Central Office – approving/listing a product

The relevant Story for Central Office staff being able to activate products, from the earlier collection of stories is:

  • As a Product Manager, I need to be able to activate Product objects so that I can manage Product availability

The Central Office owns the store_available flag of products, so their version of to_message_dict, living in hms_code.co_objects.Product, is, at least initially, much simpler:

def to_message_data(self) -> (dict,):
Creates and returns a dictionary representation of the instance 
that is safe to be passed to a DaemonMessage instance during or 
after creation as the data of that message.
    return {
        # - Properties from BaseProduct:
        # - Date/time values, since we may well want/need to 
        #   keep those in sync across environments
            self.modified, self.__class__._data_time_string

The related message transmission, with a product_to_activate Product object and the Central Office signing_key is just as easy as the new-Product transmission that we looked at prior:

product_message = DaemonMessage(
    'update', product_to_activate.to_message_data(), signing_key
sender = RabbitMQSender()

The same message structure and transmission process will also address the Central Office's need to be able to deactivate products, another of the original iteration stories:

  • As a Product Manager, I need to be able to deactivate Product objects so that I can manage Product availability

The Artisan Gateway method that accepts those messages and updates the relevant Product is ArtisanGatewayDaemon.update_product. Like create_product, it logs fairly extensively through its execution:

def update_product(self, properties:(dict,)) -> None:
    self.info('%s.update_product called' % self.__class__.__name__)
    if type(properties) != dict:
        raise TypeError(
            '%s.update_product expects a dict of Product '
            'properties, but was passed "%s" (%s)' % 
                self.__class__.__name__, properties, 
    self.debug('properties ... %s:' % (type(properties)))
    # - Retrieve the existing object, and get its data-dict 
    #   representation
    existing_object = Product.get(properties['oid'])
        'Product %s retrieved successfully' % existing_object.oid
    data_dict = existing_object.to_data_dict()
    # - Update the data-dict with the values from properties
    # - Make sure it's flagged as dirty, so that save will 
    #   *update* instead of *create* the instance-record, 
    #   for data-stores where that applies
    data_dict['is_dirty'] = True
    # - Create a new instance of the class with the revised 
    #   data-dict...
    new_object = Product.from_data_dict(data_dict)
    #   ...and save it.
    self.info('Product %s updated successfully' % new_object.oid)
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