Personal Assessment

Rate each statement using the following scale:

5 = Completely Agree; 4 = Partially Agree; 3 = Neither Agree nor Disagree; 2 = Partially Disagree; 1 = Completely Disagree

Gain Knowledge


I know my own strengths and weaknesses.


I know the people I lead on a deep level
(personally and professionally).


I know my industry extremely well.


I have a high level of mastery of the principles
and practices of leadership.


I have a detailed, written personal development plan.




Reach Out to Others

I am always looking for ways to invest in the
growth of others.


I have ongoing mentoring relationships with
emerging leaders.


I frequently see and seize teachable moments.


I frequently share what I’m learning with others.


I have developed a high level of mastery
communicating my point of view on leadership.




Open Your World


I constantly look for opportunities to grow
at work.


I constantly seek new experiences outside
the workplace.


I have a mentor(s) who helps me grow.


I am always looking for additional
opportunities to lead.


I see every day as an opportunity to
learn and grow.




Walk toward Wisdom

I consistently tell myself the truth regarding
my leadership.


I actively seek feedback from those I know
to be truthtellers.


I have a group of people I trust to give me
counsel on important issues.


I have mastered the art and discipline of
asking profound questions.


I am fully committed to a lifelong pursuit
of wisdom.




What’s Next?

In case you were wondering, there is no value in the assessment you just completed—the value lies in what you do next. Here are a few suggestions for you to consider.

Look at the four sections of the assessment. How can you do more in the area in which you scored the highest?

Next, look at the area in which you are the least proficient today. Pick one item—just one—and create a plan. For example, if you realized that in the Walk toward Wisdom section you don’t have a group of people you can trust to give you counsel on important issues, you can start today forming a personal board of directors. Or, if you had a low score on frequently sharing what you’re learning with others, think of someone you can meet with to share what you’ve learned in this book.

After you’ve successfully done one thing, choose another. When you’ve done them all, start over and do them again. Don’t stop. The point is to stay on the journey.

If there were a bonus question, we can think of one that is worth more than the twenty you just read. It is this:

Do you want to be a leader for life?

That is the question that really matters. If you remember only one thing from this book, we hope that it is this:

Your capacity to GROW determines your capacity to lead!

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