Converting infix to postfix expressions

Putting together all the code discussed above, the final code for converting the infix expression to postfix looks like the following: 

function convert(expr) {
var postfix = "";
var ops = new Stack();
var operators = {
"^": {
priority: 4,
associativity: "rtl"
"*": {
priority: 3,
associativity: "ltr"
"/": {
priority: 3,
associativity: "ltr"
"+": {
priority: 2,
associativity: "ltr"
"-": {
priority: 2,
associativity: "ltr"

expr = clean(expr.trim().replace(/s+/g, "").split(/([+-*/^()])/));

if (!isBalanced(expr) {
return 'error';

expr.forEach(function(exp) {
if(!isNaN(parseFloat(exp))) {
postfix += exp + " ";
} else if(exp === "(") {
} else if(exp === ")") {
while(ops.peek() !== "(") {
postfix += ops.pop() + " ";
} else if("*^+-/".indexOf(exp) !== -1) {
var currOp = exp;
var prevOp = ops.peek();
while("*^+-/".indexOf(prevOp) !== -1 && ((operators[currOp].associativity === "ltr" && operators[currOp].priority <= operators[prevOp].priority) || (operators[currOp].associativity === "rtl" && operators[currOp].priority < operators[prevOp].priority)))
postfix += ops.pop() + " ";
prevOp = ops.peek();

while(ops.size() > 0) {
postfix += ops.pop() + " ";
return postfix;

This converts the infix operator provided into the postfix notation.

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