Note: In some instances, an abbreviation of the former name of an organisation is included where a document referred to was issued by, and bears the former name of, that organisation.

AAS Atomic absorption spectrometry
ACNFP Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (UK)
AIDC Automatic identification data capture
ALOP Acceptable level of protection
APC Aerobic plate count
ATP Adenosine triphosphate
AVA Automatic Vending Association [formally the Automated Vending Association of Britain (AVAB)]
B2B Business to business
B2C Business to consumer
BCMS Business continuity management plan
BPCA British Pest Control Association
BRC British Retail Consortium
BRDO Better Regulation Delivery Office
BS British Standard
BSI British Standards Institution
CAC/RCP  Codex Alimentarius Commission/Recommended Code of Practice
CAC/RS Codex Alimentarius Commission/Recommended Standard
CAPA Corrective and preventive action
CARVER+ SHOCK Criticality, accessibility, recuperability, vulnerability, effect, recognisability, plus Shock
CCP Critical control point
CCTV Closed‐circuit television
CEN Comité Européene de Normalisation
CFA Chilled Food Association
CIP Cleaning in place
COO Country of origin
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
CPD Continuous professional development
Cp–PyMS Curie point pyrolysis coupled to mass spectrometry
CQP Critical quality point
CSF Critical success factor
CSP Corporate social performance
CSR Corporate social responsibility
DEFRA Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (UK)
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
EAS Electronic article surveillance
EC European Community
EDI Electronic date interchange
EDP Electronic data processing
EFK Electric fly killer (or insectocutor)
EFSA European Food Safety Authority
EHO Environmental health officer
EID Electronic identification
ELISA Enzyme linked immuno‐sorbent assays
EMA Economically motivated adulteration
EN Denotes a regional standard intended to be used in the European Union
ETI Ethical trading initiative
EU European Union [formerly European Community (EC) and originally Economic Community (EEC)]
EUPFN European Union Protected Food Name Scheme
EVA European Vending Association
FAIR Food Adulteration Incidents Registry
FALCPA Food Allergen Labelling and Consumer Protection Act 2004
FAO/WHO Food and Agriculture Organisation/World Health Organisation (United Nations)
FAPAS Food Analysis Performance Assessment Scheme
FCRA Food crime risk assessment
FDA Food and Drug Administration (USA)
FDO Food distribution organisation
FIC Food information (to) consumers
FIFO First‐in, first‐out
FIMS Food integrity management system
FLCP Food Law Code of Practice
FLT Fork lift truck
FMA Food Machinery Association (UK)
FMEA Failure mode and effects analysis
FMF Food Manufacturers’ Federation (UK)
FRC Free residual chlorine
FSA Food Standards Agency
FSMS Food safety management system
FSO Food safety objective
FT‐MIRS Fourier transform mid‐infrared spectroscopy
GAP Good agricultural practice
GC Gas chromatography
GDP Good distribution practice
GFSI Global food safety initiative
GHP Good hygienic practice
GIS Geographic information systems
GLAA Gangmaster and Labour Abuse Authority (formerly Gangmaster Licensing Authority)
GLP Good laboratory practice
GM Genetically modified
GMO Genetically modified organism
GMP Good manufacturing practice
GPS Global positioning system
GRI Global reporting initiative
HACCP Hazard analysis critical control point
HAZOP Hazard analysis and operability study
HCA High‐care area
HMSO Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (now The Stationery Office)
HPA Health Protection Agency
HPLC High‐performance liquid chromatography
HR High risk
HRA High‐risk area
HR‐MS High‐resolution mass spectroscopy
HSE Health and Safety Executive
ICCT International cold chain technology
ICMSF International Committee for Microbiological Specifications for Foods
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IFST Institute of Food Science & Technology (UK)
IOSH Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)
IPPC Integrated pollution prevention and control
IRMS Isotope ratio mass spectrometry
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISO/TS International Organization for Standardization/Technical Specification
JECFA Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
KPI Key performance indicator
LA Local authority
LACORS Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services (UK) [formerly LACOTS (Local Authorities Coordinating Body on Trading Standards)]
LOAEL Lowest observable adverse effect level
LR Low risk
LRA Low‐risk area
MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (UK)
MANCP Multi‐Annual National Control Plan
MAP Modified atmosphere packaging
MIR Mid infrared
MIRS–NIRS Mid and near infrared spectroscopy
MITE Measuring inspection and testing equipment
MRA Microbiological risk assessment
MS Mass spectroscopy
NAMAS National Measurement Accreditation Service (see UKAS)
NFCU National Food Crime Unit
NIR Near infrared
NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance
NMR/MSIR Nuclear magnetic resonance coupled with mass spectrometry of isotopic ratio
NOAEL No observable adverse effect level
NPTA National Pest Technicians Association
OCR Optical character recognition
OECD Organisation for European Co‐operation and Development
PAS Publicly available specification
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
PCR‐LP PCR‐length polymorphism
PDCA Plan, do, check, act
PDO Protected designation of origin
PGI Protected geographic indication
PHE Public Health England
PPE Personal protective equipment
PR Pathogenesis‐related
PRP Prerequisite programme
QFF Quick frozen foodstuffs
RASFF Risk Assessment Food and Feed (EU food and feed alert forum)
RCP Recommended Code of Practice
RFID Radio frequency identification
RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
RS Remote sensing
RTC Ready to cook
RTE Ready to eat
RTP Returnable transit packaging
RTRH Ready to reheat
Q Qualitative
QMS Quality management system
QR Quick response (code)
QRA Quantitative risk assessment
QUID Quantitative ingredient declaration
SA Social accountability
SEDEX Supplier Ethical Data Exchange
SFBB Safer Food Better Business
SI Statutory Instrument (UK)
SMART Specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, time‐based
SMETA Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit
SMS Security management system
SNIF‐NMR Site‐specific natural isotope fractionation by nuclear magnetic resonance
SNP Single nucleotide polymorphism
SPC Statistical process control
SPS Sanitary and phytosanitary
SQ Semi‐quantitative
STR Short tandem repeats
TACCP Threat analysis critical control point
TRU Traceable resource unit
TSG Traditional speciality guaranteed
TSO Trading standards officer
UK United Kingdom
UKAS UK Accreditation Service (formerly NAMAS, q.v.)
USA United States of America
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
UV Ultraviolet
VACCP Vulnerability assessment critical control point
VAS Vulnerability assessment software
VITAL Voluntary incidental trace allergen labelling
VR Verification risk
WHO World Health Organization
WTO World Trade Organization
XML Extensible markup language
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