
400 Project, 150



elimination, 286287

in Machinations diagrams, 8182

process of, 286287

simplification, 286287

in simulations, 286287

action games

level progression, 131

mechanics, 8

power-ups and collectibles in, 131133


challenges associated with, 4344

effect of, 43

unexpected, 44

Adams, Ernest

definition of games, 1

Fundamentals of Game Design, 59

hierarchy of challenges, 229

player-centric design, 169, 292

adventure games, mechanics, 8

Alexander, Christopher, 148

America’s Army, 287, 299

analogous simulation, 288289, 291293

Angry Birds, 31

physics, 6

strategy in, 10

vs. World of Goo, 1011

AP (artificial player). See artificial players; players

arms race pattern

applicability, 330

collaborations, 331

consequences, 331

examples, 332

implementation, 331332

intent, 330

participants, 331

related patterns, 332

structure, 330

type, 330

Art of Computer Game Design, 232

artificial players. See also direct commands; Machinations diagrams; players

activate(parameter) command, 175

adding to Machinations diagrams, 172

additive script condition, 174

color-coded, 175

deactivate() command, 175

defining in SimWar, 191192

designing strategies, 177

diagram with, 171

direct commands, 172173

endTurn() command, 175

equality script condition, 174

if statements, 173175

linking, 178

logical and script condition, 174

logical or script condition, 174

in Monopoly, 179

multiplicative script condition, 174

nonequality script condition, 174

purpose of, 177

Quick Run option, 176177

relational script condition, 174

removing randomness, 177178

script box, 172

script conditions, 173174

selecting node for, 172

stopDiagram(message) command, 174

values in conditions, 175

Ashmore and Nietsche, 35

attrition pattern

applicability, 321

collaborations, 322

consequences, 322

examples, 323324

implementation, 322323

intent, 321

motivation, 321

participants, 322

related patterns, 325

structure, 322

type, 321

avatars, customizing attributes of, 135136



Difference pool, 116

negative feedback, 70, 116117

positive feedback, 7071, 116117

battle, mapping, 141

Beck, John, 272

“Behavioral Game Design,” 109


moral layer, 295

physical layer, 295

political layer, 295

as satire, 295

Björk, Staffan, 151

blackjack game, length of, 2

board games

randomness vs. emergence in, 128

reliance on emergent progression, 259

Bogost, Ian, 287

bombling keys, example of, 254

Boulder Dash, 9, 26

Brathwaite, Brenda, 297

breadcrumbs, defined, 72


Caesar III

advantages, 200

buildings, 204205

city economy, 199

connecting components, 206

connections between elements, 200201

converter engine, 202

described, 199

design patterns, 202

dominant economic structure, 202203

dynamic friction, 202

economic buildings, 201

economic relationships, 200

engine building, 202

farms, 204

as game of emergence, 206

landscape, 202203

maps, 203

markets, 205

mechanisms, 201

missions, 203

money for building, 203

multiple feedback, 202

negative feedback, 203204

phases of progression, 206

players, 200

progress in, 224

residences, 204

resources, 199

restricting players, 202203

Caillois, Roger, 222

cartoon physics, explained, 6

“The Case for Game Design Patterns,” 150

Caylus board game, activators in, 92, 128

cellular automata

Game of Life, 53

generation, 48

study of, 48

threshold for complexity, 50

tower defense games, 50

Wolfram’s, 4849

challenge to adventure, example of, 36


adding to improve experience, 231232

atomic, 229

focusing on, 229

relationship to actions, 4344

chance, relying on, 126

chaos vs. order

emergent systems, 4547

periodic systems, 4546

characters, customizing attributes of, 135136

charts, using, 63

chess game

charting patterns, 65

endgame, 65

long-term trend, 65

material number, 64

middle game, 65

opening stage, 65

shape of, 6465

strategic advantage, 6465

choice, creating via enemies, 231

Chomsky, Noam, 293

Church, Doug, 149150

Civilization, 2830

city economy of, 318

development phases in, 47

discrete mechanics, 29

economies in, 197198

economy construction, 77

gameplay phases, 30

golden ages, 30

historical periods, 30

phases, 2930

random maps in, 126

reverse triggers in, 111

vs. StarCraft, 40

strategies, 29

technology tree, 144

Civilization V, negative feedback in, 52

closed circuits, creating feedback with, 114115

cognitive effort vs. speed, 232

collectibles, indicating, 131133


delays and queues, 113

Machinations diagrams, 112113

combat construction

example of, 141142

in SimWar, 189

Command & Conquer: Red Alert, 69


interactivity of, 278

model of, 276

communication theory

art and entertainment, 277

channel, 276

design challenges, 280281

functions, 277

mechanics sending messages, 279280

medium and message, 277279

message, 276

poetic function, 277

receiver, 276

sender, 276

signal, 276

complex systems. See also emergence; science of complexity

active and interconnected parts, 4851

behavioral patterns, 5356

behaviors, 46

categorizing emergence, 5657

cell activity, 50

cellular automata, 48

defined, 45

destabilizing, 5153

dynamic behavior, 4950

ecosystems, 5153

emergence in, 47

feedback loops, 5153

intentional emergence, 56

long-range communication, 49

multiple emergence, 56

nominal emergence, 56

simple cells, 49

simple parts in, 2627

stabilizing, 5153

strong emergence, 57

weak emergence, 56

weather, 47


of game behavior, 45

of rules, 45

complexity barrier, explained, 37

complexity theory, applying to phase transitions, 267

concept stage, 13

Connect Four

gravity in, 28

vs. tic-tac-toe, 27

consistency vs. realism, 44

continuous mechanics, 9

converter element, elaborations for, 164

converter engine

applicability, 308

in Caesar III, 202

collaborations, 308

consequences, 309

examples, 309311

implementation, 309

intent, 308

motivation, 308

participants, 308

related patterns, 311

structure, 308

type, 308


explained, 62

vs. traders, 97

using with resources, 96

Conway, John, 53, 56

Cook, Daniel, 238239

Copenhagen Games Collective, 5

core mechanics

explained, 4

of video games, 4

Counter-Strike, gun fights in, 24

Crash Bandicoot

Kata stage, 242

Kihon stage, 241244

Kihon-kata stage, 241

Kumite stage, 242

Crawford, Chris, 25, 232


data intensity, 25


being aware of, 73

resolution in Zelda games, 73

delays, using in Machinations diagrams, 110111

Descent: Journeys in the Dark, 305

design, player-centric, 169

design patterns. See also pattern descriptions; pattern language

arms race, 158

attrition, 156

brainstorming with, 168169

in Caesar III, 202

combining, 161

converter engine, 154, 202, 216

defined, 148

vs. design vocabularies, 149

dynamic engine, 153, 162, 188, 212

dynamic friction, 155, 186, 202, 255256

engine building, 154, 212

Engines category, 153154

escalating challenge, 157, 232

escalating complexity, 157, 232, 269

Escalation category, 157158

Friction category, 155156

in games, 151

history of, 148149

improving, 168

law of diminishing returns, 156

multiple feedback, 158

playing style reinforcement, 158

slow cycle, 160161

static engine, 153

static friction, 155, 268

stopping mechanism, 156, 269

trade, 159

worker placement, 160

design process. See game design process

design tools

investing in, 166167

support for creativity, 167

design vocabularies, 149

intention, 150

online, 150

perceivable consequence, 150

story, 150

determinability. See also feedback structures

deterministic, 124

multiplayer-dynamic, 124

player skill, 124

random flow rates, 124

strategy, 124

Tetris example, 125

deterministic behavior, symbols for, 125

deterministic harvesting game, 129130

deterministic processes, explained, 2

Deus Ex, 25, 76

Diablo-style inventory, 289

dice, rolling, 290

die symbol, appearance of, 84

Diplomacy board game, unpredictability of, 3

direct commands. See also artificial players

fireAll(), 173

fire(node), 172

fireRandom(), 173, 178

fireSequence(), 173

discrete infinity, explained, 293

discrete mechanics, 9. See also mechanics

in Civilization, 29

innovating with, 11

interaction with, 10

in Zelda games, 36

dominant strategies, countering, 128130

Donkey Kong, vs. Super Mario Bros., 9

Doom, internal economy, 59

Dormans, Joris, 79


function of, 9596

versus sources, 6162

dynamic engine pattern, 153, 162

applicability, 305

collaborations, 306

consequences, 306

elaborating elements in, 162163

examples, 307

implementation, 306307

intent, 305

lock-and-key mechanisms, 255258

in Lunar Colony, 212

motivation, 305

participants, 306

related patterns, 307

The Settlers of Catan, 264

in SimWar, 188

structure, 306

type, 305

dynamic friction pattern

applicability, 316

in Caesar III, 202

collaborations, 316

consequences, 317

examples, 317318

explained, 155

implementation, 317

intent, 316

lock-and-key mechanisms, 255256

in Monopoly, 186

motivation, 316

participants, 316

related patterns, 318

structure, 316

type, 316


Eco, Umberto, 287, 294, 298299

economic functions

converters, 62

drains, 62

sources, 61

traders, 62

economic shapes, 6264

charts, 6263

chess, 6465

figures, 6263

graphs, 63

relating to mechanics, 6571

economy, defined, 59. See also internal economy

economy construction games

building blocks, 77

maps, 77

meta-economic structure, 77

economy-building games

effectiveness, 197

examples of, 197

goals in, 197


complexity of, 51

feedback loop, 51

predator vs. prey, 51

edutainment, 274

elaboration, 1314

applying to Machinations diagrams, 164

for converter element, 164

design focus, 165

explained, 162

of Harvester game, 163

reversing, 164

vs. simplification, 164165

using as design tool, 162

The Elder Scrolls series, 32, 135


producing progress in, 263

travel and trade in, 310

Elrod, Corvus, 18

emergence. See also complex systems

Caesar III game of, 206

categorizing in complex systems, 5657

Civilization example, 2830

complexity barrier, 37

complexity of, 2627

data and process intensity, 25

design considerations, 47

establishing goals for, 222

experiencing, 46

game states, 2728

gameplay, 2728

gameplay as, 4347

harnessing, 57

history of, 2324

integration with progression, 3941

mechanics of, 38

order vs. chaos, 4547

preference for, 24

probability space, 38

progress in, 224

vs. progression, 2425, 3031, 3738

vs. randomness, 126130

replay value, 45

vs. scripting, 268

structure of, 3738

terminology, 26

water-tap experiment, 46

emergent phases, progression through, 269

emergent progression. See also progress

and gameplay phases, 266267

overview, 258259

pacing in, 266

reliance of board games on, 259

variation in, 266

emergent storytelling, 262

emergent vs. periodic systems, 4547

end conditions

elements, 223

triggering, 112

enemies, adding to create choice, 231

energy-harvesting game, 128130, 163

engine-building pattern

applicability, 311

in Caesar III, 202

collaborations, 312

consequences, 312

examples, 313

implementation, 312313

intent, 311

in Lunar Colony, 212

motivation, 311

participants, 312

related patterns, 313

The Settlers of Catan, 264

structure of, 312

type, 311


compound, 61

in Monopoly, 61

simple, 61


changing, 66

defined, 66

dynamic vs. nondynamic, 70

of negative feedback mechanism, 70

shape of, 66

escalating challenge pattern

applicability, 325

collaborations, 326

consequences, 326

examples, 232, 326

implementation, 326

intent, 325

motivation, 325

participants, 326

related patterns, 326

structure, 325

type, 325

escalating complexity pattern, 232

applicability, 327

collaborations, 327

consequences, 328

examples, 328329

in gameplay phases, 269

implementation, 328

intent, 327

motivation, 327

participants, 327

related patterns, 330

structure, 327

type, 327

ethics and games, 282

Experts Exchange online database, 275

exponential curves, creating, 6667


feature freeze, 13


basing on relative scores, 7071

constructive vs. destructive, 322

feedback basketball, 116118

feedback characteristics

durability, 122124

effect, 122

investment, 122123

range, 122123

return, 122123

speed, 122123

type, 122, 124

feedback loops

affecting outputs, 115

cards and armies, 119

closed circuits, 114

closing, 115

determining effects of, 123

ideal number of, 118

major vs. minor, 118

Monopoly, 147

negative, 52

positive, 53

in Risk, 118

Risk, 147

role in complex systems, 5153

strength, 123

feedback structures, 113. See also determinability

affecting outputs, 115

closed circuits, 114115

level of detail, 121

loops, 118120

profiles, 121

fighting mechanism, example of, 141

films and games, 278279

fireAll() direct command, explained, 173

fire(node) direct command, explained, 172

fireRandom() direct command, explained, 173, 178

fireSequence() direct command, explained, 173

flower-collecting game, 231236

Foldit crowdsourced search, 275

Forest Temple

graph of mission, 34

map of, 34

“Formal Abstract Design Tools,” 149

formal methods, criticisms of, 166167

fortunes of players, charting, 6364

FPS economy, 136138

ammunition, 137

enemies, 137

Engage drains, 137

Kill drains, 137

player health, 137

positive feedback loops, 137138

fractions game, Refraction, 274

Frasca, Gonzalo, 296

Fromm, Jochen, 5657

fun, relationship to learning, 271

Fundamentals of Game Design, 59, 169

“The Future of Game Design,” 44


Gabler, Kyle, 15

gains vs. investments, 6869


“The Case for Game Design Patterns,” 151

“Formal Abstract Design Tools,” 149

forum, 150

“Game Design as Narrative Architecture,” 32

game design methodology, arguments against, 166167

Game Design Patterns, 150

game design process

concept stage, 13

documentation, 14

elaboration stage, 1314

mechanics, 1214

tuning stage, 1314

game design tools, arguments against, 166167

game economy, considering, 20

game engines, open-source, 1617

game genres, 8

Game Innovation Database, 150

game mechanics. See mechanics

Game of Goose racing game, 133

Game of Life, 53

cell states, 53

flocking birds, 5455

glider, 54

grid structure, 53

iterations, 54

multiple emergence, 56

scales of organization, 56

starting, 53

Game Ontology Project, 150

game spaces

defined, 230

mapping mechanics to, 235237

representing linearly, 235

reusing, 230

separating from missions, 230

game states

changes in, 241

clarity of, 241

and gameplay, 27

possibilities of, 27

probability space, 27

trajectory, 27

GameMaker development environment, 17

gameplay. See also play state

customizing via economy, 7576

defined, 43

as emergence, 4347

goal-oriented vs. free-form, 222

levels of, 226

martial arts principles, 241244

paidia vs. ludus, 222

skill atoms, 238240

structuring, 221223

gameplay phases

charting in RTS game, 265266

composing, 268269

escalating complexity, 269

initiating shifts between, 268

multiple feedback, 269

slow cycle, 268

static engines, 268

static friction, 268

stopping mechanism, 268

games. See also reference games; serious games

balancing, 193

of chance, 2

defined, 1

of emergence, 222

ethics, 282

films, 278279

hidden information in, 241

hybrid example, 5

mechanics of, 39

and simulations, 284288

simulations in, 285286

as state machines, 2, 26

unique quality of, 278

unpredictability of, 23

victory condition, 221222

games of emergence. See emergence

games of progression. See progression

gamification, 275

gaming vs. playing, 222

Gamma, Erich, 149

“Gang of Four,” 149

gate types, 94, 302


activation modes, 93

automatic, 93

conditional outputs, 9394

deterministic, 9394

distribution modes, 94

interactive, 93

output state connections, 95

vs. pools, 93

probable outputs, 9394

random, 9394

types of, 93

Global Game Jam, 15

goals of games, considering, 68

Grand Theft Auto

emergence and progression, 39

progress in, 223

reuse of game space in, 230

San Andreas, 25, 298299

Grand Theft Auto III

debate about, 282

intertextual irony, 298

graphs, using, 63


Half-Life series

action adventures, 25

storytelling in, 3233

Harvester game, elaborations of, 128130, 163

health, representing in games, 290

heater feedback mechanism, 114115

Helm, Richard, 149

hero’s journey story pattern, 36

Historical Miniatures Gaming Society, 274

Holopainen, Jussi, 151

Hopson, John, 109

horizontal slice, creating for prototype, 16

hybrid game example, 5

hypotheses, testing, 284285


icon, defined, 282283

if statements

actions value, 175

actionsOfCommand value, 175

actionsPerStep value, 175

pregen0...pregen9 value, 175

random value, 175

steps value, 175

using with artificial players, 173174

improvisation, forcing, 126127

index, defined, 282283

intensity, data and process, 25

intentional emergence, explained, 56

interactive nodes, drawing, 171

interactive stories, creating, 32

interface and control scheme, considering, 20

internal economy. See also economy

complementing physics, 7172

converters, 62

customizing gameplay, 7576

drains, 62

entities, 61

explained, 6

functions, 6162, 83

game genres, 6

influencing progression, 7273

probability spaces, 7576

resources, 6, 6061

sources, 61

traders, 62

intertextual irony, explained, 298299


dynamic, 109

vs. multipliers, 110

random flow rates, 109

using in Machinations diagrams, 108109

inventory as analogous simulation, 288289

investments vs. gains, 6869


Jakobson, Roman, 277

Jenkins, Henry, 32

Johann Sebastian Joust game, 5

Johnson, Ralph, 149

Juul, Jesper, 2325


Kata martial arts principle, 241244

The Kids are Alright, 272

Kihon martial arts principle, 241244

Kihon-kata martial arts principle, 241244

Kings Quest, progress in, 223224

Klondike, length of, 2

Koster, Raph, 166, 271

Kreimeier, Bernd, 150151

Kriegsspiel game, 272274

Kumite martial arts principle, 241244


The Landlord’s Game, 272

LARP (live-action role-play) session, 19

law of diminishing returns, 156, 319


martial arts principles, 241244

relationship to fun, 271

LeBlanc, Marc, 70

The Legend of Zelda. See Zelda games

Leisure Suit Larry, progress in, 223224

less is more, 291294

levels of gameplay

considering, 226

designing, 229231

layout perspective, 229

mission of, 230

linear game space, representing, 235

live-action role-play (LARP) session, 19

lock-and-key mechanisms, 132

abilities as keys, 251252

adding, 236237

cataloging mechanics, 255

dynamic, 255258

dynamic friction, 255256

examples, 247

explained, 247

feedback mechanism, 255, 257

machinations, 252254

missions and game spaces, 248251

player skill, 253

vs. progress as resource, 260

The Longest Journey, 25

Lost Earth HD tower defense game, 5051

ludologists vs. narratologists, 31

ludus vs. paidia, 222

Lunar Colony

actions gained, 219

Actions register, 211

balancing, 218

building blocks, 213216

converter engine, 216

described, 206207

design patterns, 212

disadvantages, 216

dynamic engine, 212

economic strategies, 218219

economic structure, 211212

end conditions, 212

engine building, 212

events, 216217

game material, 207

ice and ore lodes, 208

ice mines, 209

improving, 213

levels for, 226227

obstacles, 216217

ore mines, 209

playing, 209210

playing area, 207208

prototype, 207211

purifiers, 213215

raiding in, 218

random events, 217

refineries, 214215

removing dynamic engine, 216

Resources pool, 211

role of energy, 216

rules, 207210

scripting scenarios, 217

setup, 207208

stations, 209, 213215

stations as impediments, 217

technology, 210

transporters, 214215

way stations, 208209

winning, 210


Machinations diagrams. See also artificial players; mechanics; node types

abstraction, 8182

action points, 88

activation modes, 85

activators, 92

adding artificial players to, 172

analogous simulation, 292

applying elaboration to, 164

artificial player, 171

asynchronous time mode, 8788

balancing, 195

charts in, 114, 176177

color-coded, 97, 112113

colors in, 89

connecting nodes, 9192

connections into nodes, 84

delays, 110111

digital, 81

end conditions, 9798, 223

engine categories, 153154

escalation categories, 157158

firing nodes automatically, 85

friction categories, 155156

gates in, 93

generating random numbers, 84

goals in, 223

hourglass example, 87

input to node, 84

interactive nodes, 85, 171

interactive nodes in, 171

intervals, 108109

label modifiers, 8990

level of detail, 8182

lock-and-key mechanisms, 252255

making calculations in, 107

multiple feedback, 159

multipliers, 109110

negative node resources, 90

node modifiers, 9091

nodes, 82, 8485

origin of connection, 84

output of node, 84

passive nodes, 85, 91

pattern descriptions, 151152

playing style reinforcement, 158

pools, 8385, 87, 94

pulling resources, 8586

pushing resources, 8586

queues, 110111

random flow rates, 84

registers, 107108

resolving pulling conflicts, 88

resource connections, 8284, 87

resources, 83

reverse triggers, 111112

Risk, 120

scope, 8182

slow cycle, 160161

state changes, 8992

state connections, 82

synchronous time mode, 87

time modes, 8788

trade pattern, 159

triggers, 9192

turn-based mode, 88

worker placement, 160

Machinations framework

design of, 82, 238

explained, 57

feedback structures, 80

language syntax, 80

overview, 80

theoretical vision, 80

Machinations Tool

bombling keys, 254

features of, 81

fighting mechanism, 141

iterations, 81

nondeterministic symbols, 125

Quick Run mode, 84, 176177

resource connections, 84

running, 81, 176177

time steps, 81

using with internal economy, 83

Magic: The Gathering, 18, 126, 323

Magie, Elizabeth, 272

make the toy first, 15

Man, Play, and Games, 222

management simulation games, mechanics, 8

maps, using in economy construction, 77

Mario Galaxy, internal economy, 59

MarioKart, negative feedback mechanics in, 71

martial arts principles

Kata, 241244

Kihon, 241244

Kihon-kata, 241244

Kumite, 241244

material number, producing, 64

mathematical strategists, 169

maze like structures, representing, 235

McLuhan, Marshall, 277278


appearance vs. mechanics, 296298

intertextual irony, 298299

layers of, 294299

unrelated, 295296

mechanics. See also discrete mechanics; Machinations diagrams

action games, 131133

core, 4

designing, 14

discrete vs. continuous, 912

FPS economy, 136138

game design process, 1214

game genres, 78

of games and stories, 39

internal economy, 6

limiting number of, 233

mapping to game spaces, 235237

mapping to missions, 231235

versus mechanisms, 4

media-independence, 46

physics, 6, 9

progression mechanisms, 6

prototype development, 6

racing games, 133134

randomizing in Monopoly, 182

relating to economic shapes, 6571

RPG elements, 135136

RTS building, 139140

RTS fighting, 140143

RTS harvesting, 138139

versus rules, 34

sending messages, 279280

social interaction, 7

sources, 61

structures, 30

structures in, 226228

tactical maneuvering, 7

technology trees, 143144

traders, 62

mechanisms, maximum number of, 292. See also progression mechanisms

mechanistic perspective, explained, 11

Meier, Sid, 2830, 47


improving, 231

mapping mechanics to, 231235

in open game spaces, 234

separating from game spaces, 230


artificial players, 179

Available pool, 179

buying houses, 184

deterministic version, 180181

dynamic friction, 185187

effects of luck, 181183

entities in, 61

feedback loops, 147

feedback structures, 113

mechanics of, 34

model of, 179

property tax mechanism, 186

randomized rent mechanism, 182

randomizing mechanics, 182183

removing randomness, 180

rent and income balance, 183185

vs. Risk, 118

rules of, 34

as serious game, 272

simulated play-test analysis, 180181

static friction, 315

trend in game play, 180

trigger in, 9192

two-player version, 179

multiple emergence, explained, 56

multiple feedback pattern, 202, 336


dynamic, 110

vs. intervals, 110

using in Machinations diagrams, 109110


narrative architecture, explained, 32

narratologists vs. ludologists, 31

negative feedback

basketball, 70, 116117

creating equilibrium with, 6566

effect of, 66

equilibrium, 70

explained, 52

incorporating, 203204

rubberbanding, 71

A New Kind of Science, 4950

Nimitz, Chester, 274

node types. See also Machinations diagrams

converters, 96

drains, 9596

end conditions, 9798

gates, 9395

sources, 95

traders, 97


activation modes, 85, 302

gate types, 302

pull and push modes, 8586, 302

nominal emergence, explained, 56


order vs. chaos

emergent systems, 4547

periodic systems, 4546

orthogonal unit differentiation, 142



capture, 101102

dots, 99100, 103

fruit mechanism, 100101, 103

ghost house, 101, 103

ghosts in, 55

loss of life, 101102

Machinations diagram, 102103

modeling, 98103

power pills, 102103

resources, 9899

Threat pool, 101, 103

paidia vs. ludus, 222

paper prototyping, 1719

advantages, 18

changing rules, 1819

disadvantages, 19

LARP session, 19

pattern descriptions. See also design patterns

Applicability, 152

Collaborations, 152

Consequences, 152

Examples, 152

Implementation, 152

Intent, 152

Motivation, 152

Name, 152

Participants, 152

Related Patterns, 152

Structure, 152

A Pattern Language, 148

pattern language. See also design patterns

defined, 148

extending, 165

organization of, 149

patterns, elaboration and nesting, 161164

paused state, explained, 2


design challenges, 281

mechanics sending messages, 279280


creating random values with, 84

representing probabilities as, 94

periodic vs. emergent systems, 4547

perspectives, shifting, 224

phase transitions, complexity theory applied to, 267

physical mechanics, mixing with strategy, 1011

physical prototyping, 19


cartoon, 6

complementing via economy, 7172

explained, 6

game genres, 6

mechanics of, 9

use of, 7172

play spaces, learning from, 222

play state, explained, 2. See also gameplay

player skill, in lock-and-key mechanisms, 253

player-centric design, 169

players, measuring progress of, 225226. See also artificial player

playground, significance of, 222

playing style reinforcement pattern. See also RPG elements

applicability, 333

collaborations, 334

consequences, 334

examples, 335336

implementation, 335

intent, 333

motivation, 333

participants, 334

related patterns, 336

structure, 333

type, 333

playing vs. gaming, 222

poetic function, explained, 277

Poole, Steven, 44


vs. gates, 93

vs. registers, 107108

positive feedback

amplifying differences, 68

basketball, 7071, 116117

deadlocks, 67

on destructive mechanisms, 68

effect of, 6668

explained, 53

exponential curves, 6667

mutual dependencies, 67

Power Grid board game, 169, 259260

production mechanism, 311

random factors, 127128

stopping mechanism, 321


indicating, 131132

limited duration, 132

probability space

creating via economy, 7576

explained, 26

explosion of, 37

shape of, 38

process intensity, 25


deterministic, 2, 129

stochastic, 2

progress. See also emergent progression

as aspect of game state, 259

as character growth, 225

as distance to target, 224225

vs. dynamic locks and keys, 260

interaction with difficulty, 232

as journey, 259, 261262

measuring, 260

as player growth, 225226

producing indirectly, 262265

as resource, 260

structuring, 223226

through completing tasks, 223224

complexity barrier, 37

data and process intensity, 25

designing, 36

vs. emergence, 2425, 3031, 3738

goals in, 223

history of, 2324

influencing via economy, 7273

integration with emergence, 3941

The Legend of Zelda, 3336

mechanics of, 31

ordered systems, 47

structure of, 3738

through emergent phases, 269

tutorials, 31

progression mechanisms. See also mechanisms

explained, 6

game genres, 6


high-fidelity, 15

horizontal slice, 16

low-fidelity, 16

vertical slice, 16

prototyping process, speeding, 1617

prototyping techniques

focus, 1921

game economy, 20

interface and control scheme, 20

paper, 1719

physical, 19

reference games, 21

software, 1617

tech demos, 20

tutorials, 21

Puerto Rico board game, 128

pull and push modes for nodes, 302

puzzle games, mechanics, 8


“The Quest in a Generated World,” 35

queues, using in Machinations diagrams, 110111

Quick Run option, using with Machinations Tool, 176177

Quick Time Events, 292


race of accumulation, 69

racing games, rubber banding, 133134

railroading, defined, 32

Rand, Ayn, 295

random flow rates

multiplying, 109110

notations for, 84

using with intervals, 109

random intervals, 109

random number generators, use of, 84

random values, creating, 84


countering dominant strategies, 128130

vs. emergence, 126130

forcing improvisation, 126127

frequency, 126

impact, 126

realism vs. consistency, 44

reference games, picking, 21. See also games

Refraction fractions game, 274


interactive, 107108

passive, 107108

vs. pools, 107108

using in Machinations diagrams, 107108

resource connections, label types, 301


abstract, 6061

concrete, 6061

consuming, 110111

converters, 62

defined, 60

happiness, 61

intangible, 60

producing, 110111

production rate, 61

redistribution of, 91

reputation, 61

tangible, 60

trading, 110111

using converters with, 96

reverse triggers, using in Machinations diagrams, 111112

reward system, creating, Super Mario Bros., 72

Risk, 24

activating feedback loops, 119120

armies resource, 118

capturing continents, 120

core feedback loop, 118

feedback loop, 147

feedback profiles, 121

gaining territories in, 119120

internal economy, 59

level of detail, 121

loss of territories, 120

Machinations diagrams, 120

vs. Monopoly, 118

positive feedback loops, 121

territories resource, 118

rocket jumping, 44

rock-paper-scissors, unpredictability of, 3

role-playing games, mechanics, 8

roshambo/rochambeau of, 3

RPG elements. See also playing style reinforcement

experience points, 135

levels, 135

negative feedback, 136

positive feedback, 135

progress as character growth, 225

RTS building, 139140

RTS fighting, 140142

defensive mode, 142143

offensive mode, 142143

orthogonal unit differentiation, 142

RTS games

charting phases in, 267

turtling vs. rushing in, 188

RTS harvesting, 138139

rubber banding, using in racing games, 133134

rubberbanding, explained, 71


complexity of, 3, 45

for Connect Four, 27

function of, 1

impact on predictability, 3

versus mechanics, 34

for tic-tac-toe, 27

rushing strategy, example in SimWar, 192

rushing vs. turtling, 188

Ryan, Andrew, 295


de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine, 292

Sanders Peirce, Charles, 283

de Saussure, Ferdinand, 283

science, simulations in, 284285

science of complexity, 43. See also complex systems

scripting vs. emergence, 268

SCV (Space Construction Vehicle), 6769


defined, 282

development of, 284

games and simulations, 284288

icons, 282283

indexes, 282283

signifier and signified, 283

symbols, 282283

terminology, 283

as “the theory of the lie,” 287

September 12, 296297

serious games. See also games

Kriegsspiel, 272274

The Landlord’s Game, 272273

Monopoly, 272

simulation in, 288

war games, 272

The Settlers of Catan, 259260, 263264

dynamic engine, 264

economy of, 264265

engine building pattern, 264

objective of, 263

The Seven Cities of Gold, 269

Shakespeare, appeal of, 294295

Shannon, C. E., 27

shapes. See economic shapes

signifier and signified, defined, 283

SimCity, 23

disaster scenarios, 77

economies in, 197198

economy construction, 76

mechanics sending messages, 279280

meta-economic structure, 77

random maps in, 126

walkthrough for map, 25

The Sims

materialistic approach of, 265

measuring progress in, 265


abstraction, 286287

analogous, 288289, 291293

errors in, 287

in games, 285286

in science, 284285

in serious games, 288

symbolic, 290293


artificial players, 191192

attacking and defending, 189

average times, 193194

building units, 189

color-coded resources, 189

combat, 189

costs of factories and units, 193194

defensive units, 189

described, 187

draws or timeouts, 193194

dynamic engine, 188

factories and resources, 188189

modeling, 188189

offensive units, 189

playing, 191

production costs, 192193

random turtle player, 191

Resources pool, 188

rush wins, 193194

rushing strategy, 192

spending resources, 189

strength of players, 190

turtle wins, 193194

tweaking values, 192194

two-player version, 190

visual summary, 187188

skill atoms

action event, 238239

feedback event, 238239

modeling event, 238239

simulation event, 238239

in Super Mario Bros., 238239

skill of player, considering, 125

skill trees, characteristics of, 238239

skills, learning vs. mastering, 240

slow cycle pattern, 336

Smith, Harvey

“The Future of Fame Design,” 44

orthogonal unit differentiation, 142

social games, mechanics, 8

social interaction

explained, 7

game genres, 7

software prototyping, 1617

advantage, 17

customization, 17

Spore, 17


versus drains, 6162

explained, 61

representing for nodes, 95

space, depiction of, 32

Space Construction Vehicle (SCV), 6769

Space Hulk, asymmetrical attrition in, 324

Space Invaders

trading progress points in, 260

victory conditions in, 221222

spatial storytelling, 32

speed vs. cognitive effort, 232

Spore, prototypes for, 17, 19

sports games, mechanics, 8

stability, creating in dynamic systems, 6566

Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, 304

StarCraft, 23

vs. Civilization, 40

comparing versions of, 227

“The Evacuation” mission, 40

harvesting minerals in, 307

harvesting raw materials in, 6667, 69

narrative, 40

player performance, 69

resource distribution, 69

to StarCraft 2, 4041

StarCraft II

economy of, 226

“Outbreak” level, 227228

resource harvesting in, 236237

state connections

activators, 302

function of, 141

label modifiers, 301

label types, 302

node modifiers, 302

state machines

games as, 2, 26

probability space, 26

states, shifts between, 267

static engine

applicability, 303

collaborations, 303

consequences, 303304

examples, 304305

implementation, 304

intent, 303

motivation, 303

related patterns, 305

type, 303

static friction pattern

applicability, 314

collaborations, 314

consequences, 314

examples, 315

implementation, 314315

intent, 314

motivation, 314

participants, 314

related patterns, 315

structure, 314

type, 314

stochastic processes, explained, 2

stopping mechanism pattern

applicability, 319

collaborations, 319

consequences, 320

examples, 320321

implementation, 320

intent, 319

motivation, 319

participants, 319

related patterns, 321

structure, 319

type, 319

using in gameplay phases, 269

stories, mechanics of, 39

storytelling in games, 32, 228229

avoiding repetition, 261

connecting events in, 261

emergent, 262

focusing on characters in, 261

ludologists, 31

narratologists, 31

progress as journey, 261262

railroading, 32

StarCraft, 40

strategic advantage, measuring, 64

strategy games

adding research to, 143

mechanics, 8

physical mechanics of, 1011

tactical maneuvering in, 7

strong emergence, explained, 57

structural qualities

considering, 57

Machinations framework, 57

structures, defined, 30

subject-matter expert, working with, 288


adding, 233234

dependencies among, 234

Super Crate Box, 329

Super Mario Bros., 131

board game for, 9

defeating enemies in, 291

vs. Donkey Kong, 9

fighting in, 291

Kata stage, 242

Kihon stage, 241244

Kihon-kata stage, 241

Kumite stage, 242

reward system, 72

skill atom in, 238239

skill tree, 239240

symbolic simulation, 290293

symbols, significance of, 282283


tactical maneuvering

explained, 7

game genres, 7

“tank rush,” explained, 69


mutually exclusive, 235

optional, 235

tech demos, features of, 20

technology trees, modeling, 143

Tetris, 26

escalating complexity, 329

feedback loop, 125

progression through emergent phases, 269

tetrominoes in, 44

A Theory of Fun for Game Design, 271

tic-tac-toe vs. Connect Four, 27

timed effect, creating, 111

tower defense games

activity level, 50

asymmetrical arms race, 332

components, 50

connections, 50

dynamic friction, 317

Lost Earth HD, 5051

trade pattern, 336


vs. converters, 97

explained, 62

Train, 297

trajectory, role in game state, 27

Trigger Happy, 44

tuning stage, 1314

turtling vs. rushing, 188


building, 21

creating, 31


Unity development environment, 17

unpredictability, sources of, 3


vehicle simulation games, mechanics, 8

vertical slice, creating for prototype, 16

victory conditions, explained, 221222

video games

core mechanics, 4

serious category of, 274275

views, shifting, 224

Vlissides, John, 149

Vogler, Christopher, 36


Wade, Mitchell, 272

war games, history of, 272, 274


converters, 62

intangible resources, 60

tangible resources, 60

WarCraft III, stopping mechanism in, 320

Wardrip-Fruin, Noah, 39

weak emergence, explained, 56

weather system example, 47

Wolfram, Stephen, 4850, 53

worker placement pattern, 336

World of Goo, 1011, 26

Wright, Will, 187


X-COM: UFO Defense, 38


Zelda games, 25, 3336

bow and arrow, 254

challenge to adventure, 36

combat in, 35

combining keys in, 254

deadlock resolution in, 73

discrete mechanics, 36

dungeons, 35

emergence and progression, 35

Forest Temple level, 3336

gale boomerang, 35

hub-and-spoke layout, 35

keys consumed upon use, 253

Link’s adventures, 36

lock and key mechanisms, 3536

pottery as source, 73

storytelling in, 228229

Twilight Princess, 33, 36, 243244

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