Reading the training dataset

Consider the MNISTDataset class, which provides access to the MNIST dataset. The constructor of this class takes two parameters: one is the name of the file contains images, while the other is the name of the file that contains the labels. It loads whole files into its memory, which is not a best practice, but for this dataset, this approach works well because the dataset is small. For bigger datasets, we have to implement another scheme of reading data from the disk because usually, for real tasks, we are unable to load all the data into the computer's memory.

We use the OpenCV library to deal with images, so we store all the loaded images in the C++ vector of the cv::Mat type. Labels are stored in a vector of the unsigned char type. We write two additional helper functions to read images and labels from the disk: ReadImages and ReadLabels. The following snippet shows the header file for this class:

#include <torch/torch.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <string>

class MNISTDataset : public torch::data::Dataset<MNISTDataset> {
MNISTDataset(const std::string& images_file_name,
const std::string& labels_file_name);

// torch::data::Dataset implementation
torch::data::Example<> get(size_t index) override;
torch::optional<size_t> size() const override;

void ReadLabels(const std::string& labels_file_name);
void ReadImages(const std::string& images_file_name);

uint32_t rows_ = 0;
uint32_t columns_ = 0;
std::vector<unsigned char> labels_;
std::vector<cv::Mat> images_;

The following snippet shows the implementation of the public interface of the class:

MNISTDataset::MNISTDataset(const std::string& images_file_name,
const std::string& labels_file_name) {

We can see that the constructor passed the filenames to the corresponding loader functions. The size method returns the number of items that were loaded from the disk into the labels container:

torch::optional<size_t> MNISTDataset::size() const {
return labels_.size();

The following snippet shows the get method's implementation:

torch::data::Example<> MNISTDataset::get(size_t index) {
return {CvImageToTensor(images_[index]),

The get method returns an object of the torch::data::Example<> class. In general, this type holds two values: the training sample represented with the torch::Tensor type and the target value, which is also represented with the torch::Tensor type. This method retrieves an image from the corresponding container using a given subscript, converts the image into the torch::Tensor type with the CvImageToTensor function, and uses the label value converted into the torch::Tensor type as a target value.

There is a set of torch::tensor functions that are used to convert a C++ variable into the torch::Tensor type. They automatically deduce the variable type and create a tensor with corresponding values. In our case, we explicitly convert the label into the int64_t type because the loss function we'll be using later assumes that the target values have a torch::Long type. Also, notice that we passed torch::TensorOptions as a second argument to the torch::tensor function. We specified the torch type of the tensor values and told the system to place this tensor to the GPU memory by setting the device option on torch::DeviceType::CUDA and by using the torch::TensorOptions object. When we manually create the PyTorch tensors, we have to explicitly configure where to place them – in the CPU or GPU. Tensors that are placed in different types of memory can't be used together.

To convert the OpenCV image into a tensor, write the following function:

torch::Tensor CvImageToTensor(const cv::Mat& image) {
assert(image.channels() == 1);

std::vector<int64_t> dims{static_cast<int64_t>(1),

torch::Tensor tensor_image = torch::from_blob(,
.clone(); // clone is required to copy data from temporary object

The most important part of this function is the call to the torch::from_blob function. This function constructs the tensor from values located in memory that are referenced by the pointer that's passed as a first argument. A second argument should be a C++ vector with tensor dimensions values; in our case, we specified a three-dimensional tensor with one channel and two image dimensions. The third argument is the torch::TensorOptions object. We specified that the data should be of the floating-point type and that it doesn't require a gradient calculation.

PyTorch uses the auto-gradient approach for model training, and it means that it doesn't construct a static network graph with pre-calculated gradient dependencies. Instead, it uses a dynamic network graph, which means that gradient flow paths for modules are connected and calculated dynamically during the backward pass of the training process. Such an architecture allows us to dynamically change the network's topology and characteristics while running the program. All the libraries we covered previously use a static network graph.

The third interesting PyTorch function that's used here is the torch::Tensor::to function, which allows us to move tensors from CPU memory to GPU memory and back.

Now, let's learn how to read dataset files.

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