Reading the image file

Reading the images file is also pretty straightforward; we read the header records and sequentially read the images. From the header records, we get the total number of images in the file and the image size. Then, we define the OpenCV matrix object that has a corresponding size and type – the one channel image with the underlying byte CV_8UC1 type. We read images from disk in a loop directly to the OpenCV matrix object by passing a pointer, which is returned by the data object variable, to the stream read function. The size of the data we need to read is determined by calling the cv::Mat::size() function, followed by the call to the area function. Then, we use the convertTo OpenCV function to convert an image from unsigned byte type into 32-bit floating-point type. This is important so that we have enough precision while performing math operations in the network layers. We also normalize all the data so that it's in the range [0, 1] by dividing it by 255.

We resize all the images so that they're 32 x 32 in size because the LeNet5 network architecture requires us to hold the original dimensions of the convolution filters:

void MNISTDataset::ReadImages(const std::string& images_file_name) {
std::ifstream images_file(images_file_name,
std::ios::binary | std::ios::binary);
labels_file.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit);
if (labels_file) {
uint32_t magic_num = 0;
uint32_t num_items = 0;
rows_ = 0;
columns_ = 0;
if (read_header(&magic_num, labels_file) &&
read_header(&num_items, labels_file) &&
read_header(&rows_, labels_file) &&
read_header(&columns_, labels_file)) {
assert(num_items == labels_.size());
cv::Mat img(static_cast<int>(rows_),
static_cast<int>(columns_), CV_8UC1);

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) {<char*>(,
img.convertTo(images_[i], CV_32F);
images_[i] /= 255; // normalize
cv::resize(images_[i], images_[i],
cv::Size(32, 32)); // Resize to 32x32 size

Now that we've loaded the training data, we have to define our neural network.

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