
In this chapter, we have learned about a concept that is not directly related to the C# programming language, but which is nonetheless an essential tool for C# developers. Microsoft has recently purchased GitHub, the biggest remote code repository website based on Git, and integrated most of the Microsoft IDEs/editors with it, including the newest code editor, Visual Code. This shows just how important Git has become to our industry. I believe that every developer, new or senior, should use version control for their code. If you don't use Git, you can use any other version control system on the market. Git, however, is the best, even if you are not using Git in your workplace, I would recommend that you use it in your personal projects. Git commands are very simple, you'll only need to practice with it a few times before you understand it completely.

The next chapter is a little different. We will look at some questions that are commonly asked in job interviews. 

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