How promotable are you?


Answer the questions and work out where you are on the promotion scale, then read the guidance points.


Why would you like to get promoted?

a) To have authority.

b) To make a bigger contribution to the organisation.

c) To earn more money.

If a colleague mentioned something to you and then sought your opinion, how would you feel?

a) Very grateful, as it happens rarely.

b) I would appreciate their advice and hope they value my judgement too.

c) I would not listen to their advice, and they should know my opinion already.

If you got promoted, would you treat other members differently from before?

a) No, I would treat them exactly the same.

b) I would try and create an impact on my image to gain more respect and authority.

c) Of course, I would treat them very differently, as they are working for me now.

What kind of approach would you take, in asking for a promotion?

a) I do not have a right to ask and I would wait for them to mention it.

b) I would explain why I should deserve a promotion and any ideas I have for the future.

c) I would insist on a promotion straight away.

How would you impress your managers in order to get a promotion?

a) Always hang around the managers to make sure they notice me.

b) Improve and constantly update my CV. I would also try to appear alert at all times and find out more about ideas behind the networking.

c) I would try to persuade them why I would be ideal for a promotion and express the urgency behind it as well.

Do you think a promotion would affect your family life or other caring responsibilities?

a) Yes, but I am always willing to put my work before anything.

b) I think it will but I will try to balance the two, as I understand more responsibility will be involved.

c) No, I will not let my work overpower crucial time with my family.

If you were to be promoted, how do you think you would change?

a) I would not change because people should respect who I am.

b) I would try and become a more respectable figure.

c) I would not remain friends with any of my colleagues, seeing as I would have such a stressful job and they would be working for me.

a = 1, b = 2, c = 3.
Now add up your scores.

square 813: It is unlikely you are going to be promoted unless you start thinking more positively about yourself. You should always put forward your ideas and let your managers know that you are really interested in a promotion. Also consider that you may have to change some of your qualities when you do get promoted. People will still accept who you are, but will just respect you more as a manager.

square 1418: You have a balanced character that will fit perfectly in a manager position. You think of other colleagues and appreciate their advice. Remember to develop your leadership skills in order to express your full potential and achieve your goals.

square 1924: Be careful, as you may come across too strong sometimes. Remember to respect other colleagues advice and suggestions instead of always following your own judgement. Also make sure that you treat everyone the same even if you happen to be their manager in the future.

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