Use Task.FromResult over Task.Run

If you have previously worked with .NET Core or .NET Framework, you have probably dealt with both Task.FromResult and Task.Run. Both can be used to return Task<T>.  The main difference between them is in their input parameters. Take a look at the following Task.Run snippet:

 public Task<int> AddAsync(int a, int b)
       return Task.Run(() => a + b);

The Task.Run method will queue the execution as a work item in the thread pool. The work item will immediately complete with the pre-computed value. As a result, we have wasted a thread pool.  Furthermore, we should also notice that the initial purpose of Task.Run method was intended for the client-side .NET applications: ASP.NET Core is not optimized for the Task.Run operations and it shouldn't ever be used to offload the execution of a portion of code. On the opposite side, let's examine another case:

 public Task<int> AddAsync(int a, int b)
       return Task.FromResult(a + b);

In this case, the Task.FromResult method will wrap the pre-computed result without wasting a thread pool which means that we will not have the overhead provided by the execution of the Task.Run operation.

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