awake, asleep, or busy with other activities, your superconscious mind works twenty-four hours a day. Once you have decided upon your goal, you can go about your daily life while your superconscious mind works on it, the same as you would do when you feed a question into a computer and let it run.111

Your superconscious mind functions best with an attitude of calm, confident expectations. When you confidently believe and expect that you will achieve the exact goal or answer for you at exactly the right time, your superconscious mind will work quickly and efficiently.

This mind is always and instantly available to you to help you achieve any goal, solve any problem, or overcome any obstacle. It will solve your financial problems, lead you to your soul mate, and guide you to your heart’s desire.

It Is Dedicated to Your Success and Happiness

Your superconscious mind is your devoted servant. It wants you to succeed and to succeed greatly. It wants you to be happy, healthy, and prosperous and enjoy a wonderful, satisfying life.

But your superconscious mind also knows that you need to learn certain lessons to be able to hold on to your success once you achieve it. This power will bring you these lessons one at a time, in sequence, like a good teacher instructing a student. Your job is to look into every setback or difficulty that you experience for the valuable lesson that it contains. Always ask yourself when things seem to go wrong, What can I learn from this experience?112

Be Prepared to Take Immediate Action

Your superconscious mind will bring you exactly the answer you need at exactly the right time for you. But this answer will be “time dated.” When you receive a super-conscious answer, you must act on it immediately.

When you are working on a problem or goal and you get an impulse to make a phone call, buy a book, speak to a person, or take any particular action, move quickly. Don’t delay. If you wait for twenty-four hours or even for a few minutes, it may be too late.

Your superconscious mind often speaks to you in the form of ideas. Some of the most successful people in history have achieved greatness by taking action on a single idea that shot into their mind like a bolt of lightning.

Activating Your Superconscious Mind

You can deliberately activate the powers of your super-conscious mind in several ways. The first is simple. Take a sheet of paper and write down every detail of the problem you are facing. Sometimes the very act of writing out every detail of the problem or situation—how it occurred, what effect it’s having, what you can do, and so on—triggers your superconscious mind into giving you the perfect solution.

Another way to activate your superconscious mind is to forget about the problem completely. Get so busy working on something else that you have no time at all to think about the problem. Then, at exactly the right time for you, the right answer will pop into your mind. But remember, when it does, you must take action immediately.113

Throughout history, great men and women have tapped into their superconscious minds by meditation or what is called “mind calming.” When you relax completely and let your mind go blank, very often a supercon-scious idea emerges.

My favorite way to activate the superconscious mind is the practice of solitude. To get the most out of a period of solitude, use this method. First, resolve to sit quietly by yourself for at least thirty minutes. It takes this long for your mind to relax completely.

Second, put away all distractions. Eliminate coffee, tea, reading materials, or anything else that might cause your attention to wander. This is called “going into the silence.” When you sit quietly all by yourself, with no sound or distraction, and just let your mind go calm and clear, something wonderful happens. Writers often say that in a period of solitude, they were “touched by the muse.”

Third, make no effort to think about your problem or goal at all. Let your mind relax completely. Don’t try to think about anything. Simply sit quietly and let your mind wander gently around your life, thinking about nothing or everything. And at a certain moment, as you sit quietly, exactly the right answer that you need at this time will come in your mind.114

Listening to gentle classical music can also activate your superconscious mind. Deep relaxation often triggers superconscious activity. Sometimes you will have a super-conscious idea or answer while you are falling asleep or waking up. Keep a notepad by the side of your bed and quickly jot down any ideas or insights that occur to you so that you don’t forget.

You can also activate your superconscious mind through physical activity—by walking, running, swimming, or engaging in any aerobic activity that increases your heart rate and triggers the release of endorphins and dopamine in your brain. These chemicals give you a feeling of happiness and euphoria and are often accompanied by superconscious inspirations. This is why many people have their best ideas in the shower after exercising.

When you learn about the superconscious and practice trusting in your superconscious mind, your potential will become unlimited. Your job is to tap into this mind and use it consciously, deliberately, and consistently. Have complete faith that it will work for you in exactly the right way at the right time, and it will.

The Superconscious Solution

Here are three ways that you can tell if you have received a superconscious solution:

  1. A superconscious solution will be complete in every way. It will deal with every aspect of the problem or goal.115
  2. A superconscious solution will be a “blinding flash of the obvious.” It will be simple, clear, and completely within your abilities to carry out. You will wonder why you had not thought of it before.
  3. A superconscious idea or answer will come from your intuition. As a result, it will feel right. You will be relaxed and happy. Your stress and tension will disappear. You will be eager to implement it as soon as possible.

The Great Law

The Law of Superconscious Activity says, “Any thought, plan, goal, or idea held continuously in the conscious mind must be brought into reality by the superconscious mind.”

This is an important definition. Your superconscious mind cannot work for you if you have a random series of unclear or contradictory goals or destinations. This is why the Bible says, “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”

The “single eye” is what enables you to unlock and unleash all your mental powers. Your ability to focus and concentrate is essential. Your superconscious mind goes to work for you when you decide upon your major definite purpose—the one goal that can have the greatest positive impact on your life—and you think about it continuously, holding it clearly in your conscious mind.116

Your superconscious mind is activated when you step out in faith, when you take the first step, and the second and third steps, toward your goal. Most of all, your superconscious mind requires that you make continual course corrections, that you persist in the face of all adversity, and that you keep moving forward, no matter what happens.

When you combine all these activities, you will tap into the great powers of the universe to help you achieve any goal you truly desire.

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