Large-Scale Terrain Rendering
for Outdoor Games
Ferenc Pint´er
3.1 Introduction
Visualizing large scale (above 10 km
) landscapes on current generation consoles
is a challenging task, because of the restricted amount of memory and processing
power compared with high-end PCs. This article describes in detail how we
approach both limitations and deal with the different content creation, rendering,
and performance issues. After a short explanation of the decisions and trade-
offs we made, terrain-content generation and rendering methods will follow. We
conclude by listing the pros and cons of our technique, measured implementation
performance, as well as possible extensions.
Figure 3.1. In-game screenshot of a 10 km
canyon area. (
2010 Digital Reality.)
78 II Rendering
A variety of industry solutions exist for both representing terrain geometry
and texturing its surface. Our choices were made with regard to our requirements,
which were: a small memory footprint (<20 MB), good rendering performance
(<6 ms), easy in-editor (re)painting without UV distortions, and large view dis-
tances (>10km), as in Figure 3.1.
3.1.1 Geometry Choice
We opted for mesh-based terrain, which allows for steep, distortion-free slopes and
vastly different resolution levels, with complete artist control (as compared with
heightfields with vertex-texture fetching, or render to vertex buffer (R2VB) [An-
dersson 07]-heightfields, which, however, can provide in-editor/runtime modifi-
able geometry). We also chose to store the compressed vertex and triangle data
instead of performing on-the-fly mesh construction and the caching, which is
sometimes found in planetary rendering engines [Brebion 08, Kemen 08]. Our
scale is smaller, and once again we opted for greater artist flexibility.
3.1.2 Texturing Choice
Our solution is based on per-pixel splatting from tiling atlas texture elements,
thus it reuses texels over the entire surface of the terrain. This is similar to tech-
niques implemented in other games (Battlestations: Pacific [Eidos 08], Figure 3.2,
and Infinity [Brebion 08]), but instead of using just height- and slope-based rules
with additional noise to determine the terrain type at any given pixel, it also re-
lies on precomputed data. This way our artists can paint over the entire terrain,
even on uniquely modeled mesh objects. Since the terrain’s UVs are unique and
relaxed, no distortion appears, even on vertical or slightly overhanging walls.
This method has two main advantages over streaming ultrahigh resolution
maps [van Waveren 09, Mittring 08, Barrett 08, van Rossen 08]. First, the re-
quired storage space is very low (<15 MB). Second, it does not saturate streaming
or bus transfer bandwidth. Instant switching between cameras located far from
each other is also solved due to the runtime evaluation of shading and texturing.
Another advantage is complete artist control of the texturing, which might be
more difficult when relying only on procedural or fractal-based methods [Bre-
bion 08,Kemen 08,Eidos 08]. On the other hand, not using unique texture data
does result in less variance, though we did not find this to be noticeable.
Extending our asset creation and rendering by using procedural techniques
proved to be invaluable. The techniques helped create the basis for various out-
door art assets (foliage, detail object, and terrain texturing) through subtle pa-
rameter changes, thus saving time. They also cut memory and bandwidth usage
too, emphasizing the fact that GPUs are much faster at doing math than fetching
from memory.
3. Large-Scale Terrain Rendering for Outdoor Games 79
Figure 3.2. Screenshot from Battlestations: Pacific, released on XBOX 360 and PC.
2008 Square Enix Europe.)
3.2 Content Creation and Editing
3.2.1 Workflow
Our terrain assets originate from multiple DCC tools. Artists create the base
terrain layout and simple mesh objects with which designers can test level func-
tionality. After this first phase is complete, the base terrain model gets greater
morphological and soil-type detail using erosion tools. Artists can iteratively re-
touch the detailed models if needed, and can also bake ambient occlusion (AO)
values to the mesh vertices. Parallel to advancing in geometry, textures repre-
senting different soil-types get authored and used by the terrain shader. The
following steps happen in our in-game editor, after the meshes have been im-
ported from COLLADA format. During this import step, the base terrain gets
split into smaller chunks, and level-of-detail (LOD) levels are generated. We also
use smaller, paintable, and reuseable objects for rock formations, referred to as
mesh objects later on. The next step in content creation is additional manual
painting for both the base terrain and the mesh objects in the game editor. The
finest detail in soil-type information and color tinting is determined in this phase.
Finally, mesh and texture assets go through different compression paths for each
platform. The complete process is illustrated in Figure 3.3.
80 II Rendering
Figure 3.3. Terrain content pipeline/art workflow. (
2010 Digital Reality.)
3.2.2 Determining Soil Type
Multiple approaches may be used to decide which soil type to apply to a given
region of the terrain. Since this information does not change during gameplay it
may be precomputed and stored offline.
3.2.3 Procedural Rules Stored in a Lookup Table
A lookup table (LUT) may be used to determine which terrain type shall occur
at different terrain slope and height values. The LUT can be stored as a two-
dimensional texture parameterized by terrain slope and height along the u and v
axes. Addressing the table at runtime requires using slope-height pairs, interpo-
lated data coming from the vertex shader [Eidos 08, Brebion 08]. Its advantage
is fast iteration times, and simple implementation, though it has its drawbacks
too. Because the LUT is applied globally to the terrain, it does not allow the
artists to have local control over the terrain’s texturing. Moreover, because the
LUT is completely decoupled from the position of terrain in the game world, we
cannot store local shading or color-tint information such as local soil types in it.
3. Large-Scale Terrain Rendering for Outdoor Games 81
We found these drawbacks too restricting, and chose to go with the approaches
listed below.
3.2.4 Procedural and Manual Painting Stored in a UV-Space Tilemap
Alternatively, we can use tile-index texture that covers the entire terrain and can
be sampled using the unique, relaxed UV. In our case, we used a 4-channel map,
encoding a color-tint value in three channels (to break repetitive patterns), and
the terrain-type index in the fourth (see Figure 3.4). This method has multiple
advantages over the first: it can be locally controlled by art needs, separate
regions within the map can be edited concurrently by multiple artists, and it can
also use procedural methods as its basis. The only drawback is that is uses a fixed
resolution for terrain-type data, but this never proved to be a problem for us.
Figure 3.4. Alpha channel of the painted 512
tilemap, containing terrain-type info.
2010 Digital Reality.)
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