I'm currently sitting at the highest café in the Chamonix ski resort, facing Mont Blanc, the second‐tallest mountain in Europe, and drinking hot wine as I write this.

My workload these days is around five hours a week, totally remote.

My computer, camera, sometimes WiFi, and power are literally the only things I require for my work.

I'm 33, a multimillionaire, an entrepreneur running multiple businesses, and an investor in real estate (11 dwellings at present count), precious metals, crypto, fine art, businesses, and more. Technically, I could be completely retired as my passive income from just my properties is enough to cover all my expenses, which is 100 percent hands off. Retirement is not something I seek, however.

Obviously, this isn't a position that I landed into straight away. I had to start at the bottom of the entrepreneurial ladder.

And it started with a simple idea: I will learn to work remotely. There is no plan B.

I knew my life was going to be filled with endless adventures and travel, and I knew a job would get in the way of that. And I wasn't about to allow some silly need for a paycheck get in the way, just so that I could feed myself.

And I meant that. I wasn't going to have a plan B. That was never an option—no matter how long it took, no matter if I had to eat baked beans for years, no matter if I had to sleep on friends’ couches without a place to call my own. All my energy was directed at this goal.

I started working in bars, juggling four waitress/bartender jobs at once while I was studying marketing (one of the most important skills that helped me get to where I am).

Bar jobs covered my living expenses while at the same time freeing up my brain space so I could return home after work and study the necessary skills I needed to make an online business work.

When I tell people that I worked 16‐hour days in my twenties, people often laugh, don't believe it, or romanticize the idea that perhaps I was making little YouTube videos or reading up about how social media works.

Well, those were components of it, but so was cleaning up drunk people's vomit in the bar bathroom at midnight.

The entrepreneur's journey is never pretty. It certainly tests you and makes you truly realize that there is no job beneath you if it's helping you on the journey of becoming eventually free.

And yes, I understand that some will need to work three jobs just to support their household, as there is no spare time or money to try to focus on growing a side business for them.

That is a chapter in the life of that person, who isn't in the incredible position you are in right now, just trying to understand remote work by holding this book.

And that's why we need to pursue our dreams, for us and for them.

For the people who right now cannot make this lifestyle a dream of theirs, perhaps eventually your remote work will be so successful that you'll be able to give back and help to free others from the burden of just having to exist day to day, with no potential of future planning.

That's something I have the opportunity to do these days, thanks to my work that blossomed beyond my wildest dreams.

But then, there's also the crew that will shun any mention of the drastic personal responsibility like the responsibility this book will demand that you have in order to make the entrepreneurial lifestyle work for you, because it's an uncomfortable truth for many, in a far too comfortable world.

If I had a cent for every excuse or comment I read from people trying to explain why they couldn't make their dream come true, I would have been a multimillionaire at a much younger age. That shield keeps these people hidden from the demand to give it everything they've got in order to be great.

And so, don't be that person. Don't complain that you can't have your dream life if you truly realize that you're just lying to yourself. You're literally just hurting yourself by trying to protect your lies.

Okay, now back to the story of how I got here.

Following my vomit‐cleaning, study‐filled years, I ended up getting a job as a marketing coordinator, which progressed into a marketing manager position. This experience lasted two years, and it was one of the greatest jobs I could hold because it taught me even more about what I needed in order to make my own online business work.

My eyes were always on the prize.

My job taught me the value of direct response marketing and the value of selling online education, which is something that people always seek, something they always need, something that you get to price yourself without permission, and you have a global market to sell to, 24 hours a day.

It unlocked my eyes to creating a great product, building a community around that interest, and marketing it over and over, with the sales coming in hour after hour, day after day, including when you sleep.

So what is the core of my business now?

Exactly what I learned during my long, cold, gray office years, which is selling digital products.

Through what I learned during every single job I ever had, including the bar jobs, I have now created and mastered my go‐to formula, launching very successfully five times now, selling upwards of $5 million in revenue, most of that being pure profit.

This has been repeated in a vast range of interest areas as well.

This all might sound very simple to you, or perhaps you're rolling your eyes thinking, “I'm sure it worked for you, but it won't work for me.”

Sure, you can say that to yourself, and it will be true.

I instead chose to see other people living this type of life and seeing it as evidence that this world was meant for me, and that if other people could do it, so could I. All I needed to do now was to skill myself up within the necessary areas to get to my goal of working wherever in the world I wanted to.

I absorbed every drop of information around me to see if it was suitable for my online monetization journey, chose to be very selective with my time, and unfortunately made those sacrifices not to go out and party because there was nothing tastier than freedom, which was in the near(ish) distance.

Pair that with my unshakable confidence that I would succeed, with no backup plan.

And I got there.

This is why this book you're about to read is so significant.

While it took me from the age of 19 until 30 to figure out the formula, which is replicable within my field, category, and interest area and which more or less guarantees results, I know it probably didn't have to take this long.

I never had a manual. I never had a road map.

When I started my journey, the idea of working online and living wherever in the world I wanted to, for as long as I wanted, simply was not a real possibility. It was inconceivable.

In fact, people laughed at it and at anyone trying to pursue this world.

There were hardly any examples of people living this way because, indeed, the internet wasn't as saturated as it is today—a full, wonderful, endless library to help you grow, and accessible at your fingertips.

I used to have to fight with people, saying how outdated the 9‐to‐5 office work model was and that people need to work less and be able to work remotely in order to be happier and more productive.

And then the COVID pandemic hit, and it swiftly shifted most people's perceptions from thinking this world was impossible to realizing it was actually a much better way of working.

But then people were left with the question of how to live this new lifestyle forever, maybe even wanting to become their own boss.

And how to start this journey?

That's why I'm thrilled you're holding this significant book in your hands from a woman who accomplished great success for herself at such a young age, defying all the odds to come out on top—someone who is living a life that almost everyone dreams of.

I personally never thought to create a road map for people interested in escaping the 9‐to‐5 grind and transitioning into their next remote work chapter.

My path wasn't smooth, and I wouldn't know how to put it into a manual.

But Alexandra Fasulo figured out the essential components you need to make this journey so much easier for you.

You're in amazing hands. Take notes and follow her guidance carefully, knowing that sometimes copying a strategy is the perfect thing to do until you work out your own spice in the recipe.

But the most important advice I have and always tell people is to please take action.

You don't need to take giant leaps daily. Small daily action and energy focus will get you there, I promise you.

This world is for everyone, and it is possible for anyone.

It doesn't require anything special of anyone except the dedication to make this goal happen.

Because the beautiful thing about the internet is that there is a market out there for everyone to sell anything.

If you can think it up, you can find it and sell it on the internet, whether it's being your own boss or finding a forward‐thinking company to work for that encourages remote working and that you believe in.

People before you, like Alex and me, have made this reality possible for themselves, and you're not different from us.

The fact that you're holding this book shows you want this for yourself.

So strap in, baby, because your life is about to change significantly, and you can thank yourself for being brave enough to believe you can.

Now go out there and do great work.

—Sorelle Amore
CEO of

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