Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes, f indicate figures.


accelerators. See hardware accelerators

active pseudo class, 32

Adobe’s Spry framework, 111


linking to outside pages with, 84–85

pulling in dynamic data, 111–114

Ajax, linking to outside pages with, 84–85

Aktagon Ltd. has, 102

all (media type), 33

Amazon Android App Store, 206

ANCHOR element, 31–32

adding jQuery to, 74

page transitions (jQuery Mobile), 86

Android browser, 10. See web browsers

designing for, 48–49

Android Market Place (Amazon), 206

Android Market Place (Google), 206

Android operating system, 4, 5, 5f

PhoneGap on, 175

Android tablets, developing for. See tablet development

animation, 28, 29–31

with jQTouch, 134–135, 139

API functionality, 42–45

geolocation. See geolocation

App IDs (Apple), 180

App Store, packaging apps for, 192–194, 206

Apple, 4, 5, 6–7. See also iPhones; Mobile Safari

App IDs, 180

becoming Apple developer, 177–178

provisioning profiles, 181, 181f

iAd framework, 189

icons for iPhone apps, 182

packaging apps for App Store, 192–194, 206

PhoneGap projects on iOS devices, 177–185

preparing to develop apps, 180–185

publishing apps with iTunes Connect, 194–196

tablets, 212. See also tablet development


building with PhoneGap. See PhoneGap architecture

converting HTML to, 105–106, 118–134

with PhoneGap. See PhoneGap templates

packaging for App Store, 192–194, 206

publishing with iTunes Connect, 194–196

art. See images

ARTICLE element, 13–14, 58, 59

ASIDE element, 15, 60


encoding for web delivery, 39–40

autoCapitalize property, 152

AUTOFOCUS attribute (INPUT), 63

autoplay attribute (VIDEO), 36, 37

autotitles extension for jQTouch, 131–132


back button, 86, 127. See also buttons

background-image definition, 26–27

background objects, 26–27

background-position definition, 26

basic lists (Sencha Touch), 156, 157, 158f

bitmaps, 34–35

BlackBerry 6, designing for, 49

using PhoneGap, 196–197

blocking content, 12–16

blur-radius definition, 23

boilerplate pages, 122

border-radius definition, 28


columns, 24

rounded corners, 27–28, 27f

bounce animation, 30–31

BR element, 63

braille (media type), 33

browsers. See web browsers

Build Health Chart (PhoneGap), 205f

Build service (PhoneGap), 196–197, 203–206

Bundle identifier, 185

BUTTON element, 65

button size, 8–9

buttons. See also toolbars

with jQTouch, 126–127

with jQuery Mobile, 86, 87, 110

adding icons to, 93–95

with Sencha Touch, 151


call-only phones, 3

CANVAS element, 34, 35

Carousel control (Sencha Touch), 160–162, 161f

carousel navigation (Sencha Touch), 160–162, 161f

cascading style sheets. See CSS3

centimeter (for font size), 20

certified Apple developer, becoming, 178–179


with jQTouch, 128, 129

with Sencha Touch, 153, 154f

checked pseudo class, 32

Chrome OS, 11. See also web browsers

CLASS attribute (HEADER), 57

classes, 31–32

Cm (for font size), 20

Code Signing Identity property, 183

colors, 22

gradients, 25–26

of shadow text effects, 23

transitions. See transitions

columns, designing, 23–25

community plug-ins, 74

components, jQuery Mobile, 85–95

Contact Us page, designing, 61–65

content blocks. See blocking content

controls attribute (VIDEO), 36, 37

controls, form. See forms

converting websites into apps. See apps, converting HTML to

Cook, Tim, 5

core library, jQuery, 75

core plug-ins, 74

Corner-Radius definition, 27

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

about, 16–33

animation, 28, 29–31

designing with, 17

background objects, 26–27

colors. See colors columns, 23–25

controlling display with, 17–19

font sizing, 20–21

rounded corners, 27–28, 27f

shadow text effects, 22–23

on jQTouch sites, 120, 138

media definition, 32–33

on Sencha Touch sites, 166–167

styling video controls, 38

CSS Regions, 216–219, 217f

cubic-bezier function (animation), 29

“current” class (jQTouch example), 121, 123

custom icons. See icons, adding to elements

cut-out effect, 23


data bubbles, 92

data-dividertheme attribute (UL), 91

data-icon attribute, 93–95

Data Link plug-in (jQuery Mobile), 100

data-position attribute (DIV), 88

data-role attribute (DIV), 83

data-role attribute (UL), 91

data speeds, 41

data storage, local, 45–47

DATALIST element, 64

Datepickerfield control (Sencha Touch), 154

DATETIME attribute (TIME), 61

default start page, changing, 123, 123f

default.html file, 59

designing for mobile devices, about, 7–11

dialogs, with jQuery Mobile, 89

disabled pseudo class, 32

disclosure lists (Sencha Touch), 156, 159, 159f

display control with CSS, 17–19

DIV element, 82

multiple screens with, 122

dividers, list, 91

DOCTYPE declaration, 56, 120


Eclipse, 175

jQTouch framework, 119

jQuery, 71f, 81

PhoneGap, 175

PhoneGap plug-ins, 185, 186f

Sencha Touch, 145

Xcode, 182

Dreamweaver to build PhoneGap projects, 196

drop-down lists. See lists; spinning drum

drop-down menus, 64

drop shadow effects, 22–23

drum roll, 128, 154f

dynamic data in jQuery Mobile, 111–114


ease functions (animation), 29

EDGE data speed, 41

edge-to-edge lists (jQTouch), 124, 125, 125f

Email field (Sencha Touch forms), 152–153

embedding fonts using CSS3, 19

embossed (media type), 33

enabled pseudo class, 32

encoding for web delivery, 39–40

error messages with form validation, 97–100

events, gesture-driven, 95

extensions for jQTouch, 129–131

autotitles extension for jQTouch, 131–132

building custom, 133–134

floaty extension for jQTouch, 129

location extension for jQTouch, 132–133

external pages, linking to, 84–85


feature phones, 3, 4f

Fennec. See Mobile Firefox

Fieldset control (Sencha Touch), 155

FIGURE element, 15

Firefox. See Mobile Firefox

first-child pseudo class, 32

fixed headers and footers, 88–89

floaty extension for jQTouch, 129

focus pseudo class, 32

font-face definition, 21f

font-family definition, 18

font-size definition, 20–21


embedding using CSS3, 19

sizing, 20–21

web-safe, 18

FOOTER element, 14, 58–59

footers with jQuery Mobile, 86, 87, 88–89

FORM attribute (INPUT), 57

FORM element, 57, 62. See also forms

formatting pages. See also CSS3

forms. See also FORM element

with jQTouch, 127–129, 141, 142. See also buttons

with Sencha Touch, 151–156

Submit button, 64, 156

validating with jQuery Mobile, 95–100

custom error messages, 97–100

4G data speed, 41


geolocation, 43–45

on jQTouch websites, 132–133

MapKit plug-in for PhoneGap, 186

on Sencha Touch sites, 168

gesture-driven events, 95

GIF graphics, 34

Globalization plug-in (jQuery Mobile), 100

Google, 4

Android. See Android browser; Android operating system

Android Market Place, 206

Chrome OS, 11. See also web browsers

Google Analytics, 101–104

Honeycomb tablets,

developing for. See tablet


Map services, 43, 43b, 43f, 169

Web Font directory, 19, 19f

gradient colors, 25–26

graphics, 34–35. See also colors; images

grouped lists (Sencha Touch), 156, 158, 158f


H1 element, 58

H.264 support, 39, 40

handheld (media type), 33

hardware accelerators, 8

HEAD element, 56

pulling in dynamic data, 112

HEADER element, 14, 57

headers with jQuery Mobile, 86, 88–89, 110

height attribute (VIDEO), 36

hexadecimal codes for colors, 22

home page, creating, 59–60

Honeycomb tablets, developing for. See tablet development

horizontal-offset definition, 23

horizontal rule. See HR element

hover pseudo class, 29, 32

HP/Palm’s WebOS, 6, 7f

designing for, 51

HR element, 58

HSL and HSLA colors, 22

HTML, converting to apps. See apps, converting HTML to

HTML5 basics, 11–16

HTML5 elements, new, 12

HTTP Live Streaming, 41, 42

hyperlinks. See links


iAd framework, 189


adding to elements, 93–95

adding to list items, 126

for iPhone apps, 182

ID attribute (ARTICLE), 58

ID attribute (DATALIST), 64

ID attribute (HEADER), 57

images. See also FIGURE element

adding to list items, 92

background, multiple, 26–27

preloading for jQTouch websites, 138

In (for font size), 20

inch (for font size), 20

indexBar property, 158, 158f

input devices, 8

INPUT element, 57

checkboxes, 128

for Contact Us page, 61–65

iOS devices, PhoneGap on, 177–185

iPad development. See tablet development

iPhones, 3

becoming Apple developer, 177–179

provisioning profiles, 181, 181f

developing apps for, 180–185

developing icons, 182

jQuery plug-in for, 77

packaging apps for App Store, 192–194, 206

spinning drum for lists, 128, 154f

iTunes App Store, packaging apps for, 192–194, 206

iTunes Connect, 194–196


JavaScript, 42, 43

controlling VIDEO element with, 37–39

extending jQuery Mobile with, 95–104

extensions for jQTouch, 129–131

autotitles extension for jQTouch, 131–132

building custom, 133–134

floaty extension for jQTouch, 129

location extension for jQTouch, 132–133

on jQTouch sites, 120, 138

jQuery. See jQuery Mobile

local data storage, 45–47

on Sencha Touch sites, 147, 168–170

Jobs, Steve, 3, 4f, 211

JPG (JPEG) graphics, 34–35

jQTouch framework, 77, 117–136

animation with, 134–135, 139

building basic site, 120–122, 137–142

building multiple pages, 122–124

extensions for, 129–131

autotitles extension for jQTouch, 131–132

building custom, 133–134

floaty extension for jQTouch, 129

location extension for jQTouch, 132–133

extras for iOS devices, 135–136

forms on, 127–129, 141, 142. See also buttons

geolocation, 132–133


basics, 71–74

blog, 100

converting website into app, 105–106

downloading, 71f, 81

extending with jQTouch. See jQTouch framework

future enhancements, 108

keeping current with, 107

toolset for, 75

jQuery iPhone plug-in, 77

jQuery library, 81

jQuery Mobile, 16–17, 16f, 69–108. See also plug-ins, jQuery

components, 85–95

dialogs, 89

footers, 86, 87, 88–89

headers, 86, 88–89, 110

lists, 90–93

converting websites into apps. See apps, converting HTML to

custom themes, 71–74, 224–225

extending with jQTouch. See jQTouch framework

future enhancements, 108

gesture-driven events, 95

getting started, 80–85

creating pages with links, 83–85

Google Analytics plug-in, 101–104

keeping current with, 107

operating systems with, 78–80

Sencha Touch vs., 145

setting up, 109–111

for tablet development, 216

swatches, 225–226

themes, 224–225

ThemeRoller plug-in for, 104, 228

jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller plug-in, 228

jQuery Templates plug-in (jQuery Mobile), 100

jQuery UI plug-in, 75–76

jQuery UI ThemeRoller plug-in, 104


LABEL element, 63

landscape and portrait views, 8

lang pseudo class, 32

Large (font size), 20

last-child pseudo class, 32

latitude. See geolocation

LEGEND element, 15

LI element. See also lists on websites

line breaks. See BR element

linear function (animation), 29

linear gradients, 25

link pseudo class, 32


adding to list items, 92

to external pages, 84–85

LIST attribute (INPUT), 64

LIST element, 91


with jQTouch, 124–126

with jQuery Mobile, 90–93

adding icons to, 93–95

with Sencha Touch, 156–159

spinning drum, 128, 154f

local data storage, 45–47

LocalStorage API, 45–47

location-aware solutions. See geolocation

location extension for jQTouch, 132–133

longitude. See geolocation

loop attribute (VIDEO), 36


map services. See geolocation

Map services (Google), 43, 43b, 43f, 169

MapKit plug-in, 186

MAX attribute (INPUT), 63, 64

media definition, 32–33

Medium (font size), 20

MeeGo, 52

menu pages, designing (jQuery Mobile), 83

metal lists (jQTouch), 124, 125, 125f


jQuery and, 100

tablets, developing for. See tablet development

Windows Phone 6.5 and earlier, 52

Windows Phone 7, 6, 80

PhoneGap projects for, 196–197

millimeter (for font size), 20

MIN attribute (INPUT), 63, 64

Mm (for font size), 20

mobile browsers. See web browsers

mobile devices, about designing for, 7–11

Mobile Firefox, 10, 10f. See web browsers

mobile operating systems. See operating systems

Mobile Safari, 4, 10. See web browsers

designing for, 48

money, making by selling apps, 206–207

Motorola Xoom. See tablet development

-moz-border-radius definition, 28

MPEG4 format, 39, 40

multicolumn display, 23–25


name, app, 185

NAV element, 15–16

navbars, jQuery Mobile, 87–95

navigation, 15–16

carousel navigation (Sencha Touch), 160–162, 161f

with jQuery Mobile buttons, 86, 87–95

adding icons to, 93–95

tab navigation (Sencha Touch), 160–162, 162f

new page, designing, 60–61

Nokia MeeGo and Symbian, 52, 80

Notobi’s PhoneGap. See PhoneGap templates

nth-child pseudo class, 32

nth-last-child pseudo class, 32


Objective-C language, 117

Ogg Theora format, 39, 40

only-child pseudo class, 32

onReady function, 150

Opera Mobile, 10, 11f. See Mobile Safari

operating systems, 4, 5, 6. See also specific operating system by name

jQuery Mobile with, 79

supported by PhoneGap, 176, 176f

OUTPUT element, 65


P element, 58

packaging apps for App Store, 192–194, 206


with rounded corners, 28

Page component (jQuery Mobile), 90

page header and footer. See FOOTER element; HEADER element

page transitions (jQuery Mobile), 85–86

Password field (Sencha Touch forms), 152–153

Pc (for font size), 20

persistent headers and footers, 88–89

Phone 7. See Windows Phone 7

PhoneGap architecture, 105–106, 173–197

Build Health Chart, 205f

Build service, 196–197, 203–206

developing apps with, 180–185

for BlackBerry and Windows Phone, 196–197

with Dreamweaver, 196

on iOS devices, 177–185

with Xcode, 182–185

extending with custom code, 189–192

extending with plug-ins, 185–189, 186f

packaging apps for App Store, 192–194, 206

pica (for font size), 20

pixel (for font size), 20

pixels. See screen sizes and resolutions

PLACEHOLDER attribute (INPUT), 57

PlayBook, designing for, 49. See also tablet development

Plist configuration, 183, 184f

plug-ins, 74

plug-ins, jQuery, 75, 76–77, 95–104

Google Analytics plug-in, 101–104

jQTouch. See jQTouch framework

jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller plug-in, 228

jQuery UI plug-in, 75–76

jQuery UI ThemeRoller plug-in, 104

plug-ins, PhoneGap, 185–189, 186f

PNG graphics, 34

point (for font size), 20

pop-overs, table, 213

portrait and landscape views, 8

POST method (FORM element), 62

poster attribute (VIDEO), 36

preloading images on jQTouch websites, 138

presentation, Sencha Touch, 149

print (media type), 33

progressive enhancement, 69–70

projection (media type), 33

provisioning profiles, 181, 181f

pseudo applications with jQTouch, 135

pseudo classes, 31–32

Pt (for font size), 20

publishing apps with iTunes Connect, 194–196

Px (for font size), 20


radial gradients, 25, 26

radio selectors, 129

radius, rounded corners, 28

RANGE attribute (INPUT), 64

Rem (for font size), 20

removeItem property (JavaScript), 46

REQUIRED attribute (INPUT), 63

Resig, John, 71, 73, 79

resolution, screen. See screen sizes and resolutions

retina display, 8, 9f, 77

revenue generation with app sales, 206–207

RGB and RGBA colors, 22

RIM, 6

designing for. See Android operating system

PlayBook, designing for, 49. See also tablet development

rounded buttons (Sencha Touch), 151

rounded corners, 27–28, 27f, 126f

rounded lists (jQTouch), 124, 125, 125f


Safari. See Mobile Safari

sales of apps, 206–207

Scalable Vector Graphics. See SVG images

screen (media type), 33

screen sizes and resolutions, 8, 9f

media type definitions and, 33

video streaming and, 41

screens, creating multiple with DIV, 122

SECTION element, 12, 13, 57–58

Selectfield control (Sencha Touch), 154, 154f, 155f

selection pseudo class, 32

selling apps

guidelines for, 206–207

with iTunes Connect, 194–196

Sencha Touch framework, 145–163

building basic site, 148–150

custom CSS with, 166–167

getting started, 145–148, 165–166

JavaScript on, 147, 168–170

jQuery Mobile vs., 145

for tablet development, 213–215

TabPanel, 150

user interface elements, 150–162

buttons, 151

Carousel and Tabs controls, 160–162, 161f

forms, 151–156

lists, 156–159

toolbars, 159–160

video, 162

sencha-touch.js document, 147

settings, Sencha Touch, 149

shadow-color definition, 23

shadow effects (text), 22–23

sidebar tags. See ASIDE element

sidebars, tablet, 213

$ sign (jQuery), 74

sites, converting to apps, 105–106, 118–134

with PhoneGap. See PhoneGap templates


fonts, 20–21

screen. See screen sizes and resolutions

startup screen, 136

slider inputs, 64

Small (font size), 20

smart phones, 3

SOURCE element, with VIDEO, 40

SPAN element, 113

speech (media type), 33

spinning drum for lists, 128, 154f

Spry framework, 111, 201

start page, changing default, 123, 123f

startup screen size, 136

streaming video playback, 41–42

STYLE attribute (ARTICLE), 58

STYLE attribute (ASIDE), 61

style sheets. See CSS3

Submit button, 64, 156

submitting apps to app stores, 192–194, 206

SVG images, 34, 35

swatches, jQuery Mobile, 225–226

swipe events, 95

Symbian platform, 52, 80


tab navigation (Sencha Touch), 160–162, 162f

TABLE element, 111

tablet development, 52–53, 211–219

CSS Regions, 216–219, 217f

jQuery Mobile for, 216

swatches, 225–226

themes, 224–225

Sencha Touch for, 213–215

sidebars, pop-overs, and touch, 213

TabPanel (Sencha Touch), 150

Tabs control (Sencha Touch), 160–162, 162f

tap events, 95

Templates plug-in (jQuery Mobile), 100


adding to list items, 92

columns, designing, 23–25

shadow text effects, 22–23

web-safe fonts, 18

Text field (Sencha Touch forms), 152

Text Area field (Sencha Touch forms), 152–153

ThemeRoller plug-in (jQuery), 104

ThemeRoller plug-in (jQuery Mobile), 228

themes, extending jQuery Mobile with, 71–74, 224–225

Theora format, 39, 40

3G data speed, 41

TIME element, 61

timing-function definition, 29

“toolbar” class (jQTouch example), 121


floating, with jQTouch, 129

with Sencha Touch, 159–160

touch interface (tablets), 213

transforms, 28, 30–31


CSS animation, 28, 29–30

pages (jQuery Mobile), 85–86

TTY (media type), 33

TV (media type), 33

TYPE attribute (INPUT), 63, 64


UL element, 91, 113. See also lists on websites

units for font size, 20–21

URL field (Sencha Touch forms), 152–153, 154f


Validate plug-in (jQuery Mobile), 95–100

custom error messages, 97–100

vector graphics. See SVG images vertical-offset definition, 23

vertical separator. See HR element

video, 35–42

encoding for web delivery, 39–40

with Sencha Touch, 162

streaming playback, 41–42

VIDEO element, 36–37

controlling with JavaScript, 37–39

SOURCE elements with, 40

visited pseudo class, 32


web browsers, 10–11, 12. See also specific web browser

designing for specific, 48–51

Web Font directory, 19, 19f

web-safe fonts, 18

-webkit-border-radius definition, 28

WebKit platform, 4

webM format, 39, 40

WebOS, 6, 7f

designing for, 51

website home page, creating, 59–60

websites, converting to apps, 105–106, 118–134

with PhoneGap. See PhoneGap templates

width attribute (VIDEO), 36

WiFi data speed, 41

Windows Phone 6.5 and earlier, 52

Windows Phone 7, 6, 80

PhoneGap projects for, 196–197


X-large (font size), 20

X-small (font size), 20


packaging apps for App Store, 192–194, 206

Xcode environment, 177, 182–185

Xoom tablet. See tablet development

xtype attribute, 152

Xx-large (font size), 20

Xx-small (font size), 20

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