Learning the concepts of linear algebra

Linear algebra is a big area. It is the section of algebra that studies objects of a linear nature: vector (or linear) spaces, linear representations, and systems of linear equations. The main tools used in linear algebra are determinants, matrices, conjugation, and tensor calculus.

To understand ML algorithms, we only need a small set of linear algebra concepts. However, to do researches on new ML algorithms, a practitioner should have a deep understanding of linear algebra and calculus.

The following list contains the most valuable linear algebra concepts for understanding ML algorithms:

  • Scalar: This is a single number.
  • Vector: This is an array of ordered numbers. Each element has a distinct index. Notation for vectors is a bold lowercase typeface for names and an italic typeface with a subscript for elements, as shown in the following example:

  • Matrix: This is a two-dimensional array of numbers. Each element has a distinct pair of indices. Notation for matrices is a bold uppercase typeface for names and an italic but not bold typeface with a comma-separated list of indices in subscript for elements, as shown in the following example: 

  • Tensor: This is an array of numbers arranged in a multidimensional regular grid, and represents generalizations of matrices. It is like a multidimensional matrix. For example, tensor A with dimensions 2 x 2 x 2 can look like this:

Linear algebra libraries and ML frameworks usually use the concept of a tensor instead of a matrix because they implement general algorithms, and a matrix is just a special case of a tensor with two dimensions. Also, we can consider a vector as a matrix of size n x 1.

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