Using a stacking approach for creating ensembles

The purpose of stacking is to use different algorithms trained on the same data as elementary models. A meta-classifier is then trained on the results of the elementary algorithms or source data, also supplemented by the results of the elementary algorithms themselves. Sometimes a meta-classifier uses the estimates of distribution parameters that it receives (for example, estimates of the probabilities of each class for classification) for its training, rather than the results of elementary algorithms.

The most straightforward stacking scheme is blending. For this scheme, we divide the training set into two parts. The first part is used to teach a set of elementary algorithms. Their results can be considered new features (meta-features). We then use them as complementary features with the second part of the dataset and train the new meta-algorithm. The problem of such a blending scheme is that neither the elementary algorithms nor the meta-algorithm use the entire set of data for training. To improve the quality of blending, you can average the results of several blends trained at different partitions in the data.

A second way to implement stacking is to use the entire training set. In some sources, this is known as generalization. The entire set is divided into parts (folds), then the algorithm sequentially goes through the folds, and teaches elementary algorithms on all the folds except the one randomly chosen fold. The remaining fold is used for the inference on the elementary algorithms. The output values of elementary algorithms are interpreted as the new meta-attributes (or new features) calculated from the folds. In this approach, it is also desirable to implement several different partitions into folds, and then average the corresponding meta-attributes. For a meta-algorithm, it makes sense to apply regularization or add some normal noise to the meta-attributes. The coefficient with which this addition occurs is analogous to the regularization coefficient. We can summarize that the basic idea behind the described approach is using a set of base algorithms; then, using another meta-algorithm, we combine their predictions, with the aim of reducing the generalization error.

Unlike boosting and traditional bagging, you can use algorithms of a different nature (for example, a ridge regression in combination with a random forest) in stacking. However, it is essential to remember that for different algorithms, different feature spaces are needed. For example, if categorical features are used as target variables, then the random forest algorithm can be used as-is, but for the regression algorithms, you must first run one-hot encoding.

Since meta-features are the results of already trained algorithms, they strongly correlate. This fact is a priori one of the disadvantages of this approach; the elementary algorithms are often under-optimized during training to combat correlation. Sometimes, to combat this drawback, the training of elementary algorithms is used not on the target feature, but on the differences between a feature and the target.

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