Script in action

Let's name our script and add the content shown in the following  screenshots:

The script can now be run as follows:

Let's go and check the current path to see whether the screenshots were created:

As we indicated previously, three screenshots were created and captured. Let's open each to validate the proof of concept. The following screenshot is what we see, after successfully logging in with our script:

The following screenshot shows the exploitation of the reflected XSS vulnerability with the creation of the link. Notice the value of security, which is set as low:

The following screenshot shows the Stored XSS vulnerability:

It should be noted that we only applied the previous method to detect XSS in two pages, just to reduce the execution time and demonstrate the power of the concept. However, this can be extended for all the web pages of the application. We would be required to remove the condition of checking if the fetched URL from the <a> tag is present in the list: self.target_links=["vulnerabilities/xss_r/","vulnerabilities/xss_s/"]. Try this approach, removing this condition, and modify the script if needed to see what it covers.
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