

ACCC (Australian Competition & Consumer Commision), 145

access to enterprise software, 66

accountability for changes in legislation

IT vendors, 143-144

acquisitions, impact of recessions, 90-93

Adair, Johnny “Mad Dog”, 48

adding network capacity, 112-113

aging IT infrastructures, 49, 50

agriculture, 135

Amazon, 85

Aptium Oncoloty, 169

AT&T, frustrations, 102

audiences, IT governance, 153

auditing, third-party auditing, 73

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC), 145

automation, skills drought, 9


technology and, 21-23

Toyota. See Toyota

availability of processors, 61-62


back office, 81-83

Barnes & Noble, 85

Beijing, BlackBerrys, 53

Bell, Alexander Graham, 99

Bellaria, Phil, 101

Berson, Dr., 171, 183-185

Bibbo, Paul, 173

BlackBerrys, Beijing, 53

Blake, M. Brian, 156

BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics), 123

Bogdanich, Walt, 165

BSSs (business support systems), 114

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 123

business, mismatches with technology, 68-69

business models, changing, 85-87

business processes, transparency in, 93-94

business support systems (BSSs), 114


Carter, Sandy, 152

Caruana, Dr., 184

Caruana, Dr. Salvatore M., 171

cash, 2

Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA), 110

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 51

centers of excellence (COEs), 149

certification, 159

Chabinsky, Steven R., 55

Chandrasekhar, K. M., 55

changing business models, 85-87

China, Google, 133

Chuba, Mike, 6

cloud computing

mobile technologies, 107-111

U.S. government, 127-130

COBOL (common business-oriented language), 5-8

COEs (centers of excellence), 149

Commerce Bank, 91

commertial trucking, data quality, 105

commitment, responsibilities of managers/executives in mitigating glitches, 158-159

company-wide IT councils, 73

computer science, 9-10, 70

Consumer Bill of Rights, 36

corporate culture

prioritizing IT governance, 151

software developers, 146


justifying, 24

reducing through outsourcing, 62-66

Cox, Lynn, 27, 122

cross-functional teams, 12

cross-training staff, 9

CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), 51

CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association), 110

curiosity among IT professionals, 66-67

customer satisfaction, mobile technologies, 101

Cybersecurity Act of 2009, 132

cyber security breaches in U.S., 40

cyber terrorism, 39, 40

FBI, 55

IT governance, 54

IT infrastructure, 48, 49

aging infrastructures, 49-50

introducing new technologies into legacy infrastructures, 50-51

MMOG (massively multiplayer online game), 48

preventing a digital Pearl Harbor, 51-54

protecting the power grid, 41-44

RBS WorldPay bank robberies, 45-46


data consumption, 103

data quality, commercial trucking, 105

de la Vega, Ralph, 102

demand for software developers, 142

Digital Divide, 119

documentation, 71

due diligence for enterprise software procurement, 23-26


economic growth engine, technology as, 78-81

e-government, 120-121

ROI (return on investment), 121-125

e-Government Fund, 125


inconsistent approaches to IT infrastructures, 125-126

employee infrastructures, building, 44-45

energy costs, mainframes and back offices, 83

engaging government agencies, 159

enterprise software, 66-69

enterprise software procurement, due diligence for, 23-26

evaluating vendors, 25

evolving IT infrastructure, 60, 61


mitigating glitches, 152

commitments and responsibilities, 158-159

IT governance, 153-156

supporting intersecting roles while avoiding duplication of, 156-158

visiting the shop floor, employee infrastructures, 45


Fagan, Michael, 185

FBI (Bederal Bureau of Investigation) cyber terrorism, 55

feedback, 158

Feldmeier, Dr. John J., 167

femtocell, 113

Focazio, Martin, 91

Freeman, Dr. Richard W., 177

front offices, 84

future of IT, success factors for, 94-95

future of IT governance, 160-162


Gardner, Dana, 92, 150, 161

Gavitt, Stephen M., 182

Genachowski, Julius, 110

Giuliano, Linda, 175, 184

glitches, 3

mitigating, 152

commitments and responsibilities, 158-159

IT governance, 153-156

supporting intersecting roles while avoiding duplication of effort, 156-158

reasons for, 4-5

loss of intellectual knowledge, 5-6

market consolidation, 10-12

technology, 13

Global IT Governance Council, 55-56

global IT repository, 136

globalization through the Internet, 84-87

global opportunities, economic growth engines, 80-81

global stimulus funds, 124

Golembe, Dr. Edward, 171

Google, 132, 133

governance, ineffective, 122

government, 119-120

e-government, 120-121

ROI (return on investment), 121-125

role in future of IT, 131

Google, 132-133

Internet, 131-132

public safety, 134-135

role of, 136-137

government agencies, engaging, 159


e-governments, inconsistent approaches to IT infrastructure, 125-126

stimulus funds, 124

U.S. government, 126

cloud computing, 127-130

open source technologies, 130-131

Web 2.0, 122

GPS (global positioning system), 105

Grealy, Elizabeth, 63

growth of Internet traffic, 13

Guertin, Timothy E., 30, 180


hackers, 71

Hall, Dr. Eric J., 170

Hatch nuclear power plant, 42-44

healthcare, 27, 135

Oregon Health Payment Plan, 34-35

radiation, 28-31

Health InterNetwork (HINARI), 135

high-speed packet access (HSPA), 112

history of IT industry, 81

front offices, 84

globalization through the Internet, 84-87

mainframes and back office, 81-83

Hollerith, Herman, 81

Holleyman, Robert, 121, 137

HSPA (high-speed packet access), 112-113

human intellect, technology and, 31-33


I-35 Mississippi River bridge collapse, 106

IBM, 81

ICS (industrial control system), 42

ICT (information and communication technology), 13, 125

impact of recessions, 87-88

Madoff, Bernie, 88-89

mergers and acquisitions, 90-93

transparency in business processes, 93-94

I.M.R.T. (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy), 170

income, U.S. software industry, 78

inconsistent approaches to IT infrastructures, 125, 126

industrial control system (ICS), 42

ineffective governance, 122

information and communication technology (ICT), 13, 125

infrastructure, sustaining, 111-115

intellectual knowledge, loss of, 5-6

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (I.M.R.T.), 170

International Business Machines Corporation. See IBM

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 144

International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 124


globalization through, 84-87

growth of traffic, 13

mobile technologies, 100-104

role of government, 131-132

Internet users, 47

inventory, IT asset inventory, 74

investing in people, 73

iPad, launch of, 101

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 144

IT, history of IT industry, 81

front offices, 84

globalization through the Internet, 84-87

mainframes and back office, 81-83

IT asset inventory, 74

IT governance, 26, 35-37

audiences, 153

cyber attacks, 54

developers and, 146-149

future of, 160-162

maximizing, 155-156

prioritizing, 151

responsibilities of managers/executives in mitigating glitches, 153-156

squandering, 156

transparency, 154-155

IT infrastructure, 48-49

aging infrastructures, 49-50

evolving, 60-61

introducing new technologies into legacy infrastructures, 50-51

IT myths, dispelling, 69-72

IT professionals, curiosity among, 66-67

ITU (International Telecommunication Union), 124

IT vendors, accountability for changes in legislation, 143-144


Jerome-Parks, Ms., 173, 183

Jerome-Parks, Scott, 28, 165-175, 183-185

Jn-Charles, Alexandra, 30, 165

Jn-Charles, Rene, 175-178

justifying cost, 24


Kalach, Nina, 28, 172

Kazmaier, Kim, 7, 159

Kennedy, President John F., 36

Klein, Bill, 32

knowledge transfer, 8

Kundra, Vivek, 127


Lastrella, Chris, 18

legislation, IT vendors accountability for, 143-144

Leibovitz, John, 101

Leonard, Anne, 173

lessons learned from Toyota, 21

Lewis, Dr. Jim, 51

linear accelerators, 166, 170

linear accelerators (Linac), 28-31

line-of-business (LOB), 151

litigation, overseeing organizations and social media, 144-146

LOB (line-of-business), 151

LoCurto, Chuck, 124

long-term evolution (LTE), 112

Lorence, Nancy, 175

loss of intellectual knowledge, 5-6

LTE (long-term evolution), 112-113

lying by omission, 33

Lyons, Dan, 103


Madoff, Bernie, 88, 89

mainframes, 81-83

Malik, Bill, 3

managers, mitigating glitches, 152

commitments and responsibilities, 158-159

IT governance, 153-156

supporting intersecting roles while avoiding duplication of, 156-158

Maptuit, 106

market consolidation, 10-12

Martin, Walter, 106

mash-ups, 123

maximizing IT governance, 155-156

McDonald, Kevin, 130

McKendrick, Joe, 109, 155

medical mistakes, New York, 180-182

Men’s Wearhouse, 11


impact of recessions, 90-93

successful mergers, 12

Mettler Jr., Dr. Fred A., 167

Mills, Steve, 61

MIPS, mainframes and back offices, 83

mismatches between technology and business, 68-69

mistakes, embracing, 148

mitigating glitches, responsibilities of managers and executives, 152

commitments and, 158-159

IT governance, 153-156

supporting intersecting, 156-158

MMOG (massively multiplayer online game), 46-48

mobile cloud, 109

mobile phones, sales of, 100

mobile technologies, 100

cloud computing, 107-111

Internet, 100-104

teleworkers, 104-106

monitoring radiotherapy, 168

Montefiore Medical Center, 182

Moore’s Law, 62

Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 2010, 20

Mr. Tux, 11

multileaf collimator, 180

Muszynski, Josh, 1-2

myths, dispelling IT myths, 69-72


Neau, Christian, 154, 160

Nelson, Jeff, 167

network capacity, adding, 112-113

New York, medical mistakes, 180-182

Noblis Health Innovation, 32

Northeast Blackout of 2003, 41


O’Connell, John, 182

Open Government Directive, 131

open source technology, U.S. government, 130-131

Operation Chokehold, 103

Oregon Health Payment Plan, 34-35


overseeing, 144-146

OSSs (operations support systems), 114

outsourcing, reduced costs, 62-66

overseeing organizations, 144-146


Parks, Mr., 185

Pearson, Dr. David, 172

pedal entrapment, Toyota, 18

peer-to-peer job exchanges, 45

people, investing in, 73

Philippon, Thomas, 90

phones, sales of, 100

Police National Computer, 49

Porter, Ms., 182

power grid, protecting, 41-44

preventing digital Pearl Harbor, 51-54

prioritizing IT governance, 151

processors, availability of, 61-62

protecting the power grid, 41-44

public safety, role of government, 134-135


QA (quality assurance) processes, 147

quality, understanding where software goes awry, 149-150


radiation, 28-31, 170

radiation accidents, 180-182

radiation burns, 170

radiation poisoning, 165-175

Jerome-Parks, Scott, 183-185

radiation poisoning, Jn-Charles, Rene, 175-178

radiotherapy, monitoring, 168

raids, Walter Martin, 106

RBS WorldPay bank robberies, 45-46

recalls, Toyota, 20-21

recessions, impact of, 87-88

Madoff, Bernie, 88-89

mergers and acquisitions, 90-93

transparency in business processes, 93-94

recognition by senior management, 158

review processes, 149-150

roadmaps, 12

road warriors, 105

ROI, e-government, 121-125

role of government, 136-137

role of government in future of IT, 131

Google, 132-133

Internet, 131-132

public safety, 134-135


sales of mobile phones, 100

Saylor, Mark, 18

Schulsinger, Dr. Alan, 177

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 88

security breaches, 72

shadowing, 44

skills, 68

COBOL, 6-7

computer science, 9-10

skills drought, 7-9

Skype, 113

social media, litigation, 144-146

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), 46

software developers

IT governance and, 146-149

quality, understanding where software goes awry, 149-150

rise of, 142-146

spectrum, cloud computing, 110-111

speed of transactions, 46

squandering IT governance, 156

staffing back offices, 83

stimulus funds, global, 124

Stony Brook University Medical Center, 181

St. Vincent’s Hospital, 165, 169, 179

subscription-based software model, 66

success, checklist for determining criteria for, 159-160

success factors for future of IT, 94-95

succession planning, 158

supporting intersecting

roles responsibilities of managers/executives in mitigating, 156-158

sustaining infrastructure, 111

adding network capacity, 112-113

structures to support the network, 114-115

SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), 46


TDBank, 91

technology, 13

as economic growth engine, 78

global opportunities, 80-81

automobiles and, 21-23

human intellect and, 31-33

introducing new technologies into legacy infrastructures, 50-51

mismatches with business, 68-69

mobile. See mobile technologies

telephones, 99

teleworkers, mobile technologies, 104-106

testing, 147

third-party auditing, 73

Torgovnick, Dr. Josh, 185

Toyota, 17-19

implications from recalls, 20-21

lessons learned from, 21

U.S. government, 19-20

transparency, 154-155

in business processes, 93-94

trucking data quality, 105

Turek, Rick, 106

tuxedos, 11


UASI (Urban Area Security Initiative), 134

U.S., cyber security breaches, 40

U.S. government, 126

cloud computing, 127-130

open source technology, 130-131

technology, ROI (return on investment), 121-125

Toyota, 19-20


Valenza-Gorman, Barbara, 181

Varian, 179, 180

Varian Medical Systems, 29

vendors, evaluating, 25

Visa Debit Processing Services, 2

voice over IP (VoIP), 113

VoIP (voice over IP), 113


Warriner III, Robert, 171

water, 135

Web 2.0, government, 122

Weir-Bryan, Ms., 179

Weir-Bryan, Tamara, 173, 184

Weiss, Joe, 42

WiFi, 112

wireless consumption, 110

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