
account managers, 6162

Adamson, Brent, 6782, 101114, 127138

advertising, costs of, 2728

advocates, 7476, 131132

alignment, between sales and marketing, 3337

Anderson, James C., 115125

at-risk pay, 163

attraction power, 10, 11, 12

authority, 11, 13

Automatic Data Processing (ADP), 81

Baby Boomers, 164

benefits, 1416

big data, 8485, 92, 9599, 155

Bird, Anna, 127138

“Blockers,” 77, 79

Bonoma, Thomas V., 121

bonuses, 153, 155158

brand awareness, 40, 41

brand consideration, 40

brand preference, 40, 41

break-even ratio, for sales force size, 56

business creation, 123124

business growth, 143145

business jets, 35

business life cycle, sales force structure and, 4565

business value, 132


behavioral clues for identifying, 1314

gathering psychological intelligence on, 1821

motivations of, 1416

perceptions of, 1618

powerful, 914

self-interest of, 3, 14

See also customers

buying center, 59, 1314

buying funnel, 40

buying process

achieving consensus in, 127138

changes in, 101

human factors in, 25

key players in, 4, 514

multiple decision makers in, 104, 127138

psychology of, 121

carryover sales percentage, 5758

“Challengers,” 7273

challenger selling, 165166

change, culture of, 55

chief customer officer (CCO), 39

chief revenue officer (CRO), 39

Chung, Doug J., 149160

“Climbers,” 77, 80

coaching, 111

coercive power, 1011

collaboration, 95, 9698, 105

commission-based pay, 151153. See also compensation

commission caps, 150, 151, 156, 159

common ground, identifying, among stakeholders, 132134


informal, 111

between sales and marketing, 3536


at-risk pay, 163

based on activities, 164

bonuses, 153, 155158

commission caps, 150, 151, 156, 159

customized pay plans, 163

globalization and, 165

vs. intrinsic rewards, 113114

mistakes in, 161162

as motivator, 149160, 162

organizational culture and, 166167

overly complex plans, 151153, 163164

plans for, 154

salaries, 152, 164

strategies for using, 139148

using data on, 155160

competitive advantage, 28, 29, 120121

compliance sales climate, 109, 110

consensus sales, 127138

corporate culture, 12, 111, 166167

corporate jet purchases, 35

critical thinking skills, 112

cross-functional collaboration, 9698


of change, 55

organizational, 12, 111, 166167

cumulative quotas, 157

customer acquisition plan, 140141

customer agility, 71

customer retention, 141143


achieving consensus in, 127138

business priorities of, 122123

coaching on how to buy, 8082

connecting with emotions of, 136137

emerging needs of, 71

identifying justifiers for, 119123

informed, 102, 115

misunderstanding, by suppliers, 116118

redefining needs of, 7173

selling to empowered, 104

stakeholders, 7480, 105, 127138

upending traditional ways of thinking in, 7273

See also buyers

customer-verified sales funnel, 107108

data analysis, 8485, 9399, 155157, 162

data management, 95

deciders, 7, 8

decision makers

consensus among multiple, 104, 127138

determining, 3

insight selling and, 102

defined relationship, between sales and marketing, 29, 33, 34, 35

disintermediation, 164165

distinctive features, 116117

Dixon, Matthew, 6782, 101114

emotional intelligence, 112

employee productivity, 110111

empowered customers, 104

established demand, 7074

expert power, 10, 11

fairness, in compensation plans, 153

features, 116117

feedback, from sales force, 37

field experiments, on compensation, 157159

free sales, 163

“Friends,” 77, 79

gatekeepers, 6, 7

gifts, 158159

globalization, 165

“Go-Getters,” 76, 7778, 79

Goyal, Manish, 8399

growth phase, sales force in, 5258

growth pockets, 8490

“Guides,” 77, 79

Hancock, Maryanne Q., 8399

Homayoun, Hatami, 8399

hot buttons, 1516

HubSpot, compensation plan of, 139147

human factors, in buying decisions, 25

IBM, 24

inbound marketing, 143144

influencers, 6, 7, 8

informal communication, 111

initiators, 6, 7

innovation, 106, 167

insight selling, 70, 7273, 102104, 112114

integration, between sales and marketing, 33, 3743

job rotation, 36

joint assignments, 36

judgment-oriented sales climate, 105114

justifiers, 115123

defined, 115116

discovering, 119123

identifying fresh, 124125

new business creation and, 123124

knowledge workers, 105

Kotler, Philip, 2344

Krishnaswamy, Suj, 2344

language mapping, 133

liaison, between sales and marketing, 36

long-term focus, 112

Lorimer, Sally E., 4565

loss aversion, 158

managerial coaching, 111


budget, 2728

four P’s of, 26, 27

funnel, 39, 41

inbound, 143144

metrics, 4243

in micromarkets, 96

relationship between sales and, 2344, 9698, 138

roles for, 2527

splitting, into upstream/downstream, 4142

support for mobilizers by, 137138

market share

causes of differences in, 89

gauging, 88

market teams, 108109

mature companies, sales force in, 5962

McGinn, Daniel, 161168

micromarkets, 83100

aligning sales coverage with opportunity, 9192

data analysis for, 9599

defining size of, 86

determining growth potential of, 87

gauging market share of, 88

growth pockets, 8490

identifying causes of differences in market share of, 89

opportunity maps, 9394

peer groups, 9293, 96

prioritizing, 90

sales force and, 85

sales plays for types of, 9293

Millennials, 164

mobilizers, 7780, 131132

decreasing individual risk for, 135136

equipping for effectiveness, 137138

increasing perceived rewards for, 136137

motivating, 135137

tools for, 135


of buyers, 1416

of mobilizers, 135137

of salespeople, 113114, 149160

Narus, James A., 115125

network performance, 110111

noncash incentives, 159

nonstrategic purchases, 116118, 125

opportunity maps, 9394

organizational climate

changing, 105109

insight selling and, 103

organizational culture, 12, 111, 166167

outsourcing, of sales function, 4950

peer groups, 9293, 96

performance management, 9596, 104

power bases, 914

price competition, 102, 106

price concessions, 117118

pricing, 27

principal-agent theory, 151152


benefits of, 1415

marketing of, 28

promotion costs, 2728

psychological intelligence, 3, 1821

purchase decisions. See buying process

purchasers, 7, 8. See also buyers

purchasing managers, 116119

quarterly business reviews, 120

Rackham, Neil, 2344

ratcheting quotas, 150, 151

resource allocation, 5961, 9192, 95

revenue targets, 42

reward power, 10

reward systems, 42. See also compensation

Roberge, Mark, 139148

route sales, 149

salaries, 152, 164

sales audits, 1921

sales calls, productive, 1819

sales contests, 144145

sales cycle, lengthening of, 101

sales department

budget, 2728

relationship between marketing and, 2344, 9698, 138

sales force

account managers, 6162

business growth and, 5258

colocation of, with marketers, 37

compensation for, 113114, 139168

complaints by, 149

in declining companies, 6265

declining size of, 167168

diminishing role of, 164165

distribution of, 9192

downsizing, 6264

feedback from, 37

four factors for a successful, 48

high-performing, 6970, 7282

judgment and creativity of, 102, 103, 105109, 112113

latitude for, 106

listening to, 1921

in mature companies, 5962

micromarkets and, 85

motivations of, 113114, 149160

outsourcing of, 4950

performance management, 9596

quality and attitude of, 164

ROI on, 57

size of, 5052, 5458

solution selling and, 6782

as source of innovation, 167

specialization of, 5253

in start-up companies, 4852

structure of, and business life cycle, 4565

supporting, 9394, 103, 107109

talent development, 98, 112114

sales funnel, 39, 41, 106, 107108

sales machine, 101114

judgment-oriented, 105

process-driven, 102, 103, 105

sales managers

facilitation by, 109111

importance of, 166

informal communication by, 111

long-term focus of, 112

as peer-level guides, 108109

role of, 109112

sales metrics, 4243, 103

sales opportunities

aligning sales coverage with, 9192

creating sales plays for types of, 9293

data analysis to identify, 97

prioritizing, 7374

sales presentations, 7173

sales quotas

cumulative, 157

gaming of, 152153, 155156

ratcheting, 150, 151

setting and adjusting, 156, 159160, 162

sales territories, 61

sales tools, 135

Schmidt, Karl, 127138

self-interest, 3, 14


adaptable, 102

perceptions about, 1618

“shared learning,” 133134

Sinha, Prabhakant, 4565

Skeptics, 7778, 79

social media analytics, 97, 133

solution selling, 6782, 165166

SonoSite, 4950

specialization, of sales force, 5253

spreadsheet coaching, 108

stakeholders, 104

consensus among multiple, 127138

identifying common ground among, 132134

types of, 7480

start-up companies

key stages for, 140145

sales force for, 4852

tech, 167

status power, 10, 1112

strategic purchases, 116

suppliers, misunderstanding of customers by, 116118

sustainable growth plan, 143145

talent development, 98, 112114

“Talkers,” 76, 77, 79

“Teachers,” 76, 7778, 79

tech start-ups, 167

tiebreaker selling, 115125

Toman, Nicholas, 6782, 101114

turnarounds, 6265

undefined relationship, between sales and marketing, 29, 34, 35

users, 7, 8

value selling, 121

vendors, perceptions about, 1618

watercooler effect, 153

win labs, 94

Wouters, Marc, 115125

Zoltners, Andris A., 4565, 161168

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