m_tics family of options
Mac OS X
  building gnuplot from source on
  installing prebuilt package on
  in interactive workflow
  strings as
make distclean command
make install command
Mandelbrot set, coloring
margins keyword
Marquardt-Levenberg method
  built-in functions2nd
  complex numbers
  curve fitting
    fit command
    practical advice
  mathematical expressions
  mathematically undefined values
  nan (not-a-number)
  non-Cartesian coordinates
    cylindrical and spherical coordinates
    polar coordinates
  parametric plots
  probability plots
  user-defined variables and functions
  vector fields
    plane vector fields with plot
    three-dimensional vectors with splot
matrix format
matrix keyword
maxcols keyword
maxrows keyword
mcbtics option
mcsplines keyword
merit function
minimal context for data
mirror keyword
missing values
model keyword
monitoring and control charts
  cusum plots
  identifying outliers
  making data comparable
monitoring live data stream, continuously
  using drivers to monitor arbitrary data sources
  using gnuplot to monitor files
mono option2nd
Moreland, Kenneth
MOUSE_ prefix, for internal variables
MOUSE_ALT variable
MOUSE_CHAR variable
MOUSE_CTRL variable
MOUSE_KEY variable2nd
MOUSE_SHIFT variable
MOUSE_X variable2nd
MOUSE_X2 variable2nd
MOUSE_Y variable2nd
MOUSE_Y2 variable2nd
  adjusting viewing angle
  capturing mouse events
  placing arrows with mouse
  placing labels with mouse.
    See also hotkeys.
multiple axes
  plotting with two coordinate systems
multiple data sets per file
  selecting data sets by name
  selecting data sets by position
multiple lines, records spanning
multiple steps
multiplication (*) operator
  accommodating marginal labels with margins and spacing
  graphs within graphs
  layout options and set multiplot command
  regular arrays of graphs with layout
  using multiplot mode
multiplot layout
multiplot mode2nd
multivariate data sets
  distribution by level
  distribution of values by attribute
  parallel-coordinates plot
  scatter-plot matrix
multivariate visualization
  point size
Murrell, Paul


n lines
name keyword
name option
name, accessing columns by
NaN (not a number)2nd
ne operator
net inflow function
newhistogram command
NEWS file
Newton’s method2nd
Nimbus Sans L
NNN control character
NNNNNN control character
noautoscale keyword
nodes, defining palettes through
noenhanced keyword
non-Cartesian coordinates
  cylindrical coordinates
  polar coordinates
  spherical coordinates
nonlinear least-square fits
nonuniform matrix format
nooffset keyword
nooutput keyword
noraise option
noratio option
norm(x) function
normalize data
nosquare option
notitle option
NTSC luminance
number formats
Number theory
numbers, loops over


<object> tag
off keyword
offset argument
offset command2nd
offset keyword2nd
onload attribute
opaque keyword
open() function
organizational issues
  input data files
  lifecycle of graphs
  output files
output formats.
    See terminals and output formats.
output setting


-p command-line option
PageDown system key block
PAGER variable
PageUp system key block
palette keyword2nd
  color models and components
  colored surface plots with pm3d
    appearance options for
    elevation and color
  defining through nodes
  defining using functions
  examples of
    for segregation tasks
    four industrial-strength palettes
    geo palettes
    standard rainbow
    three simple workhorses
    tree rings
  further reading about
  interactive palette explorer example
  mapping plot range to
    logarithmic scaling of colorbox
  querying palette definition
parallel coordinates2nd3rd
  highlighting subset of records
  improving appearance
parameters, passing to scripts
parametric mode
parametric plots
pattern keyword
pause -1 command
pause command2nd
pause mouse command
pdf keyword
PDF, generating with cairo-based terminals
pdfcairo terminal2nd3rd4th5th
Perl, calling gnuplot from
--persist command-line option
persist option
phase transition
pie charts
pipe, writing to
Plis, A. I.
plot ... smooth cumul command
plot command2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th13th14th15th16th17th18th19th20th
plot command
plot command
plot command
plot command
  data transformations
  logarithmic plots
  plotting data
  plotting functions
  smooth interpolation and approximation
    deduping repeated entries
    interpolation curves
    point distributions.
    See math.
plot option
plot sin(x) command
plot styles, box
plot... smooth kdens command
  abbreviations and defaults
  invoking gnuplot and first plots
  plotting data from file
  colored surface plots with
    appearance options for
    elevation and color
  using false-color plots with
png bitmap terminal
PNG, generating with cairo-based terminals
pngcairo terminal2nd3rd4th5th
point distributions2nd
  cumulative distribution functions2nd
  jitter plots and histograms
  kernel density estimates2nd
  summary statistics and box plots
pointinterval (pi) property
pointinterval keyword
pointintervalbox feature2nd
  false-color plots using
  styles for
  types and shapes
points option
points style
pointsize keyword
pointsize variable
pointtype (pt) keyword2nd
polar coordinates
polar option
polar variable
Popen facility
position, accessing columns by
PostScript file
postscript terminal2nd
power-law behavior
--prefix=PREFIX control
presentation graphics2nd
Primer of Analytic Number Theory, A
print command
probability plots
  generating data
  reading data from standard input
  reading data from subprocess
  writing to a pipe
Python, calling gnuplot from


q default hotkey binding
qt terminal2nd3rd4th5th6th
qt4 value
qt5 value
querying palette definition
question mark (?) character
quiet option2nd
quit command


r default hotkey binding
rainbow, standard
ramp color
rand(0) function
rand(x) function2nd
range keyword
ranked data
ratio option
real(x) function
recalling commands
redrawing graphs
refresh command
refresh option
relationships, representation of
  highlighting trends
  scatter plots
release and development versions
release packages
relief map
replot command2nd3rd
replot option
reset bind command2nd
reset command2nd3rd
reset errors command
reset session command2nd
restoring, session defaults
Return main key block
return statement
reverse keyword
RGB (red-green-blue)2nd
rgb keyword
Right arrow key
right keyword
rmargin keyword
Rogowitz, Bernice
rotate command
rotate parallel directive
round line end
rounded control
rowsfirst keyword
rowstacked style
rug plots


s(n) function
samplen keyword
sampling rate for functions
saturate operator
save command2nd3rd4th
saving palettes
sbezier keyword
scalable graphics for web
  canvas terminal
  svg terminal
scale keyword2nd
scale parameter
scaling law
scanf() functions2nd
scansautomatic directive
scansbackward directive
scansforward directive
scatter plots
scatter-plot matrix2nd
scientific notation
screen keyword
screen system
    See canvas.
<script> tag
  batch processing
  calling gnuplot from other programs
    from Perl
    from Python
    helpful hints
  command files
    export script example
    scripts as subroutines
  continuously monitoring live data stream
    using drivers to monitor arbitrary data sources
    using gnuplot to monitor files
  loops and conditionals
    iterating over files
    making graph paper
    Newton’s method
    Taylor series
scriptlets, extending command set using
segregation tasks, palettes for
self-contained files
self-explanatory files
semi-log plots
semicolon (;)
sensible defaults feature
separate symbols
separation keyword
serial box-and-whisker plots
  appearance options for
  example of array of
session defaults, restoring
set _range command2nd
set _tic add command
set _tics command
set _tics format command
set angle command
set arrow command
set arrow facility command
set arrow style command2nd
set autoscale command
set bars command2nd
set border command
set boxwidth command2nd
set cblabel command
set cbrange command
set cbrange option
set clip command
set clip points command
set cntrlabel command
set cntrlabel format command
set cntrlabel onecolor command
set cntrlabel parameter command
set cntrlparam command
set cntrparam command
set colorbox command
set colorsequence classic command
set colorsequence facility
set command2nd3rd
set contour command
set contour option
set dashtype command
set datafile separator command
set dgrid3d facility2nd
set dummy command
set fit command2nd
set fit covariancevariables command
set fit errorscaling command
set fit errorvariables command
set fit limit command
set fit limit_abs command
set fit logfile command
set fit maxiter command
set fit prescale command
set fit script command
set fit start_lambda command
set format command
set grid polar command
set hidden3d command
set history quiet command
set isosamples command2nd3rd
set key command
set key noautotitle command
set label command
set label style command
set linetype command
set linetype cycle facility
set link command
set link facility
set link x2 command
set link y2 command
set loadpath command
set logscale cb command2nd3rd
set logscale y command
set macro command
set mapping facility2nd
set margin command
set margins command
set mouse command2nd
set multiplot command2nd3rd
set multiplot layout command2nd3rd
set multiplot next command
set mxtics 5 command
set object command
set object style command
set offsets command
set origin command2nd3rd4th
set output command2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
set palette command2nd3rd4th5th
set palette cubehelix command
set palette defined (...) command
set palette file ... command2nd
set palette functions command
set palette rgbformulae command
set paxis command
set pm3d corners2color command
set pm3d hidden3d command
set pm3d mode command
set pointsize command2nd3rd
set polar facility
set print command2nd3rd
set raxis command
set rrange command
set samples command2nd3rd4th5th
set samples parameter command
set size command2nd
set size square command
set style boxplot command2nd3rd
set style circle setting command
set style command2nd3rd
set style fill command2nd3rd
set style histogram clustered command
set style histogram clustered gap 2 command
set style histogram columnstacked style command
set style histogram command
set style line command
set style rectangle command
set style textbox command
set surface command
set table command2nd
set terminal ... close command
set terminal ... size... command
set terminal command2nd3rd4th
set terminal pop command
set terminal push command
set termoption command2nd
set timefmt command2nd
set title command2nd
set urange command
set view command
set view equal xy command
set view equal xyz command
set view map command
set vrange command
set x2tic add ( ... ) command
set xdata command
set xdata time command2nd
set xdtics command
set xlabel command2nd
set xmtics command
set xrange command
set xrange plot range command
set xtic command
set xtics command
set xtics format command
set xtics pi command
set xyplane command
set xzero axis command
set ylabel command2nd
set yrange plot range command
set ytics command2nd
set zeroaccess command
set zlabel command
set[...] command
setborder command
setup script
sgn(x) function
shell commands, invoking from gnuplot
SHELL variable
show all command
show bind command
show colornames command2nd
show command2nd
show functions command
show label command
show loadpath command
show palette command
show variables all command
show variables command
show version long command2nd
show version long pertinent command
show version pertinent command
sin(x) function
single blank lines
single plot
single-quoted strings
sinh(x) function
size directive
size option
size, of canvas
skip directive
smooth cnormal command
smooth cumul command
smooth cumulative feature
smooth directive2nd
smooth frequency function2nd3rd
smooth interpolation and approximation
  deduping repeated entries
  interpolation curves
    Bézier approximations
    spline interpolations
  point distributions
    cumulative distribution functions
    kernel density estimates
smooth kdens command
smooth kdensity feature2nd
smooth sbezier command
smooth surfaces, dgrid3d facility
smooth unique command
smoothing splines
source tree, layout of
space bar default hotkey binding
spacing directive
spacing keyword2nd
spacing value
special line types
special plots
  box-and-whisker plots
    appearance options
    semantics of
    serial box-and-whisker plots
    graphs within graphs
    layout options and set multiplot command
    marginal labels with margins and spacing
    regular arrays of graphs with layout
    using multiplot mode
  parallel coordinates
    parallel-coordinates graphs
spectrum, features of
spherical coordinates
spline interpolations
splines algorithm
splot command2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
sprintf() function2nd
sqrt(x) function
square control
square line end
src/ file
stacked curves, changing
stacked histogram style
stacking order
standalone mode2nd
standalone option
standard data-file format
  comments and header lines
  selecting columns
standard rainbow
startup configurations and initialization
  command-line flags
  environment variables
  startup and initialization files
StatLib Datasets Archive
stats command2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th
STATS_ prefix, for internal variables
steps style
Stopple, J.
strftime() function2nd
stringcolumn(i) function
  data files
  executing with eval
  in data files
  loops over
  string expressions in commands
  string macros inside commands
  string operations
strptime() function2nd
structure matrix format
structured data sets
  multiple data sets per file
    selecting data sets by name
    selecting data sets by position
  records spanning multiple lines
  choosing inline using with keyword
  customizing graph elements
    inline customizations
    line options
  filled styles
    arrow styles
    data and function styles
    fill styles
    line styles
    other global styles
  linespoints style
  multivariate visualization
    point size
  reasons for using
  time-series styles
  with error bars
subprocess module
subprocess, reading data from
subroutines, scripts as
  Newton’s method
  passing parameters to scripts
  simulating local variables
sum construct2nd3rd4th
summary statistics
surface plots
  coordinate axes
    base plane
    borders plane
  plotting data from a file using splot
    grid format
    matrix format
  smooth surfaces
  special options for
    sampling frequency for plotting functions with splot
    set hidden3d option
    set surface option
  splot command
  view point
    bird’s-eye view
    unit length and aspect ratio
    using mouse
    using set view
svg terminal2nd3rd
sym(s) function
system() function


Tab main key block
tags, identifying decorations using
tail command
tail facility
tan(x) function
tanh(x) function
Taylor expansion
Taylor series
terminal abstraction
terminal facility2nd
terminal option
terminal pop pseudoterminal
terminal push pseudoterminal
terminal setting
terminals and output formats
  capabilities and test command
  enhanced text mode
  font resolution
  font selection
  generating PNG and PDF with cairo-based terminals
  interactive terminals
    aqua terminal
    common options
    windows terminal
    wxt and qt terminals
  scalable graphics for web
    canvas terminal
    svg terminal
  terminal abstraction
  using gnuplot with LaTeX
    generating graph using LaTex
    including graph in document
    using cairolatex terminal
    changing default terminal properties
    flushing buffers
    push and pop pseudoterminals
    scaling complete plot up or down
    standard workflow
test command2nd
test palette command
text labels
  axis labels
  title label
textcolor (tc) keyword2nd3rd4th
textual output generation
  title label
    print command
    reading and writing heredocs
    set print command
    set table command
    with table style
tgif terminal
thermodynamics of phase transitions
three-dimensional vectors, with splot
tic marks2nd
  appearance and placement
  grid and zero axis
  labels for
    scientific notation and enhanced text mode
  location and frequency of
    adding and overriding individual tic marks
    minor tic marks
  reading from file
tics keyword
ticslabels() function
tikz terminal2nd
time series2nd
  date and time information
  months and weekdays
  styles for
  working in time-series mode
Time Series Data Library
time-series plots
  changing composition and stacked curves
  differencing time series
  double exponential smoothing
  exponential smoothing
  monitoring and control charts
    cusum plots
    identifying outliers
    making data comparable
  plotting Apache web server log
  smoothing and differencing
time() function
timecolumn() function2nd3rd
times variable
title columnhead
title directive2nd3rd
title keyword2nd3rd
title label
title option2nd
title strings
tm_hour() function
tm_mday() function
tm_min() function
tm_mon() function
tm_sec() function
tm_wday() function
tm_yday() function
tm_year() function
tmargin keyword
to keyword
top keyword
trailing average
trange plot range
transformations, data
transparent keyword
Treinish, Lloyd
trianglepattern keyword


-u command2nd
u default hotkey binding
u variable
UCI Machine Learning Repository2nd3rd
undefine command
undefined command
undefined values
underscore (_) symbol2nd
unique keyword
Unix, building gnuplot from source on
unset arrow command
unset colorbox command
unset command
unset label command
unset multiplot command
unset raxis command
unset xdtics command
unset xmtics command
Up arrow key
update command
upset session
upwards keyword
user keyword
user-defined variables and functions
using directive2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th


-V command-line option
v variable
valid() function
value() function
values, missing
variable keyword2nd
  environment variables
  in interactive workflow
  local, simulating
  set by fit command
vector fields
  plane vector fields with plot
  three-dimensional vectors with splot
--version command-line option
vertical keyword
via clause
view point
  bird’s-eye view
  unit length and aspect ratio
  using mouse
  using set view
viewers, external
visual perception
  judging lengths and distances
  plot ranges and whether to always include zero
Visualizing Data


w pm3d style
Wainer, Howard2nd3rd
weighted cubic splines
weighted least-squares merit function
West, G. B.
while loop2nd3rd4th
whiskerbars keyword
Wierstorf, Hagen
Williams, Thomas (gnuplot author)
  building gnuplot from source on
  installing prebuilt package on
windows terminal
with arrows style
with boxes style
with boxplot style2nd3rd
with boxxyerrorbars style
with candlesticks style
with circles style2nd3rd
with directive
with ellipses style
with histogram style
with image style
with keyword
with labels style2nd3rd4th5th
with lines style2nd3rd
with linespoints style2nd
with option
with points style2nd3rd4th
with rgbalpha style
with table style
with vectors style2nd3rd4th5th6th
with xyerrorbars style
--with-qt option
--with-qt=no option
--with-readline option
--with-readline=builtin option
--with-readline=DIR option
--with-readline=gnu option
--with-wx=DIR option
Witten, T. A.
word function2nd3rd
word() function
words() function2nd
  changing default terminal properties
  scaling complete plot up or down.
    See interactive workflow.
wxt terminal2nd3rd4th5th6th7th


x variable2nd
X11 format
x11 terminal2nd
xmtics command
xrange option
xrange plot range
xtic() function2nd
xticlabels() function
xyplane option


y variable
yerrorlines style
yrange option
yrange plot range
ytic(1) function


z direction
z keyword
z range
Zeileis, Achim

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