
earning, 9394

functioning in crises, 81

getting results, 100101

leadership, 8081, 8283

learnable, 76

natural, 1113

setting clear goals, 34

achievements, 146

action taking, 4243, 52, 6970, 8384, 140

adversity, 77, 141142

advice, 56, 120, 122123

American Management Association, 88

appreciating assets, 94


ability to get results, 100101

appreciating/depreciating, 94

earning ability, 9394

efficiency/effectiveness, 101

intangible, 94

intellectual, 9899

intelligence, 95

learning skills, 9596

persistence, 140

personal excellence, 97101

planning/preparation as, 101102

attitudes of abundance/scarcity, 89

back-from-the-future thinking, 1516, 4344

Becker, Gary, 63

brain function, 7172

business systems, 99100

calmness, 77, 8283, 90, 113

career choices, 1013

Cause and Effect, Law of, 2, 94, 103

challenges versus problems, 7071

change, dealing with, 8889

changing your mind, 9192

character, 7980, 135136, 147148

checklists, 5456

choices, 1011, 1113, 2728, 3233

Churchill, Winston, 61

Cohen's Law, 57

Concentration, Law of, 133

confessing to a problem, 119120

confirmation of situations, 121122

consulting for yourself, 30

contributions, power of, 22

control issues, 72, 8283, 8990

Correspondence, Law of, 3

Corridor Principle, 132

courage, 61, 126127, 131132, 133

course corrections. See under crisis management crisis management ability to function, 81

calmness, 8283

course corrections, 8687, 9192

dealing with change, 8889

facing crises, 8182

fear of failure, 87

getting the facts, 83

leadership performance in crisis, 8283

making course corrections, 8687

questions for, 89

as test of character, 7980

thinking ahead, 8485

thinking process during, 8384

criticism, 126

Danko, William, 3132, 63

decision making, 3233, 90, 147148

defeat and persistence, 143

demotivation, 1819

depreciating assets, 94, 96

deservingness, 2023

destination (goals). See goals

disappointment, 140141

“Don't Quit” (poem), 143, 144

Drucker, Peter, 22, 105

Dyer, Wayne, 11

earning ability, 9394

efficiency/effectiveness, 101

egoism, 87

Eker, T. Harv, 102

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 109

emotional brain, 71

emotionalization, 17, 110

150emotions, 30, 72, 8283

excellence, 6263, 97101, 103104

facing the truth, 119120

facts versus problems, 89

failure, 44, 61, 87, 142143

fast track, 105106


analyzing your, 127128

causes of, 127

challenges of mastering, 125

of failure, 87

habit of courage, 126127, 133

identifying your, 128

list making for mastering, 128131

quality of courage, 131132

questions for identifying your, 130

taking risks, 132133

financial headwinds, 7475

financial independence, 1415

flexibility, 62, 88, 9091

Forbes, B. C., 140

Forbes, Malcolm, 118

future perspectives, 1516, 16174344, 8485

Gardner, Howard, 95

Geneen, Harold, 83, 87


ability for setting clear, 34

actions for achieving, 4243

back-from-the-future thinking, 1516

charting your, 1014

cigarette-smoke goals, 36

deservingness, 2023

determining your, 1618

emotionalization for visualizing, 110

everyone's common, 8

examining, 108109

failure to achieve, 44

financial independence, 1415

fulfilling your potential, 147148

goal-setting steps, 3739

measurable, 3738

Mindstorming your, 42, 97

motivation/demotivation for

attaining, 1819

qualitative/quantitative definitions of, 3637

realistic/believable, 1819

selecting your, 41

steps toward, 1920

success formula, 3942

ten-goal method, 3940

wishes versus, 36

writing-your-flight-plan exercise, 4548

written, 3536, 3940

God Mind, 109

guidance system. See superconscious mind

happiness, 111112

headwinds management, 7276

help, determining needed, 38. See also advice hesitation, 61

Hill, Napoleon, 11, 18, 71, 109

Hilton, Conrad, 140

honesty, 121122

hope versus strategy, 3334

ignorance, 127

income, 1011, 6364

inequality gap in America, 63

Inertia, Law of, 73, 87

inner space, 20

inner voice, 109

intangible assets, 94

intellectual assets, 9899

intelligence, 95

interpersonal skills, 95

intuition, 109

Jung, Carl, 109

knowledge building, 9596, 99100

language of problem solving, 7071, 72

Law of Cause and Effect, 2, 94, 103

Law of Concentration, 133

Law of Correspondence, 3

Law of Inertia, 73, 87

Law of Least Resistance, 117

Law of Probability, 102

Law of Sowing and Reaping, 31

Law of Superconscious Activity, 115116

leadership abilities, 8081, 8283

learning, continuous, 94, 9697, 101102, 105106

learning skills, 9596

Least Resistance, Law of, 117

151limitations, 10, 14

list making, 3233, 64, 128131

luck, 51, 58

magic wand technique, 3940

Mandino, Og, 147

Marden, Orison Swett, 137138

Maslow, Abraham, 28

mastering your fears. See fears

mastery of your skills, 103104

mediocrity versus success, 60

mental powers, 7172, 115116

metaphors, 36, 107108, 120121

Millionaire Next Door, The, 3132, 63 mind. See superconscious mind Mindstorming your goal, 42, 97

mistakes, 66, 88, 90

money making, 7475

Murphy's Laws, 57

Nature, 62

no-surprises policy, 122

opportunities versus problems, 71


adding value, 3132

asking for what you want, 29

being your own consultant, 30

decision making, 2728

development of your, 2526

hope versus strategy, 3334

increasing your, 2627

list making for, 3233

refusing to settle, 2829

reviewing your, 3334

time management, 28

your thinking ability, 34

oversoul, 109

passivity versus proactivity, 54

Perot, H. Ross, 142143

persistence, 135136, 137138, 140141

personal achievements, 146

personal excellence, 97101

personal headwinds, 7576

personal life, 13

perspective, 120121, 121122. See also future perspectives physical activity, 114

physical condition, 127


advance planning, 5758

alternate-destination routes, 26

anticipating crises, 86

as assets, 101102

checklists, 5456

developing Plan B, 5657

goal-setting steps, 3739

guarding against the worst, 5051

habits of professionals for, 4950

keys to preparation, 5556

making your plan, 41

mental preparation, 68

passivity, 5354

problems, 6667

Six-P formula, 53

taking action, 52

thinking of eventualities, 51, 8485

potential, 20, 6263, 146148

power of contributions, 22

powers, mental, 7172, 115116

preparation. See planning/preparation

proactivity versus passivity, 54

Probability, Law of, 102

problems/problem solving

asking questions, 6869

avoiding surprises, 7677

changing your language for, 7071

confessing to having a problem, 119120

dealing with headwinds, 7276

expecting, 67

facts versus problems, 89

language of problem solving, 7071, 72

mental powers for, 7172

questions for, 6869

responding to, 6667

solution orientation, 68

taking charge, 6970

using your superconscious mind, 110111, 112114

progress, fast track for, 105106

pursuit of excellence, 6263

Pushing to the Front, 138140

qualitative/quantitative definitions of goals, 3637

quality, 27, 30, 131132

rationalization, 17

relationships, your perfect, 13

152relaxation, 113114

responsibilities, 9, 6970, 101

retirement planning, 1415

Riley, Pat, 95

risk takers, 132133

Rockefeller, John D., 140

Ronstadt, Robert, 131132

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 125

Royal Dutch Shell, 85

scenario planning, 85

Secret, The, 2

secrets, 2, 121122, 147

self-awareness, 78

self-discipline, 136137. See also persistence self-made millionaires, 63

shortcuts, 117118, 119123

single eye (mental powers), 115116

situations versus problems, 7071

skills, 1113, 34, 76. See also abilities social intelligence, 95

solitude, 113

solution-based thinking, 68, 69

Sowing and Reaping, Law of, 31

Stanford University study, 8081

Stanley, Thomas, 3132, 63

straightforwardness, 121122

strong people, 66


beyond failure, 142143

courage to act, 131132

formula for, 3942

versus mediocrity, 60

metaphors for, 36

persistence for, 137138

requirements for, 139140

secrets to, 2

steps for achieving, 147148

superconscious mind's devotion to, 111112

wisdom and, 145146

superconscious mind

activating your, 112114

as guidance system, 108112

Law of Superconscious Activity, 115116

programming your, 110111

receiving solutions using, 114115

taking immediate action with, 112

surprises, 7677, 120, 122

systems, understanding business, 99100

Thatcher, Margaret, 61

thinking ahead, 8485

thinking processes. See also emotional brain

back-from-the-future thinking, 1516, 4344

clear thinking for action taking, 8384

control of thinking/emotions, 72, 8283

for eventuality planning, 51

rigidity of, 9192

solution-based thinking, 68, 69

thinking of eventualities, 8485

thoughts as causes, 3

using your mental powers, 7172

your thinking ability, 34

zero-based thinking, 89, 121

3 percent rule, 8485

time management, 28, 64

time passage rule, 104105

ten-goal method, 3940

turbulence, 6566. See also adversity

value adding, 2021, 3132

verbalization, 16

visualization, 1617

voluntary exchange, 21

Welch, Jack, 83

wisdom, 145146

work habits, 64

worldviews, 89, 1516, 4344. See also attitudes; thinking processes worst-case scenarios, 5051

writing your flight plan. See also goals

actions for achieving goals, 4243

goal-setting steps, 3739

Mindstorming your goals, 42

qualitative/quantitative definitions

of goals, 3637

selecting your goals, 41

success formula, 3942

Top Ten Goals method, 3940

wishes versus goals, 36

writing-your-flight-plan exercise, 4548

written goals, 3536

zero-based thinking, 89, 121

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