
The manufacture of foods for export purposes requires general compliance with the principles embodied throughout this Guide, namely those of meeting specific legislation and/or regulatory obligations, and of ensuring that packaging and shipping arrangements are adequate and suitable. It is the responsibility of the producer, unless manufacturing for a specific contract on behalf of the importer or ultimate customer, to be aware of and follow the pertinent rules relating to export from the country of origin and to acceptance in the country of destination.

54.1 Licensing or inspection of the producing plant may be required so that formal approval can be given prior to seeking to export product, as may certification of materials or processes. In some cases, inspection or enforcement may lie with the authorities from the country of destination, or their agents, while in others, national or local authorities may carry out an acceptance function.

54.2 Due regard should be paid to the requirements of port health authorities and customs both in the United Kingdom (UK) and the importing country.

54.3 Attention should be paid to the packaging and shipping requirements, particularly with regard to dimensions, weights, stowage, protection, hygiene and contamination risks. Where appropriate, clear instructions should be provided on the packaging and/or in accompanying documentation on any special treatment or precautions required and procedures to adopt in the event of breakage, accident or delay.

54.4 Due attention to use of appropriate languages and international symbols should be given in relation to transit arrangements and ultimate destination.

54.5 In the manufacture of products for export, due regard should be paid to the suitability of the product formulation and packaging for the environmental circumstances likely to be encountered en route and at the ultimate destination.

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