
assumptions about work

Baby Boomers and 71

Gen X and 71

Gen Y and 71

attracting Gen Y

as consumers 134–7

as employees 2, 39–51, 142–3

Baby Boomers

assumptions about work and 71

career development and 97, 98–9

definition of 9

in-post learning and 85

promotion and 99

teamwork and 113–14

technology and 144

Wikipedia and 146

blogs 16, 28, 29, 134

Boomers see Baby Boomers

career development 97–122

Baby Boomers and 97, 98–9

Gen X and 97, 98–9

Gen Y and 97, 98–9, 100–2, 105–8

chat rooms 32

collaborative working 64, 136, 145–6, 147–8

communication 16–17, 23–34, 64, 122

attitudes to 16

frequency of 27–8

one-way 3

two-way 27–8

company benefits, value to Gen Y 41

competency frameworks 44

consumers, Gen Y as 127–37

continual partial awareness (CPA) 4

controlling information 32

corporate benefits, Gen Y’s attitude to 40–42

corporate social responsibility (CSR) 12–13

cross-generational teams 111–22

benefits of 117

development, personal 60

economic background of Gen Y 13

expectations, Gen Y’s 69–72

Facebook 14, 15, 24, 29, 29–30, 32, 130, 133, 135, 137

feedback 121

importance of to Gen Y 75–6, 87

flexible working hours 41, 45, 49, 50, 58

flickr 15, 136

Generation X see Gen X

Generation Y see Gen Y

Gen X

assumptions about work and 71

career development and 97, 98–9

definition of 9

in-post learning and 86

promotion and 99

teamwork and 113–14

technology and 144

Wikipedia and 146

Gen Y

assumptions about work and 71

corporate hierarchy and 117

in-post learning and 86

promotion and 99, 103–4

team members, as 114–15

teamwork and 113–14

definition of 1, 9

importance of to global economy 1

technology and 144

views of 1

Google 14, 15, 16, 24, 83, 86, 131

graduate recruitment 47–9, 50, 62–3

“grey market” 127

helicopter parenting 14

hierarchy, corporate 13–14, 149–50

Gen Y’s attitude to 117

hiring criteria 46

honesty, importance of 25, 42–3

induction procedures 57–8, 91

information, control of 30–33

internet 14

Gen Y’s attitude to 15–16

interviewing 49–50

intra-generational differences, causes of 9–11

job development 83–93

learning 121

in-post, Gen X and 86

in-post, Baby Boomers and 85

in-post, Gen Y and 86, 103

with colleagues 87, 92

line management 149

Linux (operating system) 146

managing Gen Y 69–79

meaningful work, importance of to Gen Y 56, 60, 102

measuring outcomes 77–8

media, Gen Y’s attitude to 4

mentoring 57, 59–60, 62–3, 65, 73–5, 91, 115

money, Gen Y’s attitudes to 63


Baby Boomers 56

Gen Y 55–65

multi-tasking 84, 116

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator 118

negative stereotypes of Gen Y 11

networking 64, 115

one-way communication 33

open-sourcing 15–16

opportunities for career

development 102–8

out-of-date skills 45

parenting 14

personal development 60

personal space, respect for 29

positive stereotypes of Gen Y 11


Baby Boomers and 99

Gen X and 99

Gen Y and 99, 103–4

psychometric tests 44

rational for decisions, providing 77

recruiting Gen Y 39–51; see also

graduate recruitment

social entrepreneurship 132

social networks 13–14

spin, avoidance of 29, 130

stereotypes of Gen Y 11

strategies for managing Gen Y 73–8

feedback 75–6

measuring outcomes 77–8

mentoring 73–5

providing rationale for decisions 77


Baby Boomers and 113–14

Gen X and 113–14

Gen Y and 110, 113–14

strategies for achieving successful 118–22

technological change 143

technology 14–15

Baby Boomers and 144

Gen X and 144

Gen Y and 14–15, 144

use of in training 91–2

Traditionalists, definition of 9

training, in-post 60, 62–3, 83–93

training courses 106

importance of for Gen Y 88, 91

trust 58, 148–9

establishing 31

importance of to Gen Y 116

Twitter 16, 136–7

two-way communication 27–8

understanding Gen Y 129–33

volunteering 12

Gen Y’s attitude to 61

Wikipedia 15, 24, 83, 136, 146–7

work placement 106

working style of Gen Y 17

workshops to develop teamwork 123

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