Installing react-native-camera on iOS

There are three steps to install react-native-camera and to include it in our CameraScreen. From the command line, navigate to the ReactNotes directory and run the following command:

npm install [email protected] --save

If you take a look at the node_modules directory in the ReactNotes project you'll see a new directory named react-native-camera, which contains both the JavaScript and native source code of the module. In the ios subdirectory, you'll notice a file called RCTCamera.xcodeproj, as shown in the following screenshot:

Installing react-native-camera on iOS

We need to add this file to our Xcode project's library. In the Xcode project navigator, right-click on Libraries and choose Add Files to ReactNotes:

Installing react-native-camera on iOS

In the Finder window that appears, navigate to ReactNotes | node_modules | react-native-camera | ios, select RCTCamera.xcodeproj and click Add:

Installing react-native-camera on iOS

Take a look at the Libraries folder in the project navigator and you should see RCTCamera.xcodeproj in the list.

Next, select ReactNotes in the project navigator, click on Build Phases and expand the Link Binary With Libraries section:

Installing react-native-camera on iOS

Click the plus sign at the bottom of the Link Binary with Libraries section, select libRCTCamera.a from the list and click Add:

Installing react-native-camera on iOS

We're now ready to use the camera component in our application.

Searching for Native Modules

A brief note before we start using the camera component is how you can find these modules on your own. The two best places to look for open source Native Modules are either on GitHub ( or NPM ( A search on either of these sites will give you plenty of third-party modules created by the React Native community to use in your projects.

Using the camera component

The hard part is over! Importing the camera module is as simple as including any other React component:

import Camera from 'react-native-camera';

Using the Camera component is quite simple, as well. Here's the render function of the CameraScreen:

  render () {
    return (
        <View style={styles.cameraButtonContainer}>

The Camera module exposes a number of props that you can use to customize its behavior but most of the default values work well for our purpose. However, you'll note that we set the captureTarget property to Camera.constants.CaptureTarget.disk. This setting will place the saved images into a directory on the device that only our ReactNotes application has access to. The default value for the captureTarget property is Camera.constants.CaptureTarget.cameraRoll, which will put the image in the shared location used by the native camera when you're taking pictures. Although that will normally be acceptable, at the time of this writing there is a bug that prevents ReactNative from loading images from that location.

Take a look at the code listing above. Notice that we've added child components to the camera component. It behaves just like a View component; you're now familiar with laying out children using the Flexbox attribute. In our example, we've added a View and a SimpleButton with an onPress handler that will capture the image:

_takePicture () {, data) => {
    if (err) return;

Recall that we added ref="cam" to the camera component declaration; thus, allowing us to refer to it in our handler. When we call the capture() function, we pass in a callback that takes two arguments, err (which should be null unless the user doesn't permit ReactNotes to use the camera) and data, which will include the full path to the image once it is saved to disk.

In order to save the path to the image along with the note, we'll need to pass the data up using this.props.onPicture(data). We'll need to update our top-level ReactNotes component, but before we do that, here's the complete code for the CameraScreen:

import React, {
} from 'react-native';

import Camera from 'react-native-camera';
import SimpleButton from './SimpleButton';

export default class CameraScreen extends React.Component {
  _takePicture () {, data) => {
      if (err) return;

  render () {
    return (
        <View style={styles.cameraButtonContainer}>

var styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    marginTop: 64
  cameraButtonContainer: {
    position: 'absolute',
    bottom: 20,
    left: 20,
    right: 20
  cameraButton: {
    backgroundColor: '#5B29C1',
    borderRadius: 4,
    paddingHorizontal: 20,
    paddingVertical: 15
  cameraButtonText: {
    color: 'white',
    textAlign: 'center'

Return to index.ios.js and add the onPicture callback to the CameraScreen props:

renderScene(route, navigator) {
    switch ( {
      case 'home':
        return (
      case 'camera':
        return (
          <CameraScreen onPicture={(imagePath) => this.saveNoteImage(imagePath, route.note)}/>

We're passing in a callback that takes an imagePath and then calls this.saveNoteImage(imagePath, route.note). Let's add that function just above renderScene:

saveNoteImage(imagePath, note) {
  note.imagePath = imagePath;

This function simply takes the imagePath, adds it to the note object, and passes the modified note to our updateNote() function.

Now you can run the application in the simulator, click the Take Picture button and the screen becomes black! Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your code; the iOS simulator doesn't have access to a camera, so it displays a black screen. However, if you click the Capture button, an image will be saved to your file system and when you return to view the image you'll actually see a white screen.

To verify if this works, you can console.log the imagePath, navigate to the image, modify the image, and then return to the NoteImageScreen to see your changes.

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