• age, effect on brain
  • AGES model of learning
  • alcohol, and sleep
  • Alzheimer's disease, and sleep
  • amygdala
  • anterior cingulate cortex
    • — functions
    • — and obesity
  • anxiety see depression and anxiety
  • attention see also attention spans; attention networks; focus
    • — ability to pay
    • — effects of technology on
    • — strategies for paying
    • — through active listening
    • — at work
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Attention Deficit Trait (ADT)
  • attention networks
  • attention spans
    • — active listening
  • attitude see also growth mindset
    • — open-mindedness
    • — self-belief
    • — success
    • — work, effect on

  • basal ganglia, role of
  • brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
  • brainstorming, drawbacks
  • brain training
    • — through curiosity
    • — neuroplasticity
    • — online programs
  • brain wave activity

  • caffeine, effects on brain performance
  • change
    • — adopting a culture of
    • — basal ganglia, role of
    • — of habits
    • — implementation of
    • — and limbic system
    • — obstacles to
    • — as threat
  • cognitive decline
  • cognitive peak
  • collaboration
    • — being accepted
    • — creating a culture of
    • — groupthink
    • — making connections
    • — physical contact
    • — team intelligence
    • — team performance, enhancing
  • collective intelligence see team intelligence
  • curiosity
    • — cultivating in the workplace
    • — dopamine release
    • — importance of
    • — role in creativity
  • creativity see also innovation
    • — cultivating in the workplace
    • — and exercise
    • — through curiosity
    • — through mindfulness
    • — thinking outside the box

  • decision-making
  • depression and anxiety
    • — exercise
    • — nutrition
    • — sleep deprivation
  • diets
    • — Mediterranean diet, the
    • — and mindfulness
  • distraction, managing see also focus

  • emotion, at work
  • energy see also nutrition
  • energy conservation, by brain
  • essential fatty acids see omega-3
  • exercise
    • — aerobic activity, benefits
    • — for anxiety and depression reduction
    • — best time of day for
    • — best type of
    • — boosting levels of
    • — brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
    • — businesses, effects for
    • — for creativity
    • — increased blood flow to brain
    • — motivation for
    • — neuroplasticity through
    • — sitting versus standing at work
    • — for stress reduction
    • — walking meetings
    • — at work
  • exercising the brain see brain training

  • fats, importance for the brain
    • — omega-3
    • — trans
  • fight or flight response
  • focus
    • — active listening
    • — attention
    • — Attention Deficit Trait (ADT)
    • — boosting with food
    • — effects of technology
    • — fragility of
    • — multitasking vs monotasking
    • — strategies to
    • — time-chunking
    • — ultradian rhythm
    • — at work
  • food choices
    • — for cognitive ability
    • — for memory
    • — and Mediterranean diet
    • — social factors
  • frontal lobes
    • — function
    • — and obesity
  • fuelling the brain

  • groupthink
  • growth mindset
    • — cultivating for the individual
    • — cultivating in an organisation

  • habit-change
  • Hebb's rule
  • hippocampus
    • — and memory
    • — and mindfulness
    • — and obesity
    • — sugar, effects of
  • hydration
  • hypothalamus, effects of sleep deprivation

  • innovation
    • — and brain hemispheres
    • — through curiosity
    • — insight
    • — problem-solving
    • — thinking outside the box
    • — workplace, cultivating in
    • — workplace, importance for
  • insight
    • — problem-solving
    • — right vs left brain dominance

  • leadership
    • — and neuroscience
    • — strategies for
    • — TRAICE™ model
  • learning
    • — AGES model
    • — best environmental state for
    • — importance for survival
    • — and mindfulness
    • — and neuroplasticity
    • — promoting a culture of
    • — the reticular activating system

  • meditation
  • Mediterranean diet, the
  • memory
    • — caffeine
    • — food choices
    • — hippocampus
    • — mindfulness
    • — sleep
    • — training of
    • — trans fats
  • mental stretching see brain training
  • mindfulness
    • — benefits of
    • — for leadership
    • — meditation
    • — and neuroplasticity
    • — practice of
  • mindset see attitude
  • monotasking
  • multitasking

  • napping at work
  • Neoteny
  • neuroplasticity see also brain training
    • — in business
    • — through curiosity
    • — through exercise
  • nutrition see also obesity
    • — as brain fuel
    • — brain energy, effects on
    • — caffeine
    • — mood, effects on
    • — fasting
    • — focus
    • — good fats and bad fats
    • — glucose
    • — hydration
    • — Mediterranean diet, the
    • — omega-3
    • — sugar
    • — trans fats
    • — willpower
    • — in workplace

  • obesity, shrinking the brain
    • — effects on cognition
  • omega-3
    • — for lowering depression
    • — for optimal brain functioning
  • open-mindedness
  • oxytocin

  • Parkinson's disease and sleep
  • plastic brain see neuroplasticity
  • positive thinking
  • prefrontal cortex (PFC)
    • — curiosity
    • — functions of
    • — mindfulness
    • — sleep deprivation
  • problem-solving

  • shift-workers
  • sitting at work, negative effects of
  • social connections
    • — and acceptance, importance of
    • — importance of making
    • — and physical contact
  • sleep see also sleep deprivation
    • — alcohol, effects of
    • — amount needed
    • — importance for brain
    • — memory, impact on
    • — mindfulness
    • — napping
    • — promoting
    • — REM
    • — sleep cycles
    • — for waste removal in the brain
  • sleep deprivation
    • — avoiding in the workplace
    • — cognition, effects on
    • — economic impact of
    • — memory, effects on
    • — mood, effects on
    • — in shift-workers
    • — technology, caused by
    • — work, effects on
    • — working excessive hours
  • stress
    • — alleviating
    • — benefits of asking for assistance
    • — effect on health (belief)
    • — fight or flight response
    • — learning
    • — managing of
    • — mindfulness
    • — at work
  • sugar, effects on brain

  • team intelligence
  • team work see collaboration
  • TRAICE™ model of leadership
    • — autonomy
    • — clarity
    • — empathy
    • — impartiality
    • — respect
    • — trust
  • thalamus
    • — function
    • — and obesity
  • thinking outside the box
  • training the brain see brain training
  • trans fats
    • — and mood, effects on
    • — and memory

  • ultradian rhythm
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