Linked service setup

Now that we have created the integration runtime and linked it to our local PC, we're going to create a linked service that will use it in ADF.

  1. On the Connections tab, select Linked Services and click on + New. The New Linked Service blade appears. Select SQL Server in the Data Store section and click on Continue:
  1. The next step asks us for a name; we'll use WWImportersDWADFV2Book. Add a description if necessary. Set the properties as shown in this screenshot:

The properties are explained here:

  • Connect via integration runtime: Choose WWImportersDW, the self-hosted integration runtime we created earlier in this chapter.
  • Connection StringWe're using a Connection String to connect to the database.
  • Server name: The SQL Server name; in our case, we used ADFV2Book. Yours might be different.
  • Database name: WideWorldImportersDW.
  • Authentication type: Windows Authentication.
  • User name: Your Windows username to connect to the SQL Server.
  • Password: Your Windows password.
  1. Click on the Test connection to make sure you're able to connect to your on-premise server from ADF. When your connection is successful, click on Finish to complete the linked service. The newly created linked service should appear in the list as shown in the following screenshot:
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