
Abetting, 4647

Accounts receivables, 16

Aiding, 4647

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 4

Analytical procedures, 2527

Antifraud role, 8

antifraud education, 105106

of board of directors, 8387

forensic accountants, 9799

of external auditors, 9197

of internal auditors, 8891

of management, 8788

market, 100101

correction mechanisms, 101103

policies and practices, 7682

private-sector investigators, 99

public-sector investigator, 99

of regulators, 103105

of short sellers, 97

standard setters, 100101

Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 28

Asset misappropriation, 1518

accounts receivables, 16

cash schemes, 16

employee fraud and theft, 1718

fixed assets schemes, 16

inventory, 16

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), 10, 71, 149

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), 114

Audit risk (AR) model, 37

Benford’s law, 27

Big Data, 29, 122125

Block-chain technology, 150

Board of directors, antifraud role of, 8387

Brainstorming sessions, 2122

computer-mediated technique, 21

mind-mapping, 21

open-ended technique, 21

strategic reasoning, 21

Bribery, 149

Cash schemes, 16

Certified Forensic Accounting Credential (CFAC), 2

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), 2, 98, 115

Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF), 2

Certified Public Accountants (CPA), 2

Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), 2

Challenges in forensic accounting, 113138

Big Data, 122125

corporate governance challenges, 125128

data analytics, 122125

digital forensics, 120122

forensic accountants, 115137

antifraud program and plan, 134135

enterprise risk management (ERM), 135136

financial fraud investigation, 115120

internal control reporting, 132133

XBRL-generated financial reports, 136137

investment decisions by investors, 126

power-sharing, 127

sustainability reporting and assurance, 130131

whistleblowing, 128130

Collusion, 146147

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), 5657

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), 8, 41

Computer-mediated brainstorming, 2122

Concealed liabilities, 9, 1112

Conditions, corporate structure, and choice (3Cs), 66

Conspiracy, 146147

Control risk (CR), 38

Corporate gatekeepers role in FSF, 83106

antifraud education, 105106

board of directors, 8387

external auditors, 9197

forensic accountants, 9799

internal auditors, 8891

management, 8788

market correction mechanisms, 101103

market, 100101

private-sector investigators, 99

public-sector investigator, 99

regulators, 103105

short sellers, 97

standard setters, 100101

to narrow expectation gap, 95

Corporate governance

challenges, 125128

fraud, forensic accountants role in, 55108. See also financial statement fraud (FSF)

detecting and preventing, 55108

Cressey, Donald, 3

Cut-off fraud, 10

Cyberattacks, 152156

Cybercrime, 152156

Data analytics, 28, 122125

Demonstrative evidence, 20

Detection risk (DR), 38

Digital forensics, 120122

Dundas BI, 124

IBM Cognos Analytics, 124

Microsoft SharePoint, 124

Direct evidence, 19

Documents, 3

Dodd–Frank (DOF) Act of 2010, 129

Dundas BI, 124

Earnings management, 9, 1314

Economic, governance, social, ethics, and environmental (EGSEE), 131

Education, antifraud, 105106

Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR), 136

Emerging issues in fraud investigation, 143156

bribery, 149

collusion, 146147

conspiracy, 146147

fair value estimation, 145146

forensic accountants, 144145

money laundering, 147148

Ponzi schemes, 149150

revenue recognition, 144145

Employee fraud and theft, 1718

detection, 18

prevention, 18

Enterprise risk management (ERM), 135136

Error or fraud, 92

Evidence, 1830

demonstrative, 20

direct, 19

gathering, 1830

planning and preparation, 2021

procedures, 2021

reporting, and court proceedings, 21

identifying, 1820

real or physical, 20

rules of, 1920

testimonial, 19

types of, 1920

Evidence-gathering methods, 2130

artificial neural networks (ANNs), 28

Benford’s law, 27

brainstorming sessions, 2122

computer-mediated technique, 2122

forensic data analytics, 28

mind-mapping, 2122

open-ended technique, 21

red flag identification, 2224. See also individual entry

strategic reasoning, 21

Expert system aids, 2425

Extensible business reporting language (XBRL), 136137

External auditors, antifraud role of, 9197

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 136

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), 153

Federal Rules of Evidence, 4546

Fictitious revenues, 911

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 144145

Financial fraud investigation, 115120

Financial reporting analysis, 26

common size, 26

trend analysis, 27

Financial reporting fraud (FRF), 68

accountability element of, 7

Financial statement fraud (FSF), 5671, 114. See also under corporate gatekeepers role

actions, 119

consequences, 119

elements, 118

The Act, 120

The Concealment, 120

The Conversion, 120

forensic accountants’ role, 59

failures, 6061

functions, 119

harmfulness, 116118

occurrences, reasons for, 58

conditions, corporate structure, and choice (3Cs), 66

prevention, detection, and correction, 7880

reported FSF, 6366

schemes, 70

Fixed assets schemes, 16

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), 149

Forensic Certified Public Accountant (FCPA), 2

Forensic data analytics, 28

Fraud models, 39

economic incentives, 8

fraud diamond, 5

fraud triangle, 4

fraud-on-the-market theory, 101

incentive, 3, 5, 7

opportunity, 3, 5, 7

Pentagon model, 5

rationalization, 3, 67

Fraudulent misstatements, 914

concealed liabilities, 9, 1112

earnings management, 9, 1314

fictitious revenues, 911

improper asset valuation, 9, 13

improper disclosure, 9, 12

timing difference fraud, 911

valuation, 9, 13

Free of material misstatement, 92

Hermanson, D.R., 4

High-Risk Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Areas (HIFCAs), 148

IBM Cognos Analytics, 124

Improper asset valuation, 9, 13

Improper disclosure, 9, 12

Incentive, 3, 5, 7

Information technology, fraud and, 150152

Inherent risk (IR), 37

Integrated financial and internal control reporting (IFICR), 132

Internal auditors, antifraud role of, 8891

Internal control over financial reporting (ICFR), 132133

Internal controls, 4344

International Standards Organization (ISO), 152

Interviews, 4750

Inventory fraud schemes, 16

Investigative risk, 37

Investigative techniques, 4451

abetting, 4647

aiding, 4647

deposition, 4445

Federal Rules of Evidence, 4546

interrogation, 49

interviews, 4750

report, preparing, 5051

testifying experts, 45

testimony, 4445

Kedia, B., 7

Management, antifraud role of, 8788

Market correction mechanisms, 101103

Market, antifraud role of, 100101

Matters Under Inquiry (MUI), 104

Microsoft SharePoint, 124

Misstatements, 918. See also fraudulent misstatements

fraudulent financial reporting, 9

misappropriation of assets, 9

Money laundering, 147148

National Money Laundering Strategy, 148

Opportunities in forensic accounting, 3, 5, 7, 113138

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) certification, 115

SEC initiatives, 115

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), 115

Pentagon model of financial reporting fraud, 5

Ponzi schemes, 149150

Private-sector investigators, 99

Processes of forensic accounting, 131

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 14, 37, 93

Public-sector investigator, 99

Rationalization, 3, 67

Real/physical evidence, 20

Reasonable assurance, 92, 94

Red flag identification, 2224

change in behavior red flags, 23

employee red flags, 23

expert system aids, 2425

management red flags, 23

regression models, 24

Regression models, 24

Regulators, antifraud role of, 100101

Risk management, 3643

audit risk (AR) model, 37

components, 4142

control risk (CR), 38

detection risk (DR), 38

inherent risk (IR), 37

investigative risk, 37

Roles of forensic accounting, 131

documents, 3

forensic accountants, 23

witness statements, 3

Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) Act, 12, 56

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 19

Short sellers in discovering fraud, 97

Skepticism, 95

Special-purpose entities (SPEs), 145

Standard setters, antifraud role of, 100101

Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), 148

Sustainability reporting, 130131

Techniques, forensic accounting, 3553. See also investigative techniques; risk management

internal controls, 4344

Testimonial evidence, 19

Thornton, Grant, 121

Timing difference fraud, 911

Vehicles of variable interest entities (VIESs), 145

Whistleblowing, 128130

Witness statements, 3

Wolfe, D.T., 4

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