© Navin Sabharwal, Amit Agrawal 2021
N. Sabharwal, A. AgrawalHands-on Question Answering Systems with BERThttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6664-9_1

1. Introduction to Natural Language Processing

Navin Sabharwal1   and Amit Agrawal2
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Mathura, India

With recent advances in technology, communication is one of the domains that has seen revolutionary developments. Communication and information have formed the backbone of modern society and it is language and communication that has led to such advances in human knowledge in all spheres. Humans have been fascinated by the idea of machines or robots having human-like abilities to converse in our language. Numerous science fiction books and media have dealt with this topic. The Turing test was designed for this purpose, to test whether a human being is able to decipher if the entity on the other end of a communication channel is a human being or a machine.

With computers, we started with a binary language that a computer could interpret and then compute based on the instructions. Over time, however, we came up with procedural and object-oriented languages that use syntax and instructions in languages that are more natural and correspond to the words and ways in which humans communicate. Examples of such constructs are for loops and if constructs.

With the availability of increased computing capacity and the ability of computers to process huge amounts of data, it became easier to use machine learning (ML) and deep learning models to understand human language. With neural networks, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and other deep learning technologies becoming accessible and the computing power to run these models available, a variety of natural language processing (NLP) platforms became available for developers to work with over the cloud and on premises. This chapter takes you through the basics of NLP.

Natural Language Processing

NLP is a sub-branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers to read, understand, and process human language. It is very easy for computers to read data from structured systems such as spreadsheets, databases, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) files, and so on. However, a lot of information is represented as unstructured data, which can be quite challenging for computers to understand and generate knowledge or information. To solve these problems, NLP provides a set of techniques or methodologies to read, process, and understand human language and generate knowledge from it. Currently, numerous companies including IBM, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, OpenAI, and others have been providing various NLP techniques as a service. Some open-source libraries such as NLTK, spaCy, and so on are also key enablers in making it possible to break down and understand the meaning behind linguistic texts.

As we know, processing and understanding of text is a very complex problem. Data scientists, researchers, and developers have been solving NLP problems by building a pipeline: breaking up an NLP problem into smaller parts; solving each of the subparts with their corresponding NLP techniques and ML methods such as entity recognition, document summarization, and so on; and finally combining or stacking all parts or models together as the final solution to the problem.

The main objective of NLP is to teach machines how to interpret and understand language. Any language such as English, programming construct, mathematics, and so on, involves the following three major components:
  • Syntax : Defines rules for ordering of words in text. As an example, subject, verb, and object should be in the correct order for a sentence to be syntactically correct.

  • Semantics : Defines the meaning of words in text and how these words should be combined together. As an example, in the sentence, “I want to deposit money in this bank account,” the word “bank” refers to a financial institution.

  • Pragmatics : Defines usage or selection of words in a particular context. As an example, the word “bank” can have different meanings on the basis of context. For example, “bank” could also mean financial institution or land at the edge of a river.

For this reason, NLP employs different methodologies to extract these components out of text or speech to generate features that will be used for downstream tasks such as text classification, entity extraction, language translation, and document summarization. Natural language understanding (NLU), a sub-branch of NLP that aims at understanding and generating knowledge from documents, web pages, and so. Some examples are listed here.
  • Language translation: Language translation is considered one of the most complex problems in NLP and NLU. You can provide text snippets or documents and these systems will convert them into another language. Some of the major cloud vendors such as Google, Microsoft, and IBM provide this feature as a service that can be leveraged by anyone for their NLP-based system. As an example, a developer who is working on development of a conversation system can leverage translation services from these vendors to enable multilingual capability in a conversation system without even doing any actual development.

  • Question-answering system : This type of system is very useful if you want to implement a system to find an answer to a question from a document, paragraph, database, or any other system. Here, NLU is responsible for understanding a user’s query as well as the document or paragraph (unstructured text) that contains the answer to that question. There exist a few variations of question-answering systems, such as reading comprehension-based systems, mathematical systems, multiple choice systems, question-answering and so on.

  • Automatic routing of support tickets : These systems read through the contents of customer support tickets and route them to the person who can solve the issue. Here, NLU enables these systems to process and understand emails, topics, chat data, and more, and route them to the appropriate support person, thereby avoiding extra hops due to incorrect assignation.

Systems such as question-answering systems, machine translation, named entity recognition (NER), document summarization, parts of speech (POS) tagging, and search engines are some of examples of NLP-based systems.

As an example, consider the following text from the Wikipedia article for “Machine Learning”.

Machine learning (ML) is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and inference instead. Machine learning algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, such as email filtering and computer vision. It can be divided into two types, i.e., Supervised and Unsupervised Learning.

This text includes a lot of useful data that can be used as information. It would be good if computers could read, understand, and answer the following questions from the text:
  • What are the applications of machine learning?

  • What type of study does machine learning refer to?

  • What type of models do computers use to perform specific tasks?

There should be some way to teach a machine the basic concepts and rules of languages so that they can read, process, and understand text. To derive an insight from a text, NLP techniques combine all of the steps into a pipeline known as the NLP/ML pipeline. The following are some of the steps of an NLP pipeline.
  • Sentence segmentation

  • Tokenization

  • POS tagging

  • Stemming and lemmatization

  • Identification of stop words

Sentence Segmentation

The first step in the pipeline is to segment the text snippet into individual sentences, as shown here.

Earlier implementation of sentence segmentation was quite easy, just splitting the text on the basis of punctuation, or a “full stop.” Sometimes that failed, though, when documents or a piece of text were not formatted correctly or were grammatically incorrect. Now, there are some advanced NLP methods such as sequence learning that segments a piece of text even if a full stop is not present or a document is not formatted correctly, basically extracting phrases by breaking up text using semantic understanding along with syntactic understanding.


The next task in the NLP pipeline is tokenization . In this task, we break each of the sentences into multiple tokens. A token can be a character, a word, or a phrase. The basic methodology used in tokenization is to split a sentence into separate words whenever there is a space between them. As an example, consider the second sentence from our example text: “Machine learning algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, such as email filtering and computer vision.” Here is the result of applying tokenization to this example.
["Machine", "learning", "algorithms", "are", "used", "in" , "a", "wide", "variety", "of", "applications", "such", "as", "email", "filtering", "and", "computer", "vision"].

However, there are some advanced tokenization methods such as Markov chain models that can extract phrases out of a sentence. As an example, “machine learning” can be extracted as a phrase by applying advanced ML and NLP methods.

Parts of Speech Tagging

POS tagging is the next step to determine parts of speech for each of the tokens or words extracted from the tokenization step. This helps us to identify the use of each word and its significance in a sentence. It also introduces first steps toward the actual understanding of the meaning of a sentence. Imparting a POS tag can increase the dimension of the word, to give better detail of the meaning the given word is trying to impart. The phrases “putting on an act” and “act on an instinct” both use the word “act,” but as a noun and a verb, respectively, so a POS tag can greatly help in distinguishing the meaning. In this approach, we pass the token, referred as Word, to the POS tagger, a classification system, along with some context words that will be used to classify the Word with its relevant tags as shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1

POS tagging

These models are trained on a huge corpus of (millions or billions) sentences of literature in the target language where each word along with its POS tag is used as training data for the POS classifier. The previously mentioned models are completely based on statistics as per training data and not on actual interpretation. The model tries to find POS tag for each of the words based on syntactic similarity of a sentence with historical sentences . As an example, for the sentence “Machine learning algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, such as email filtering and computer vision,” the POS tag is as shown here:
Machine (NN) learning (NN) algorithms (NNS) are (VBP) used (VBN) in (IN) a (DT) wide (JJ) variety (NN) of (IN) applications (NNS), such (JJ) as (IN) email (NN) filtering (VBG) and (CC) computer (NN) vision (NN).

As we can see from those results, there are various nouns (i.e., Machine, learning, variety, computer, and vision). We can thus conclude that the sentence may be talking about machines and computers.

Stemming and Lemmatization

Sometimes the same word occurs in multiple sentences in different forms. Stemming can be defined as the process of reducing words to their root or base form by removing suffixes. Here, the reduced words can be dictionary words or nondictionary words. For example, the word “machine” can be reduced to its root form, “machin.” It doesn’t take into consideration the context in which word is being used. Here is the stemmed representation of tokenized words for our example sentence.
machin learn algorithm ar us in a wid vary of apply , such as email filt and comput vis

In this result, some of the words are represented as nondictionary words; for example, “machine” reduced to “machin,” which is a stemmed word but not a dictionary word.

Lemmatization can be defined as a process of deriving a canonical form or lemma of the word. It uses context to identify the lemma of the word, which must be a dictionary word. However, the same is not true for stemming. Using our previous example, the word “machine” will be converted into its canonical form as “machine.” The following is the lemmatized representation of tokenized words of our example sentence. It uses tags of words as context to derive canonical forms of words.
Machine learning algorithm be use in a wide variety of application , such a email filtering and computer vision.

In these results, some of the words, such as “filtering,” are reduced to their canonical form, in this case ”filtering,” not “filter,” because the word “filtering” is being used as a verb in the sentence.

Lemmatization and stemming should be used with utmost care and as per requirements. For example, if you are working with a search engine system, then stemming should be preferred, but if you are working with question answering, where reasoning is important, then lemmatization should be preferred over stemming.

Identification of Stop Words

Text snippets contain important as well as filler words. For example, in our example sentence, these are the filler words.
["be", "use", "in", "a", "such", “a", "and"]
These filler words introduce noise into your text and it is important to manage them, as they appear very frequently in the text and will have a much higher frequency and less importance than other words. Some systems use a predefined list of these stop words, such as “is,” “at,” and so on. This is not helpful for some domains, though. As an example, in documents related to health care, you will find some common terms such as patient, doctor, or ICU. These words appear very frequently and you need to somehow remove them from your text. There are two methods that are generally used to deal with domain-specific stop words.
  • Flag words as stop words on basis of their frequency of occurrence. It could be either most frequent or least frequent.

  • Flag words as stop words if they are quite common across all documents in the corpus.

Phrase Extraction

Sometimes a single word doesn’t provide sufficient information for most of the NLP tasks. As an example, the meaning of the two words “machine” and “learning” from the dictionary are shown here.
  • Machine: An apparatus using mechanical power to perform certain tasks.

  • Learning: An acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught.

It is very clear from the definitions of these two words that our sample sentence should have been talking about some mechanical device and various media for acquiring the knowledge. However, when these words are used together (i.e., “machine learning”), it refers to the sub-branch of AI that deals with the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models used by computers to perform a specific task without being explicitly programmed.

To extract phrases, we need to combine multiple words together, or identify phrases. Here, phrases can be of two types, noun phrases and verb phrases. We can define rules to extract phrases from sentences. As an example, to extract a noun phrase, we can define a rule such that “two consecutive occurrences of nouns in a sentence should be considered a noun phrase.” For example, the phrase “machine learning” is a noun phrase in our sample sentence. In a similar manner, we can define more rules to extract noun phrases and verb phrases from a sentence.

Named Entity Recognition

An entity is defined as an object or noun such as a person, organization, or other object that provides important information from the text. This information can be used as a feature for downstream tasks. As an example, Google, Microsoft, and IBM are entities of the type Organization.

NER is an information extraction technique that extracts and classifies entities into categories as per the trained model. As an example, some of the basic categories in the English language are names of persons, organizations, locations, dates, email addresses, phone numbers, and so on. For example, in our sample sentence phrases such as “machine learning” and “computer vision” are entities of type AI_Branch, which refers to branches of AI.

Currently, large vendors in the AI domain such as IBM, Google, and Microsoft provide their trained models to extract named entities from the text. They also enable you to build your own NER model specific to your application and domain. Open-source projects such as spaCy also provide the capability to train and use your own custom NER model.

Coreference Resolution

One of the major challenges in the NLP domain, especially in the English language, is the use of pronouns. In English, pronouns are used extensively to refer to nouns in a previous context or sentence. To perform semantic analysis or identify the relationship between these sentences, it is very important that somehow the system should establish dependencies between the sentences.

As an example, consider the sentence “It can be divided into two types, i.e., Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,” where “It” refers to machine learning in the first and second sentences. It can be accomplished by annotating such dependencies in the dataset for training a model and using the same model over unseen text snippets or documents to extract such relationships.

Bag of Words

As we all know, computers work on numerical data only; therefore, to understand meaning of text, it must be converted into a numerical form. Bag of words is one of the approaches for converting text into numerical data.

Bag of words is a very popular feature extraction method that describes the occurrence of each word in the text. You need to first build the vocabulary of your corpus then calculate the occurrence of each word corresponding to each text snippet or document in the corpus. It doesn’t store any information related to order or sentence structure. That’s why it is known as a bag of words. It can also tell you whether a particular word is present in the document or not, but it doesn’t provide any information about the location of the word in the document. As an example, consider our example text snippet, which has been segmented into three sentences as a result of the sentence segmentation step.
Figure 1-2 is a document-term matrix for our example text snippet, where the term value is 1 if it is present in the sentence, or 0 otherwise.
Figure 1-2

Document-term matrix

Once sentences or text snippets are converted into vectors of numbers, we can use these vector values as a feature for further downstream tasks such as a question-answering system, text summarization, and so on. This method has the following limitations.
  • Length of vector representation for the sentence increases as vocabulary size increases. This requires higher computation for downstream tasks. It also increases dimensionality of sentences.

  • It can’t identify different words with similar meanings on the basis of their context in the text.

There are other methods that reduce computation and memory requirements to represent sentences in vector form. Word embedding is one of the approaches where we can represent a word in lower dimensional space while preserving the semantic meaning of the word. We will see in detail later how word embedding is major breakthrough for downstream NLP tasks.


This chapter discussed the basics of NLP, along with some of the basic NLP tasks such as tokenization, stemming, and more. In next chapter, we discuss neural networks in the NLP domain.

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