Chapter 11. Lists

list is a group of variables that share a common name. Lists are useful because they make it possible to work with more variables without creating a new name for each one. This makes the code shorter, easier to read, and more convenient to update.

From Variables to Lists

When a program needs to keep track of one or two things, it’s not necessary to use a list. In fact, adding a list might make the program more complicated than necessary. However, when a program has many elements (for example, a field of stars in a space game or multiple data points in a visualization), lists make the code easier to write.

Example 11-1: Many Variables

To see what we mean, refer to Example 8-3. This code works fine if we’re moving around only one shape, but what if we want to have two? We need to make a new x variable and update it within draw():

Ex 11 01
x1 = -20.0
x2 = 20.0

def setup():
  size(240, 120)

def draw():
  global x1, x2
  x1 += 0.5
  x2 += 0.5
  arc(x1, 30, 40, 40, 0.52, 5.76)
  arc(x2, 90, 40, 40, 0.52, 5.76)

Example 11-2: Too Many Variables

The code for the previous example is still manageable, but what if we want to have five circles? We need to add three more variables to the two we already have:

Ex 11 02
x1 = -10.0
x2 = 10.0
x3 = 35.0
x4 = 18.0
x5 = 30.0

def setup():
  size(240, 120)

def draw():
  global x1, x2, x3, x4, x5
  x1 += 0.5
  x2 += 0.5
  x3 += 0.5
  x4 += 0.5
  x5 += 0.5
  arc(x1, 20, 20, 20, 0.52, 5.76)
  arc(x2, 40, 20, 20, 0.52, 5.76)
  arc(x3, 60, 20, 20, 0.52, 5.76)
  arc(x4, 80, 20, 20, 0.52, 5.76)
  arc(x5, 100, 20, 20, 0.52, 5.76)

This code is starting to get out of control.

Example 11-3: Lists, Not Variables

Imagine what would happen if you wanted to have 3,000 circles. This would mean creating 3,000 individual variables, then updating each one separately. Could you keep track of that many variables? Would you want to? Instead, we use a list:

Ex 11 03
x = []

def setup():
  size(240, 120)
  fill(255, 200)
  for i in range(3000):
    x.append(random(-1000, 200))

def draw():
  for i in range(len(x)):
    x[i] += 0.5
    y = i * 0.4
    arc(x[i], y, 12, 12, 0.52, 5.76)

We’ll spend the rest of this chapter talking about the details that make this example possible.

List Operations

Each item in a list is called an element, and each has an index value to mark its position within the list. Just like coordinates on the screen, index values for a list start counting from 0. For instance, the first element in the list has the index value 0, the second element in the list has the index value 1, and so on. If there are 20 values in the list, the index value of the last element is 19. Figure 11-1 shows the conceptual structure of a list.

Fig 11 01
Figure 11-1. A list is a group of one or more variables that share the same name

A list value in Python looks like a pair of square brackets. This statement assigns a list to the variable x:

x = []

You can also initialize the items in the list by putting comma-separated values inside the square brackets:

x = [5, 10, 15, 20]

Lists in Python can contain values of varying data types. This list has an integer, a floating-point number, and a string:

stuff = [89, 1.24, "hello"]

You can also use the built-in Python function list() to create a list value:

x = list() # creates an empty list
x = list(5, 10, 15, 20) # creates a list with four initial
                        # elements

Python list values are objects, and support a number of useful methods. The list method we’ll use most is append(), which adds an item to a list:

x = [] # x is empty
x.append(5) # now x has one item, the integer value 5

Once there are items in your list, you can access the item at a particular index using square bracket syntax. Write the name of the variable that contains your list, followed by a pair of square brackets with a number between them, like so:

x = [5, 10, 15, 20]
print x[0] # prints 5
print x[1] # prints 10
print x[2] # prints 15
print x[3] # prints 20

List indices in Python are zero-based, meaning that the number you use in square brackets to access the first element of the list is 0 (not 1). Likewise, to get the second element, use 1; to get the third element, use 2; and so forth.

After the list has been created, you can overwrite the value of an item at a particular index in a list by writing an expression with the square bracket syntax, followed by an equal sign (=) and the new value for that item:

x = [5, 10, 15, 20]
print x[2] # prints 15
x[2] = 789
print x[2] # prints 789

To determine the length of a list, use Python’s built-in len() function:

x = [5, 10, 15, 20]
print len(x) # prints 4
y = []
print len(y) # prints 0

Now that we’ve looked at some of the basic syntax for working with lists, let’s slow down and talk about common ways to use lists in our programs. There are a number of steps to working with a list:

  1. Create a list value with square brackets or the list() function.

  2. Assign that list value to a variable.

  3. Optionally, use the list’s append() method of the list to add new items to the list.

Each of the three following examples shows a different technique to create a list called x that stores two integers, 12 and 2. Pay close attention to what happens before setup() and what happens within setup().

Example 11-4: Declare and Append to a List

First, we’ll declare an empty list outside of setup() and then append values to the list.

x = []            # Create the list

def setup():
  size(200, 200)
  x.append(12)    # Append the first value
  x.append(2)     # Append the second value

Example 11-5: Compact List Initialization

Here’s a slightly more compact example, in which the list is initialized with its items when the value is first created:

x = [12, 2]  # Create a new list with two items, assigned to x

def setup():
  size(200, 200) # No further action needed in setup()!
Avoid creating lists within draw(), because creating a new list on every frame will slow down your frame rate.

Example 11-6: Revisiting the First Example

As a complete example of how to use lists, here we’ve recoded Example 11-1. Although we don’t yet see the full benefits revealed in Example 11-3, we do see some important details of how lists work:

x = [-20.0, 20.0]

def setup():
  size(240, 120)

def draw():
  x[0] += 0.5  # Increase the first element
  x[1] += 0.5  # Increase the second element
  arc(x[0], 30, 40, 40, 0.52, 5.76)
  arc(x[1], 90, 40, 40, 0.52, 5.76)

Note that the global keyword is not needed in the draw() function here. See Appendix D for more information.

Repetition and Lists

The for loop, introduced in “Repetition”, makes it easier to work with large lists while keeping the code concise. The way we use for loops to operate on lists is different depending on exactly what we want to do with the list.

Example 11-7: Filling a List in a for Loop

A for loop can be used to fill a list with values or to read the values back out. In this example, the list is first filled with random numbers inside setup(), and then these numbers are used to set the stroke value inside draw(). Each time the program is run, a new set of random numbers is put into the list:

Ex 11 08
gray = []

def setup():
  size(240, 120)
  for i in range(width):
    gray.append(random(0, 255))

def draw():
  for i in range(len(gray)):
    line(i, 0, i, height)

Example 11-9: Track Mouse Movements

In this example, there are two lists to store the position of the mouse—one for the x coordinate and one for the y coordinate. These lists store the location of the mouse for every frame. With each new frame, the newest coordinate is inserted at the beginning of the list. This example visualizes this action. Also, at each frame, all coordinates are used to draw a series of ellipses to the screen:

Ex 11 09
x = []
y = []

def setup():
  size(240, 120)

def draw():
  x.insert(0, mouseX)
  y.insert(0, mouseY)
  for i in range(len(x)):
    fill(i * 4)
    ellipse(x[i], y[i], 40, 40)

This example demonstrates another method of the list object, insert(), which takes two parameters: the first is an index in the list, and the second is the value to insert into the list at that index. The code x.insert(0, mouseX) inserts the value in the variable mouseX at index 0 of the list (i.e., the beginning of the list).


The technique for storing coordinates in a list is inefficient. Because there’s no built-in limit to the number of coordinates the list will store, the list in this program can quickly grow very large in memory, causing your sketch to slow down or even crash. For a more efficient technique that only stores the last n numbers, see the Examples → Basics → Input → StoringInput example included with Python Mode.

Lists of Objects

The two short examples in this section bring together every major programming concept in this book: variables, iteration, conditionals, functions, objects, and lists. Making a list of objects is nearly the same as making the lists we introduced on the previous pages, but there’s one additional consideration: because each list element is an object, it must first be instantiated before it can be appended to the list. (For a built-in Processing class such as PImage, you need to use the loadImage() function to create the object before it’s assigned.)

Example 11-10: Managing Many Objects

This example creates a list of 33 JitterBug objects and then updates and displays each one inside draw(). For this example to work, you need to add the JitterBug class (see Chapter 10) to the code:

Ex 11 10
# Copy JitterBug class here

bugs = []

def setup():
  size(240, 120)
  for i in range(33):
    x = random(width)
    y = random(height)
    r = i + 2
    bugs.append(JitterBug(x, y, r))

def draw():
  for i in range(len(bugs)):

Example 11-11: A New Way to Manage Objects

Because iterating over every item in a list is a very common task when writing computer programs, Python has a shorthand syntax for making it easier. Instead of creating a new counter variable, such as the i variable in Example 11-10, and iterating over the result of the range() function, it’s possible to iterate over the elements of a list directly. In the following example, each object in the bugs list of JitterBug objects is assigned to b in order to run the move() and display() methods for all objects in the list.

This form of the for loop is often tidier than looping with a number, although in this example, we didn’t use it inside setup() because i was needed inside the loop (to set the size of the JitterBug object). This demonstrates how it’s sometimes helpful to have the number around:

# Copy JitterBug class here

bugs = []

def setup():
  size(240, 120)
  for i in range(33):
    x = random(width)
    y = random(height)
    r = i + 2
    bugs.append(JitterBug(x, y, r))

def draw():
  for b in bugs:

The final list example loads a sequence of images and stores each as an element within a list of PImage objects.

Example 11-12: Sequences of Images

To run this example, get the images from the file as described in Chapter 7. The images are named sequentially (frame-0000.png, frame-0001.png, etc.), which makes it possible to create the name of each file within a for loop, as seen in the eighth line of the program:

Ex 11 12
numFrames = 12  # The number of frames
images = []     # Make the list
currentFrame = 0

def setup():
  size(240, 120)
  for i in range(numFrames):
    imageName = "frame-" + nf(i, 4) + ".png"

def draw():
  global currentFrame
  image(images[currentFrame], 0, 0)
  currentFrame += 1   # Next frame
  if currentFrame >= len(images):
    currentFrame = 0  # Return to first frame

The nf() function formats numbers so that nf(1, 4) returns the string “0001” and nf(11, 4) returns “0011”. These values are concatenated with the beginning of the filename (“frame-”) and the end (“.png”) to create the complete filename as a string. The files are appended to the list on the following line. The images are displayed to the screen one at a time in draw(). When the last image in the list is displayed, the program returns to the beginning of the list and shows the images again in sequence.

Robot 9: Lists

Robot 9

Lists make it easier for a program to work with many elements. In this example, a list intended to contain Robot objects is created at the top. The list is then filled with Robot objects inside setup(). In draw(), another for loop is used to update and display each element of the bots list.

The for loop and a list make a powerful combination. Notice the subtle differences between the code for this example and Robot 8 (see “Robot 8: Objects”) in contrast to the extreme changes in the visual result. Once a list is created and a for loop is put in place, it’s as easy to work with three elements as it is 3,000.

The decision to load the SVG file within setup() rather than in the Robot class is the major change from Robot 8. This choice was made so the file is loaded only once, rather than as many times as there are elements in the list (in this case, 20 times). This change makes the code start faster because loading a file takes time, and it uses less memory because the file is stored once. Each element of the bot list references the same file:

class Robot(object):
  # Set initial values
  def __init__(self, shape, tempX, tempY):
    self.botShape = shape
    self.xpos = tempX
    self.ypos = tempY
    self.angle = random(0, TWO_PI)
    self.yoffset = 0.0

  def update(self):
    self.angle += 0.05
    self.yoffset = sin(self.angle) * 20

  def display(self):
    shape(self.botShape, self.xpos, self.ypos + self.yoffset)

bots = []  # Create list for Robot objects
botCount = 20

def setup():
  size(720, 480)
  robotShape = loadShape("robot1.svg")
  # Create each object
  for i in range(botCount):
    # Create a random x coordinate
    x = random(-40, width-40)
    # Assign the y coordinate based on the order
    y = map(i, 0, botCount, -100, height-200)
    bots.append(Robot(robotShape, x, y))

def draw():
  background(0, 153, 204)
  for b in bots:
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