About the Authors

Josh Long is the Spring developer advocate, an editor on the Java queue for InfoQ.com, and the lead author on several books, including Apress’ Spring Recipes, 2nd Edition. Josh has spoken at many different industry conferences internationally including TheServerSide Java Symposium, SpringOne, OSCON, JavaZone, Devoxx, Java2Days and many others. When he’s not hacking on code for SpringSource, he can be found at the local Java User Group or at the local coffee shop. Josh likes solutions that push the boundaries of the technologies that enable them. His interests include scalability, BPM, grid processing, mobile computing and so-called “smart” systems. He blogs at blog.springsource.org or joshlong.com.

Mr. Mayzak is part of the Cloud Applications Platform team at VMware. As part of this team he is focused on mapping our solutions to customers needs and ensuring that what we offer fits their requirements. He is constantly in the field working with customers on their Cloud initiatives.

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