
When CEOs extend their focus to writing a book, they must rely on smart, dedicated staff to help them balance the demands of writing with the responsibilities of running their business. These people inevitably become key contributors to the quality of the final work, whether through research assistance, editing expertise, or giving the author an occasional sanity check.

After writing, I knew that the work needed for Glitch would require support and collaboration from key individuals. Two of these individuals have worked with me for decades, beginning at Lotus and continuing at Maptuit and now WebLayers.

My deepest thanks go to Sharon Ricci and Carlos Bernal for their professional dedication and friendship over the decades, as well as for inspiring me to write this book. Getting from inspiration to the chapters published here required much assistance in fact-checking a wide array of information, identifying and interviewing topical experts, and organizing and editing the final content. Kathleen Keating collaborated on these and numerous other activities with great urgency so as to meet our ambitious deadline. I thank them, along with John Favazza, WebLayers’ VP of research and development, for their assiduousness in keeping Glitch on track.

I also wish to thank several other people who made this book possible. My acquisitions editor at Pearson Education, Katherine Bull, believed in Glitch and made others believe as well, and Jovana San Nicolas-Shirley helped make the production of Glitch a painless undertaking. Importantly, I also want to thank Joe McKendrick and Esther Schindler—two very insightful people whose knowledge and feedback during the manuscript review made Glitch a better book. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for the support and contributions of all these key professionals.

I tend to talk at length about the people-centric nature of the software industry and why I have enjoyed that aspect of this business the most. Many thanks are due to the tremendous people who have shared their finest accomplishments and their valuable friendships with me over the years as employees, institutional investors, and industry colleagues.

I will close by expressing my appreciation to you, the reader, as well as to the many brilliant, diligent, caring, and resourceful people who will tackle the IT governance challenges presented in this book.

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