Viewing documentation

If you are somewhat familiar with HTML tags and attributes, you will most likely agree when I say that there are too many of them, and sometimes it can be quite confusing to know which is the correct one to use in a specific situation.

To address this problem, PyCharm offers a way to dynamically view documentation for these tags and attributes as we write them. For example, in the previous section, we skipped over the purpose of the <meta> tag in our examples; we now would like to find out what it is:

  1. Move the cursor/caret to the tag and go to View | Quick Documentation (or its corresponding keyboard shortcut), and you will see something similar to the following screenshot:

Viewing documentation for HTML code
  1. Additionally, there are particular HTML tags that are only supported by some browsers and not others. The preceding documentation pop-up window will display which browsers support the tag for the documentation we are reading.
  2. If a tag is supported by all standard browsers, like the <meta> tag in our example, then this information will be excluded. One can also click on the link included at the end of the pop-up window to go to the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) documentation web page.
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