The if...else condition

The if...else condition is pretty much the same as in any other language. If the if condition evaluates to a True value, the code block indented under if is executed. Otherwise, the code block indented under the else block is executed:

if a > b:
print("a is Greater")
print("B is either Greater or Equal")

Let's create a file called and see how to use it:

Again, the output here is self-explanatory. In this section of code, we explored the usage of some bitwise operators alongside the if...else code structure. We also used variables, which are to be printed with the print method. %s is a placeholder, and specifies that the value of %s should be replaced by a string variable whose value would come immaterially after the string ends. If we have multiple values to substitute, they can be passed as a tuple such as %(val1,val2,val3):

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