Creating a Container Image of Your Application

In the previous chapter, we had a glimpse of the power of Quarkus applications by running a traditional JVM application and then turning it into a native build. There is much more to Quarkus than lean executables and low resource usage, though, so, in this chapter, we will keep learning how to create container images of our application that can then be deployed into a Kubernetes-native environment. For this purpose, our to-do list includes installing the Docker tool and the Community version of OpenShift, which is called Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes, or simply OKD. Then, we will learn how to scale our application so that we can improve its response time even further.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Setting up Docker in your environment
  • Starting a Quarkus application in a container
  • Running a native executable in a container
  • Deploying your container image on OpenShift
  • Scaling our application to improve its throughput
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