Chapter 2. Python basics

This chapter covers

  • Using the Python interpreter vs. writing scripts
  • Using the core Python data types
  • Controlling the order of code execution

You can do many things with desktop GIS software such as QGIS, but if you work with spatial data for long, you’ll inevitably want to do something that isn’t available through the software’s interface. If you know how to program, and are clever enough, you can write code that does exactly what you need. Another common scenario is the need to automate a repetitive processing task instead of using the point-and-click method over and over again. Not only is coding more fun and intellectually stimulating than pointing and clicking, but it’s also much more efficient when it comes to repetitive tasks. You have no shortage of languages you could learn and work with, but because Python is used with many GIS software packages, including QGIS and ArcGIS, it’s an excellent language for working with spatial data. It’s also powerful, but at the same time a relatively easy-to-learn language, so that makes it a good choice if you’re starting out with programming.

Another reason for using Python is that it’s an interpreted language, so programs written in Python will run on any computer with an interpreter, and interpreters exist for any operating system you’re likely to use. To run a Python script, you need the script and an interpreter, which is different from running an .exe file, for example, where you only need one file. But if you have an .exe file, you can only run it under the Windows operating system, which is a bummer if you want to run it on a Mac or Linux. However, if you have a Python script, you can run it anywhere that has an interpreter, so you’re no longer limited to a single operating system.

2.1. Writing and executing code

Another advantage of interpreted languages is that you can use them interactively. This is great for playing around and learning a language, because you can type a line of code and see the results instantly. You can run the Python interpreter in a terminal window, but it’s probably easier to use IDLE, which is a simple development environment installed with Python. Two different types of windows exist in IDLE, shells and edit windows. A shell is an interactive window in which you can type Python code and get immediate results. You’ll know that you’re looking at an interactive window if you see a >>> prompt, like that in figure 2.1. You can type code after this prompt and execute it by pressing Enter. Many of the examples in this book are run this way to show results. This is an inefficient way to run more than a few lines of code, and it doesn’t save your code for later use. This is where the edit window comes in. You can use the File menu in IDLE to open a new window, which will contain an empty file. You can type your code in there and then execute the script using the Run menu, although you’ll need to save it with a .py extension first. The output from the script will be sent to the interactive window. Speaking of output, in many of the interactive examples in this book I type a variable name to see what the variable contains, but this won’t work if you’re running the code from a script. Instead, you need to use print to explicitly tell it to send information to the output window.

Figure 2.1. An IDLE shell window

In figure 2.1 the string I typed, 'Hello world!', and the output are color coded. This syntax highlighting is useful because it helps you pick out keywords, built-in functions, strings, and error messages at a glance. It can also help you find spelling mistakes if something doesn’t change color when you expect it to. Another useful feature of IDLE is tab completion. If you start typing a variable or function name and then press the Tab key, a list of options will pop up, as shown in figure 2.2. You can keep typing, and it will narrow the search. You can also use arrow keys to scroll through the list. When the word you want is highlighted, press Tab again, and the word will appear on your screen.

Figure 2.2. Start typing and press the Tab key in order to get a list of possible variables or functions that match what you were typing.

Because Python scripts are plain text files, you aren’t forced to use IDLE if you don’t want to. You can write scripts in whatever text editor you prefer. Many editors are easy to configure, so you can run a Python script directly without leaving the editor. See the documentation for your favorite editor to learn how to do this. Packages that are designed specifically for working with Python code are Spyder, PyCharm, Wing IDE, and PyScripter. Everybody has their own favorite development environment, and you may need to play with a few different ones before you find an environment that you like.

2.2. Basic structure of a script

Some of the first things you’ll see right at the top of most Python scripts are import statements. These lines of code load additional modules so that the scripts can use them. A module is basically a library of code that you can access and use from your scripts, and the large ecosystem of specialized modules is another advantage to using Python. You’d have a difficult time working with GIS data in Python without extra modules that are designed for this, similar to the way tools such as GIMP and Photoshop make it easier to work with digital images. The whole point of this book is to teach you how to use these tools for working with GIS data. Along the way, you’ll also use several of the modules that come with Python because they’re indispensable for tasks such as working with the file system.

Let’s look at a simple example that uses one of the built-in modules. The first thing you need to do to use a module is load it using import. Then you can access objects in the module by prefixing them with the module name so that Python knows where to find them. This example loads the random module and then uses the gauss function contained in that module to get a random number from the standard normal distribution:

>>> import random
>>> random.gauss(0, 1)

Another thing you might notice in a Python script is the lack of semicolons and curly braces, which are commonly used in other languages for ending lines and setting off blocks of code. Python uses whitespace to do these things. Instead of using a semicolon to end a line, press Enter and start a new line. Sometimes one line of code is too long to fit comfortably on one line in your file, however. In this case, break your line at a sensible place, such as right after a comma, and the Python interpreter will know that the lines belong together. As for the missing curly braces, Python uses indentation to define blocks of code instead. This may seem weird at first if you’re used to using braces or end statements, but indentation works as well and forces you to write more readable code. Because of this, you need to be careful with your indentations. In fact, it’s common for beginners to run into syntax errors because of wayward indentations. For example, even an extra space at the beginning of a line of code will cause an error. You’ll see examples of how indentation is used in section 2.5.

Python is also case sensitive, which means that uppercase and lowercase letters are different from one another. For example, random.Gauss(0, 1) wouldn’t have worked in the last example because gauss needs to be all lowercase. If you get error messages about something being undefined (which means Python doesn’t know what it is), but you’re sure that it exists, check both your spelling and your capitalization for mistakes.

It’s also a good idea to add comments to your code to help you remember what it does or why you did it a certain way. I can guarantee that things that are obvious as you’re writing your code will not be so obvious six months later. Comments are ignored by Python when the script is run, but can be invaluable to the real people looking at the code, whether it’s you or someone else trying to understand your code. To create a comment, prefix text with a hash sign:

# This is a comment

In addition to comments, descriptive variable names improve the legibility of your code. For example, if you name a variable m, you need to read through the code to figure out what’s stored in that variable. If you name it mean_value instead, the contents will be obvious.

2.3. Variables

Unless your script is extremely simple, it will need a way to store information as it runs, and this is where variables come in. Think about what happens when you use software to open a file, no matter what kind of file it is. The software displays an Open dialog, you select a file and click OK, and then the file is opened. When you press OK, the name of the selected file is stored as a variable so that the software knows what file to open. Even if you’ve never programmed anything in your life, you’re probably familiar with this concept in the mathematical sense. Think back to algebra class and computing the value of y based on the value of x. The x variable can take on any value, and y changes in response. A similar concept applies in programming. You’ll use many different variables, or x’s, that will affect the outcome of your script. The outcome can be anything you want it to be and isn’t limited to a single y value, however. It might be a number, if your goal is to calculate a statistic on your data, but it could as easily be one or more entirely new datasets.

Creating a variable in Python is easy. Give it a name and a value. For example, this assigns the value of 10 to a variable called n and then prints it out:

>>> n = 10
>>> n

If you’ve used other programming languages such as C++ or Java, you might be wondering why you didn’t need to specify that the variable n was going to hold an integer value. Python is a dynamically typed language, which means that variable types aren’t checked until runtime, and you can even change the data type stored in a variable. For example, you can switch n from an integer to a string and nobody will complain:

>>> n = 'Hello world'
>>> n
Hello world

Although you can store whatever you want in a variable without worrying about data type, you will run into trouble if you try to use the variable in a way that’s inconsistent with the kind of data stored in it. Because the data types aren’t checked until runtime, the error won’t happen until that line of the script is executed, so you won’t get any warning beforehand. You’ll get the same errors in the Python interactive window that would occur in a script, so you can always test examples there if you’re not sure if something will work. For example, you can’t add strings and integers together, and this shows what happens if you try:

>>> msg = n + 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly

Remember that n contains Hello world, which cannot be added to 1. If you’re using Python 2.7, the core of the problem is the same, but your error message will look like this instead:

TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

Notice that you use a single equal sign to assign a value to a variable. To test for equality, always use a double equal sign:

>>> n = 10
>>> n == 10

When you’re first starting out, you might be more comfortable hardcoding values into your script instead of using variables when you don’t have to. For example, say you need to open a file in the script, maybe on line 37. You’ll probably be tempted to type the filename on line 37 when the file is opened. This will certainly work, but you’ll find that things are easier to change later if you instead define a variable containing the filename early in the script and then use that variable on line 37. First, this makes it easier to find the values you need to change, but even more importantly, it will be much easier to adapt your code so that you can use it in more situations. Instead of line 37 looking something like this,

myfile = open('d:/temp/cities.csv')

you’d define a variable early on and then use it when needed:

fn = 'd:/temp/cities.csv'
<snip a bunch of code>
myfile = open(fn)

It might be hard to remember to do this at first, but you’ll be glad you did if you have to adapt your code to use other data.

2.4. Data types

As your code becomes more complex, you’ll find that it’s extremely difficult to store all of the information that your script needs as numbers and strings. Fortunately, you can use many different types of data structures, ranging from simple numbers to complex objects that can contain many different types of data themselves. Although an infinite number of these object types can be used (because you can define your own), only a small number of core data types exist from which the more complex ones are built. I’ll briefly discuss several of those here. Please see a more comprehensive set of Python documentation for more details, because this leaves out much information.

2.4.1. Booleans

A Boolean variable denotes true or false values. Two case-sensitive keywords, True and False, are used to denote these values. They can be used in standard Boolean operations, like these:

>>> True or False
>>> not False
>>> True and False
>>> True and not False

Other values can also resolve to True or False when value testing and performing Boolean operations. For example, 0, the None keyword, blank strings, and empty lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries all resolve to False when used in Boolean expressions. Anything else resolves to True. You’ll see examples of this in section 2.5.

2.4.2. Numeric types

As you’d expect, you can use Python to work with numbers. What you might not expect, however, is that distinct kinds of numbers exist. Integers are whole numbers, such as 5, 27, or 592. Floating-point numbers, on the other hand, are numbers with decimal points, such as 5.3, 27.0, or 592.8. Would it surprise you to know that 27 and 27.0 are different? For one, they might take up different amounts of memory, although the details depend on your operating system and version of Python. If you’re using Python 2.7 there’s a major difference in how the two numbers are used for mathematical operations, because integers don’t take decimal places into account. Take a look at this Python 2.7 example:

>>> 27 / 7
>>> 27.0 / 7.0
>>> 27 / 7.0

As you can see, if you divide an integer by another integer, you still end up with an integer, even if there’s a remainder. You get the correct answer if one or both of the numbers being used in the operation is floating-point. This behavior has changed in Python 3.x, however. Now you get floating-point math either way, but you can still force integer math using the // floor division operator:

>>> 27 / 7
>>> 27 // 7

Python 3.x performs floating-point math by default, even on integers, but older versions of Python perform integer math if all inputs are integers. This integer math often leads to undesirable results, such as 2 instead of 2.4, in which case you must ensure that at least one input is floating-point.

Fortunately, you have a simple way to convert one numeric data type to the other, although be aware that converting floating-point to integer this way truncates the number instead of rounding it:

>>> float(27)
>>> int(27.9)

If you want to round the number instead, you must use the round function:

>>> round(27.9)

Python also supports complex numbers, which contain real and imaginary parts. As you might recall, these values result when you take the square root of a negative number. We won’t use complex numbers in this book, but you can read more about them at if you’re interested.

2.4.3. Strings

Strings are text values, such as 'Hello world'. You create a string by surrounding the text with either single or double quotes—it doesn’t matter which, although if you start a string with one type, you can’t end it with the other because Python won’t recognize it as the end of the string. The fact that either one works makes it easy to include quotes as part of your string. For example, if you need single quotes inside your string, as you would in a SQL statement, surround the entire string with double quotes, like this:

sql = "SELECT * FROM cities WHERE country = 'Canada'"

If you need to include the same type of quote in your string that you’re using to delineate it, you can use a backslash before the quote. The first example here results in an error because the single quote in “don’t” ends the string, which isn’t what you want. The second one works, thanks to the backslash:

>>> 'Don't panic!'
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    'Don't panic!'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> 'Don't panic!'
"Don't panic!"

Notice the caret symbol (^) under the spot where Python ran into trouble. This can help you narrow down where your syntax error is. The double quotes that surround the string when it’s printed aren’t part of the string. They show that it’s a string, which is obvious in this case, but wouldn’t be if the string was "42" instead. If you use the print function, the quotes aren’t shown:

>>> print('Don't panic!')
Don't panic!

Although most of these examples from the interactive window don’t use print to send output to the screen, you must use it to send output to the screen from a script. If you don’t, it won’t show up. In Python 3, print is a function and like all functions, you must pass the parameters inside parentheses. In Python 2, print is a statement and the parentheses aren’t required, but they won’t break anything, either.

Joining strings

You have several ways to join strings together. If you’re only concatenating two strings, then the simplest and fastest is to use the + operator:

>>> 'Beam me up ' + 'Scotty'
'Beam me up Scotty'

If you’re joining multiple strings, the format method is a better choice. It can also join values together that aren’t all strings, something the + operator can’t do. To use it, you create a template string that uses curly braces as placeholders, and then pass values to take the place of the placeholders. You can read the Python documentation online to see the many ways you can use this for sophisticated formatting, but we’ll look at the basic method of specifying order. Here, the first item passed to format replaces the {0} placeholder, the second replaces {1}, and so on:

>>> 'I wish I were as smart as {0} {1}'.format('Albert', 'Einstein')
'I wish I were as smart as Albert Einstein'

To see that the numeric placeholders make a difference, try switching them around but leaving everything else the same:

>>> 'I wish I were as smart as {1}, {0}'.format('Albert', 'Einstein')
'I wish I were as smart as Einstein, Albert'

The fact that the placeholders reference specific values means that you can use the same placeholder in multiple locations if you need to insert an item in the string more than once. This way you don’t have to repeat anything in the list of values passed to format.

Escape characters

Remember the backslash that you used to include a quote inside a string earlier? That’s called an escape character and can also be used to include nonprintable characters in strings. For example, " " includes a new line, and " " represents a tab:

>>> print('Title:	Moby Dick
Author:	Herman Melville')
Title:  Moby Dick
Author: Herman Melville

The fact that Windows uses backslashes as path separators causes angst for beginning programmers who use Windows, because they tend to forget that a single backslash isn’t a backslash. For example, pretend you have a file called cities.csv in your d: emp folder. Try asking Python if it exists:

>>> import os
>>> os.path.exists('d:	empcities.csv')

To get an idea of why that fails, when you know that the file does indeed exist, try printing the string instead:

>>> print('d:	empcities.csv')
d:      empcities.csv

The " " was treated as a tab character! You have three ways to solve this problem. Either use forward slashes or double backslashes, or prefix the string with an r to tell Python to ignore escape characters:

>>> os.path.exists('d:/temp/cities.csv')
>>> os.path.exists('d:\temp\cities.csv')
>>> os.path.exists(r'd:	empcities.csv')

I prefer the latter method if I’m copying and pasting paths, because it’s much easier to add one character at the beginning than to add multiple backslashes.

2.4.4. Lists and tuples

A list is an ordered collection of items that are accessed via their index. The first item in the list has index 0, the second has index 1, and so on. The items don’t even have to all be the same data type. You can create an empty list with a set of square brackets, [], or you can populate it right off the bat. For example, this creates a list with a mixture of numbers and strings and then accesses some of them:

>>> data = [5, 'Bob', 'yellow', -43, 'cat']
>>> data[0]
>>> data[2]

You can also use offsets from the end of the list, with the last item having index -1:

>>> data[-1]
>>> data[-3]

You’re not limited to retrieving one item at a time, either. You can provide a starting and ending index to extract a slice, or sublist. The item at the ending index isn’t included in the returned value, however:

>>> data[1:3]
['Bob', 'yellow']
>>> data[-4:-1]
['Bob', 'yellow', -43]

You can change single values in the list, or even slices, using indices:

>>> data[2] = 'red'
>>> data
[5, 'Bob', 'red', -43, 'cat']
>>> data[0:2] = [2, 'Mary']
>>> data
[2, 'Mary', 'red', -43, 'cat']

Use append to add an item to the end of the list, and del to remove an item:

>>> data.append('dog')
>>> data
[2, 'Mary', 'red', -43, 'cat', 'dog']
>>> del data[1]
>>> data
[2, 'red', -43, 'cat', 'dog']

It’s also easy to find out how many items are in a list or if it contains a specific value:

>>> len(data)
>>> 2 in data
>>> 'Mary' in data

Tuples are also ordered collections of items, but they can’t be changed once created. Instead of brackets, tuples are surrounded by parentheses. You can access items and test for existence the same as with lists:

>>> data = (5, 'Bob', 'yellow', -43, 'cat')
>>> data[1:3]
('Bob', 'yellow')
>>> len(data)
>>> 'Bob' in data

Like I said, you’re not allowed to change a tuple once it has been created:

>>> data[0] = 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

Because of this, use lists instead of tuples when it’s possible that the data will change.

Error messages are your friend

When you get an error message, be sure to look carefully at the information it provides because this can save you time figuring out the problem. The last line is a message giving you a general idea of what the problem is, as seen here:

>>> data[0] = 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

You could deduce from this error message that your code tried to edit a tuple object somehow. Before the error message, you’ll see a list of the lines of code that were executed before it ran into a problem. This is called a stack trace. In this example, <stdin> means the interactive window, so the line number isn’t as helpful. But look at the following, which traces through two lines of code:

The last line tells you the error is from trying to add an integer and a string together. The trace tells you that the problem started with line 7 of the file Line 7 calls a function called add, and the error happens on line 2 inside of that function. You can use the information from the stack trace to determine where the error occurred, and where the original line of code that triggered it is. In this example, you know that either you passed bad data to the add function on line 7, or else an error exists in the add function on line 2. That gives you two specific places to look for a mistake.

2.4.5. Sets

Sets are unordered collections of items, but each value can only occur once, which makes it an easy way to remove duplicates from a list. For example, this set is created using a list that contains two instances of the number 13, but only one is in the resulting set:

>>> data = set(['book', 6, 13, 13, 'movie'])
>>> data
{'movie', 6, 'book', 13}

You can add new values, but they’ll be ignored if they’re already in the set, such as 'movie' in this example:

>>> data.add('movie')
>>> data.add('game')
>>> data
{'movie', 'game', 6, 'book', 13}

Sets aren’t ordered, so you can’t access specific elements. You can check if items are in the set, however:

>>> 13 in data

Sets also make it easy to do things such as combine collections (union) or find out which items are contained in both sets (intersection):

You’ve already seen that you can use sets to remove duplicates from a list. An easy way to determine if a list contains duplicate values is to create a set from the list and check to see if the set and list have the same length. If they don’t, then you know duplicates were in the list.

2.4.6. Dictionaries

Dictionaries are indexed collections, like lists and tuples, except that the indices aren’t offsets like they are in lists. Instead, you get to choose the index value, called a key. Keys can be numbers, strings, or other data types, as can the values they reference. Use curly braces to create a new dictionary:

>>> data = {'color': 'red', 'lucky number': 42, 1: 'one'}
>>> data
{1: 'one', 'lucky number': 42, 'color': 'red'}
>>> data[1]

>>> data['lucky number']

As with lists, you can add, change, and remove items:

>>> data[5] = 'candy'
>>> data
{1: 'one', 'lucky number': 42, 5: 'candy', 'color': 'red'}
>>> data['color'] = 'green'
>>> data
{1: 'one', 'lucky number': 42, 5: 'candy', 'color': 'green'}
>>> del data[1]
>>> data
{'lucky number': 42, 5: 'candy', 'color': 'green'}

You can also test to see if a key exists in the dictionary:

>>> 'color' in data

This is a powerful way to store data when you don’t know beforehand what it will be. For example, say you needed to remember the spatial extent for each file in a collection of geographic datasets, but the list of datasets changed each time you ran your script. You could create a dictionary and use the filenames as keys and the spatial extents as values, and then this information would be readily available later in your script.

2.5. Control flow

The first script you write will probably consist of a sequence of statements that are executed in order, like all of the examples we have looked at so far. The real power of programming, however, is the ability to change what happens based on different conditions. Similar to the way you might use sale prices to decide which veggies to buy at the supermarket, your code should use data, such as whether it’s working with a point or a line, to determine exactly what needs to be done. Control flow is the concept of changing this order of code execution.

2.5.1. If statements

Perhaps the simplest way to change execution order is to test a condition and do something different depending on the outcome of the test. This can be done with an if statement. Here’s a simple example:

if n == 1:
    print('n equals 1')
    print('n does not equal 1')

If the value of the n variable is 1, then the string “n equals 1” will be printed. Otherwise, the string “n does not equal 1” will be printed. Notice that the if and else lines end with a colon and that the code depending on a condition is indented under the condition. This is a requirement. Once you quit indenting code, then the code quits depending on the condition. What do you think the following code will print?

n = 1
if n == 1:
    print('n equals 1')
    print('n does not equal 1')
print('This is not part of the condition')

Well, n is equal to 1, so the equality message prints out, and then control is transferred to the first line of code that isn’t indented, so this is the result:

n equals 1
This is not part of the condition

You can also test multiple conditions like this:

if n == 1:
    print('n equals 1')
elif n == 3:
    print('n equals 3')
elif n > 5:
    print('n is greater than 5')
    print('what is n?')

In this case, n is first compared to 1. If it’s not equal to 1, then it’s compared to 3. If it’s not equal to that, either, then it checks to see if n is greater than 5. If none of those conditions are true, then the code under the else statement is executed. You can have as many elif statements as you want, but only one if and no more than one else. Similar to the way the elif statements aren’t required, neither is an else statement. You can use an if statement all by itself if you’d like.

This is a good place to illustrate the idea that different values can evaluate to True or False while testing conditions. Remember that strings resolve to True unless they’re blank. Let’s test this with an if statement:

>>> if '':
...     print('a blank string acts like True')
... else:
...     print('a blank string acts like false')
a blank string acts like false

If you’d used a string containing any characters at all, including a single space, then the preceding example would have resolved to True instead of False. If you have a Python console open, go ahead and try it and see for yourself. Let’s look at one more example that resolves to True because the list isn’t empty:

>>> if [1]:
...     print('a non-empty list acts like True')
... else:

...     print('a non-empty list acts like False')
a non-empty list acts like True

You can use this same idea to test that a number isn’t equal to zero, because zero is the same as False, but any other number, positive or negative, will be treated as True.

2.5.2. While statements

A while statement executes a block of code as long as a condition is True. The condition is evaluated, and if it’s True, then the code is executed. Then the condition is checked again, and if it’s still True, then the code executes again. This continues until the condition is False. If the condition never becomes False, then the code will run forever, which is called an infinite loop and is a scenario you definitely want to avoid. Here’s an example of a while loop:

>>> n = 0
>>> while n < 5:
...     print(n)
...     n += 1

The += syntax means “increment the value on the left by the value on the right,” so n is incremented by 1. Once n is equal to 5, it’s no longer less than 5, so the condition becomes False and the indented code isn’t executed again.

2.5.3. For statements

A for statement allows you to iterate over a sequence of values and do something for each one. When you write a for statement, you not only provide the sequence to iterate over, but you also provide a variable name. Each time through the loop, this variable contains a different value from the sequence. This example iterates through a list of names and prints a message for each one:

>>> names = ['Chris', 'Janet', 'Tami']
>>> for name in names:
...     print('Hello {}!'.format(name))
Hello Chris!
Hello Janet!
Hello Tami!

The first time through the loop, the name variable is equal to 'Chris', the second time it holds 'Janet', and the last time it is equal to 'Tami'. I called this variable name, but it can be called anything you want.

The range function

The range function makes it easy to iterate over a sequence of numbers. Although this function has more parameters, the simplest way to use it is to provide a number n, and it will create a sequence from 0 to n-1. For example, this will count how many times the loop was executed:

>>> n = 0
>>> for i in range(20):
...     n += 1
>>> print(n)

The variable i wasn’t used in this code, but nothing is stopping you from using it. Let’s use it to calculate the factorial of 20, although this time we’ll provide a starting value of 1 for the sequence, and have it go up to but not include the number 21:

>>> n = 1
>>> for i in range(1, 21):
...     n = n * i
>>> print(n)

You’ll see in later chapters that this variable is also useful for accessing individual items in a dataset when they aren’t directly iterable.

2.5.4. break, continue, and else

A few statements apply to while and for loops. The first one, break, will kick execution completely out of the loop, as in this example that stops the loop when i is equal to 3:

>>> for i in range(5):
...     if i == 3:
...         break
...     print(i)

Without the break statement, this loop would have printed the numbers 0 through 4.

The continue statement jumps back up to the top of the loop and starts the next iteration, skipping the rest of the code that would normally be executed during the current loop iteration. In this example, continue is used to skip the code that prints i if it’s equal to 3:

>>> for i in range(5):
...     if i == 3:
...         continue
...     print(i)


Loops can also have an else statement. Code inside of this clause is executed when the loop is done executing, unless the loop was stopped with break. Here we’ll check to see if the number 2 is in a list of numbers. If it is, we’ll break out of the loop. Otherwise, the else clause is used to notify us that the number wasn’t found. In the first case, the number is found, break is used to exit the loop, and the else statement is ignored:

>>> for i in [0, 5, 7, 2, 3]:
...     if i == 2:
...         print('Found it!')
...         break
... else:
...     print('Could not find 2')
Found it!

But if the number isn’t found, so break is never called, then the else clause is executed:

>>> for i in [0, 5, 7, 3]:
...     if i == 2:
...         print('Found it!')
...         break
... else:
...     print('Could not find 2')
Could not find 2

You could use this pattern to set a default value for something if an appropriate value wasn’t found in a list. For example, say you needed to find and edit a file with a specific format in a folder. If you can’t find a file with the correct format, you need to create one. You could loop through the files in the folder, and if you found an appropriate one you could break out of the loop. You could create a new file inside the else clause, and that code would only run if no suitable existing file had been found.

2.6. Functions

If you find that you reuse the same bits of code over and over, you can create your own function and call that instead of repeating the same code. This makes things much easier and also less error-prone, because you won’t have nearly as many places to make typos. When you create a function, you need to give it a name and tell it what parameters the user needs to provide to use it. Let’s create a simple function to calculate a factorial:

def factorial(n):
    answer = 1
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        answer = answer * i
    return answer

The name of this function is factorial, and it takes one parameter, n. It uses the same algorithm you used earlier to calculate a factorial and then uses a return statement to send the answer back to the caller. You could use this function like this:

>>> fact5 = factorial(5)

Functions can also have optional parameters that the user doesn’t need to provide. To create one of these, you must provide a default value for it when you create the function. For example, you could modify factorial to optionally print out the answer:

def factorial(n, print_it=False):
    answer = 1
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        answer = answer * i
    if print_it:
        print('{0}! = {1}'.format(n, answer))
    return answer

If you were to call this function with only a number, nothing would get printed because the default value of print_it is False. But if you pass True as the second parameter, then a message will print before the answer is returned:

>>> fact5 = factorial(5, True)
5! = 120

It’s easy to reuse your functions by saving them in a .py file and then importing them the way you would any other module. The one hitch is that your file needs to be in a location where Python can find it. One way to do this is to put it in the same folder as the script that you’re running. For example, if the factorial function was saved in a file called, you could import myfuncs (notice there’s no .py extension) and then call the function inside of it:

import myfuncs
fact5 = myfuncs.factorial(5)

Because certain characters aren’t allowed in module names, and module names are only filenames without the extension, you need to be careful when naming your files. For example, underscores are allowed in module names, but hyphens aren’t.

2.7. Classes

As you work through this book, you’ll come across variables that have other data and functions attached to them. These are objects created from classes. Although we won’t cover how to create your own classes in this book, you need to be aware of them because you’ll still use ones defined by someone else. Classes are an extremely powerful concept, but all you need to understand for the purposes of this book are that they’re data types that can contain their own internal data and functions. An object or variable that is of this type contains these data and functions, and the functions operate on that particular object. You saw this with several of the data types we looked at earlier, such as lists. You can have a variable of type list, and that variable contains all of the functions, such as append, that come with being a list. When you call append on a list, it only appends data to that particular list and not to any other list variables you might have.

Classes can also have methods that don’t apply to a particular object, but to the data type itself. For example, the Python datetime module contains a class, or type, called date. Let’s get that data type out of the module and then use it to create a new date object, which we can then ask which day of the week it is, where Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6:

>>> import datetime
>>> datetype =
>>> mydate =
>>> mydate, 5, 18)
>>> mydate.weekday()

The datetype variable holds a reference to the date type itself, not to a particular date object. The data type has a method, today, that creates a new date object. The date object stored in the mydate variable stores date information internally and uses that to determine what day of the week the date refers to, Sunday in this case. You couldn’t ask the datetype variable what weekday it was, because it doesn’t contain any information about a particular date. You don’t need to get a reference to the data type and could have created mydate with Now suppose you want to find out what day of the week May 18 was in 2010. You can create a new date object based on the existing one, but with the year changed, and then you can ask the new one what day of the week it represents:

>>> newdate = mydate.replace(year=2010)
>>> newdate, 5, 18)
>>> newdate.weekday()

Apparently May 18, 2010, was a Tuesday. The original mydate variable hasn’t changed, and will still report that it refers to a Sunday.

You’ll use objects created from classes throughout this book. For example, whenever you open a dataset, you’ll get an object that represents that dataset. Depending on the type of data, that object will have different information and functions associated with it. Obviously, you need to know about the classes being used to create these objects, so that you know what data and functions they contain. The GDAL modules contain fairly extensive classes, which are documented in appendixes B, C, and D. (Appendixes C through E are available online on the Manning Publications website at

2.8. Summary

  • The Python interpreter is useful for learning how things work or trying out small bits of code, but writing scripts is more efficient for running multiple lines of code. Plus, you can save scripts and use them later, which is one of the main reasons for programming.
  • Modules are libraries of code that you can load into your script and use. If you need to do something with Python, chances are good that somewhere a module exists that will help you out, no matter what it is you’re trying to do.
  • Get used to storing data in variables, because it will make your code much easier to adapt later.
  • Python has a few core data types, all of which are extremely useful for different types of data and different situations.
  • You can use control flow statements to change which lines of code execute based on various conditions or to repeat the same code multiple times.
  • Use functions to make your code reusable.
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