Like crafting an Oscar acceptance speech, writing the acknowledgments for this book has been almost harder than writing the book itself, because there are so many people to thank. Each deserves their own special recognition for their contribution, for which I am forever deeply grateful.

This book would never have seen the light of day without the input, advice and wisdom that only a magnificent mentor can provide. Matt Church, it was tough love on occasions, but you provided what was needed to lift, nurture and develop my ideas. Thank you for always expecting more, for raising the bar, and getting me to do the work.

Tiffany Turpin, your editing ability to help turn what was originally a complete dog's breakfast into a half-decent first draft was much appreciated.

To the Wiley team, Chris, Ingrid and Peter, thank you so much for your support and guidance throughout the process. To Lucy Raymond an especial thank you for your initial belief in this book, that allowed the dream to become a reality.

Jem Bates, thank you so much for making the editing process such a constructive and enjoyable process. Your ability to sharpen up my writing and condense ideas into a more reader-friendly format has been invaluable.

Kate Matheson, for once words fail me. You have such an amazing brain — your breadth of knowledge of the English language, your razor sharp wit and creative talents appear to know no bounds. Thank you for all your input into the book, brilliant design work for the graphics and most importantly, your friendship.

Then there are all those supporters in the stands, the people who have contributed both directly or indirectly to the birth of Future Brain. To my fellow speakers and world class presenters on our Showcase journey in 2014: Yamini Naidu, Janine Garner, Lynne Cazaly, Angela Lockwood, Jamie Pride, Natasha Pincus and Marcus Bird — thank you. To Janine, who never failed to remind me that a Yorkshire lass never leaves the house without her big girl's pants on. To my fellow thought leaders Jason Fox, Gihan Perera and Mike House — thank you. You all continue to inspire me in my quest to share my message around the planet.

Cath Sutherland and Claire Savage, your friendship, support, fireside chats and raw chocolate treats have meant so much.

The one person without whom I would never have started this new journey and transformation from GP to professional speaker and author is my wonderful husband John, who has always believed in what I do and provided unconditional love and support; from always being there to pick me up from yet another late night flight back into Perth, to quietly just getting on with cooking dinner and sorting out all the other things going on at home, when he knows my ‘I'm just finishing this’ means I'll be more than a little while longer working in the back office.

To Tom and Sophie, who have grown into such beautiful, strong, well-rounded individuals. I'm so proud of everything you do and the people you have become. I love you to bits. This book is for you.

And finally thank you to you, the reader, for taking the time to stop and read this book, and discover what you can use to create your own high-performance brain.

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