Abbreviations, 71

Acronyms, 60

Age limits, names should not have, 42

Alexandra (name), 1

All caps, names in, 57, 58. See also CamelCasing

Alphanumeric brain-bender names, 50. See also Numbers embedded in name, 2, 30, 41

Annoying names, 43–46

Apple Inc., 37, 38, 40, 49–50

B2B (business-to-business) companies, 30–31, 47

Backward, names spelled, 45–46

Band names, 96

Banijamali, Leila, 31

Bathroom products, 11, 21

Beaner’s, 51–52

Bedrock, 31

Bezos, Jeff, 41

Bitcoin, 66–67

.biz extensions, 70

Book titles, 95–96

Brainstorming names, 84–87. See also specific topics

online, 86, 88, 94

the right way to brainstorm, 85–86

Brainstorming sources, 100–101. See also specific sources

Brand experiences, desired, 79–80

Brand name changes, 114–115

cons of, 115–116

examples of successful, 117–118

pros of, 115

Brand name(s). See also specific topics

easy to understand, 2

essential qualities of awesome, 8–9

how to make sure you choose the right, 124–125

length, 14–15, 64–65

name style likes and dislikes, 82

rules for reviewing, 121–124. See also SMILE & SCRATCH name evaluation test

self-assessment tool for evaluating. See SMILE & SCRATCH name evaluation test

that resonate most with consumers, 2

tips for reviewing, 120–121

unrelated brands with the same name, 39–40

Brand personality, 9, 15, 24, 26, 46, 76, 80, 107

Brand positioning, 78

Brief. See Creative brief Business-to-business (B2B) companies, 30–31, 47

Cafeterias, company, 107

CamelCasing, the case against, 58–59

Canadian Tire, 40–41

Capital letters

in the middle of names, 58–59

names spelled with all, 57, 58

Catchy names, 26–27, 54–55, 69, 96

“Cloud crowd” and overuse of the word “cloud,” 25, 46–47

Club names, clever, 109

Clunky coined names, 43–44

Coined names, 8–10, 43–44. See also Suggestive names

.com extensions, 70

Company X, 73–74

Competitors, 79

names similar to competitor names. See Copycat names

Compound coined names, 10

Conference room names, 103–105

Consumer insights (section of creative brief), 79

Copycat names, 37–38

copycat trends to avoid, 38–39

an exception to copycat rule, 39

Country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) extensions, 71

Creative agencies, in-house, 108

Creative brief, 76–77, 87, 121. See also Zenyo creative brief

keeping it handy, 87

starter words in, 87–88

Creativity, inspiring, 103–105

Curse of knowledge

defined, 48

examples of names with the, 53–54

only insiders get it, 48–49

thinking outside your bubble, 49–50

Diacritical marks, 59–60

Dictionaries, 92–93

Diseases, names associated with, xi, 52–53

Disney, 2, 30, 108, 111

Domain extensions, 70, 73

using an obscure domain extension to spell your name, 71–72

Domain name modifiers, 66–67, 71, 81–82

Domain name secrets, 62–66

Domain name suggestion tool, using a, 67–68

Domain name(s), 61–62

first settle on brand name, then get, 64

Google eliminates the guesswork, 63–64

ideas to steer clear of, 70–75

it pays to make an offer on a, 64

making it a call to action, 69

not owning the exact match, 62–63

number of, 65

short isn’t necessarily better, 64–65

strategies to get good affordable, 66–70

Eat My Dust, 95

Eat My Words, 6, 30, 50

clients, 77, 140

employees, xiv, xv, 139

names developed by, 139, 140

overview, 139–140

service packages, 24

theme of food at, 24, xv, 24, 139


moves people, 27–32

used to increase sales, 29–30

Emotional names. See also Emotion

examples of, 32

Etsy, 102

Eyal, Nir, 16, 46

Familiarity. See Memorable names

Families of names, 25–26

Film titles, 94–95

Focus groups, reasons not to use, 125–126

Foreign language, make sure your name is not cursed in a, 51

Fused words. See Portmanteau

Generic top-level domains. See Domain extensions

Glossaries of terms, combing through, 91–92

Goodbit, 66–67

Google, 2, 30

Google Search, 51, 63

“Googlestorming,” 93–95

Grammatically challenged names, 45

Groupon, 104

Groups, how to present names to, 119–120

Homophones. See Spelling-challenged names

Hooters, 26

Hotel Vitale, 29, 30

Hoy, Lynette, 23–24

ILovePeanutButter, 62, 68

Imagery, 18–20.

names with, 22

supercharging your imagination with images, 90–91

when you don’t want to imagine that, 21–22

Impossible Burger and Impossible Foods, 7

In-house creative agencies, 108

Innovation, 84–85

Insiders, names understood only by, 48–54

examples, 53–54

Job titles, meaningful, 110–113

Kitchen Sink (blog), 24

Lawn Love, 41

LeapFrog, 12–13

Legs, names with, 22–24

can be monetized, 26–27

legs can help names work as a family, 25–26

wobbly legs, 24–25

LinkedIn, 10, 103–104

Make-A-Wish Foundation, 111, 113

Meaningful names, x. See also specific topics

Meat substitutes and analogs, 7

Meeting room names, 103–105

Memorable names, x, 12–14

examples, 18

fake it to make it memorable, 17

forgettable/meaningless short names vs. long, 14–15, 64–65

personal names and, 15–17

Memorable phrases, 68–69

Mental picture, creating a. See Imagery

Millar, Glenn, 14, 17, 18, 47, 144

Misspellings. See Spelling-challenged names

Modifiers, domain name, 66–67, 71, 81–82

Movie titles, 94–95

Mozilla, 104

Music, 96–97

Mysterious names, 45

NameStudio, 67–68

Natural food brands, 7, 43–44

.net extension, getting a, 70

Norcal Waste Systems, 21–22

Numbers embedded in name, 36. See also Alphanumeric brain-bender names

Obscenity, 26. See also Provocative names

Ogilvy & Mather, xvi, 107

Open-mindedness, 86, 122. See also Thinking outside your bubble

.org used for for-profit businesses, 73

Overused words, 25, 44

Pappas, Janice, xv

Peanut Butter & Co., 62

Personal names, 1

how memorable they are, 15–17

used as business names, 23–24

Phones and phone use, 46

Phrase Thesaurus, 97

Pillow Fight, 103

Plenty, xi, 42

PlentyOfFish, 74

Portmanteau, 9, 22, 39, 74–75

Prefixes, 67

Profanity. See Obscenity; Provocative names

Pronunciation. See also Spelling-challenged names

hard-to-pronounce names, 33, 54–60

names commonly mispronounced, 56–57

words that can be pronounced two ways, 59

Provocative names, 10–12, 26, 53

Puns, 97–98

Racial terminology, 52

Religion, 11–12

Restrictive names

examples, 42

lock you in and limit growth, 40–42

Richman, Olivia, 11

Riverbed Technology, 104

Search engine optimization (SEO), 64

Search engines. See Google Search

Self-assessment tool. See Brand name(s): rules for reviewing

Sexuality. See Provocative names

Siri, 36

Smile, names that make us, 5–6

SMILE & SCRATCH name evaluation test, x, 3, 86, 121, 124, 139, 194. See also specific topics

deal breakers, 4, 34–60

names that pass the, 97–98

overview, 6

qualities of a super-sticky name, 3–4, 6–32

Song titles, 96–97

Spelling-challenged names, 21, 33, 35

examples, 37

getting a name you have to spell out, 70–71

getting cute with numbers, 36

names that could be spelled many ways, 35–36

not spelled like they sound, 34–35

testing to see if name is spelling challenged, 36

Spoon Me, 98–99, 120–121, 126, 140

Starter words, 87–88

Stock photography websites, 90–91

Stock symbols, clever, 106–107

Stocks with hard-to-pronounce names, 54

Suffixes, 67

overused, 44

Suggestion, power of, 7

Suggestive names, 7–10

Sweet Jesus Ice Cream, 11–12

Tame (flat, descriptive, uninspired) names, 46–47

descriptive names don’t have to be, 47

examples, 48

Thesaurus websites, 88–89, 88–89

Thinking outside your bubble, 49–50

Ticker symbols, clever, 106–107

Toastmasters International, 109

ToiletTree, 21

Top-level domains (TLDs), 70–73

Trademark attorney, 85

consulting a, 40, 73

Trademark experts, 130

Trademark infringement, 37, 38, 40, 73–74, 79

Trademark screening, 98, 120, 124, 125, 130

Trademarks, 95, 120, 129

domain names and, 73–74

registering, 126

Tribune Publishing Company (formerly Tronc), 116

Ultimate Dream Job Challenge, xv

Universal resource locator (URLs). See Domain name(s)

Urban Dictionary, names in, 51–53

Veggie burgers, 7

Weight Watchers (WW), 116

Wells Fargo, 20

Whole Foods, xi, 52

Wordplay, 15, 16, 22–25

Workplace, the power of names in the, 102–103

Writing down name ideas, 87

Yellow Fever, 52

Zamboni, Frank, 7–8

Zamboni Company and Frank

Zamboni, 16–17

Zenyo, 78

Zenyo creative brief, 78–83, 87–88

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