A Final Suggestion

If you want some good models of how to work with teams, take a look at the best coaches and see how they do it. Be careful, though, not to model the supermacho coach’s behavior. That might work okay with a sports team, where people are there because they want to be there, but it is unlikely to work well with a project team where the members are there because they have to be. I also suggest that you watch the movie Stand and Deliver and see how Jaime Escalante deals with his kids. Then, the next time you are tempted to complain that you have a lot of responsibility and no authority, ask yourself how a teacher (who has even less authority than you do) can get a bunch of kids to work so hard. How did he get them to go to summer school or take math two periods a day? Then you will begin to realize what true leadership is all about.

Key Points to Remember

  • Teams don’t just happen—they must be built!

  • Having the entire team participate in planning is one way to start the team-building process.

  • Deal with goals, roles and responsibilities, procedures, and relationships, in that order.

  • So-called personality conflicts are often caused by team members’ poor interpersonal skills. For teams to function well, all members should receive training in this area.

  • The style of leadership appropriate for a team depends on its stage of development. In the forming stage, it is directive. In storming, it is influencing. At the norming stage, switch to a participative style. Finally, when the team reaches the performing stage, you can be delegative.

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