Installing a Vagrant plugin from a local file

Installing a plugin from a local source is fairly quick and easy. You may have a local file because you have developed the plugin yourself or have been given this plugin code privately by a friend or from your company.

The local file will use the .gem extension. To install the plugin, you must know the location relative to the folder that you want it to be installed/used in. I'm going to install the plugin, which is called testplugin.gem and can be found in my test-plugin folder within my current Vagrant project directory. Here is an example of the command:

vagrant plugin install /test-plugin/testplugin.gem

Vagrant and the bundler will now attempt to locate and install the plugin. If it cannot be found, you will receive the following error message:

If there is a problem with the plugin, such as a syntax error in the gem file, you will see a message similar to this:

..................Content has been hidden....................

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