

Note: Page numbers followed by “f”or “t”denote figures and tables, respectively

@, 43, 43n11

@home, 238, 264

acceptable use policy (AUP), 7578, 8485

access. See Internet access and usage

Adams, Rick, 7677, 154n35, 163

adaptation conundrum, 21618, 242

adoption, factors in, 102, 26667

AdSense, 385, 389

Advanced Network Services (ANS), 7781, 84, 87, 165, 231

advertising-supported media, 26364, 37186

Aironet, 403

Akamai, 294

Alcatel, 168

Allen, Paul, 303

Allison, Jeremy, 195

Alta Vista, 265

Amazon, 220, 254, 340, 354, 356

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 145

Ameritech, 90

Anderson Consulting (Accenture), 287

Andreessen, Marc, 99f, 10818, 185, 321

ANS. See Advanced Network Services (ANS)

antitrust law, 33, 35, 36, 37, 81, 83, 148, 150, 151, 197, 304, 307, 323, 324, 325, 326, 328, 331, 361, 43435, 436

AOL, 141, 222, 254, 340; ANS bought by, 165; content provision by, 23637; and dot-com bust, 354; and electronic mail, 138; growth of, 268; as ISP, 231, 232, 412; marketing strategy of, 143; Microsoft’s relationship with, 142, 31819; and pricing, 224, 225, 22729; and Time Warner merger, 35758

Apache, 12022, 233

Apple, 193, 318, 39395

Apple Airport, 395

application programming interfaces (APIs), 177, 193, 196, 315

Applied Semantics, 385

arms race, 25152

assemblers, 317

AT&T, 89, 148, 231; carrier services offered by, 83n29, 297; divestiture agreement involving, 33, 3538, 83; Internet investment by, 169; pricing by, 22427

backbone providers, 38, 4955, 55f, 6982, 78f, 8790, 12829, 15354, 156, 231, 29798, 426

backward compatibility, 103

Baidu, 369n10

Ballmer, Steve, 303, 331

bandwidth, 5455

Baran, Paul, 3, 22

Barksdale, Jim, 114

basic participation, 26970

Baxter, William F., Jr., 89, 33, 3537

BBN. See Bolt, Beranek and Newman


BBSs. See bulletin board services

Bechtolsheim, Andy, 117, 370

Behlendorf, Brian, 120

Bell Atlantic, 298

benchmarking, 440

Berners-Lee, Tim, 61n45, 98f, 100, 1026, 109, 154, 20710, 220, 313, 371, 438

best-effort routing, 87

Bhatia, Sabeer, 24347

Bina, Eric, 1089, 112

Bitnet, 48

Blockbuster, 362

Blodget, Henry, 253, 34547

Bluetooth, 403

Blumenthal, Marjory, 41

Boardwatch Magazine, 132, 139, 139t, 232

Boies, David, 327

Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN), 26, 45, 51n25, 218, 231

Booz-Allen, 287

border gateway protocol (BGP), 87n35

bottom-up processes, 2034

Boucher, Rick, 66f, 7981, 84

Brand, Stewart, 44n13, 144n18

Brandt, Jan, 143

Brewer, Eric, 369n10

Brilliant, Larry, 144n18

Brin, Sergey, 9, 36570, 366f, 39091

browsers: development of, 16, 9798, 100111, 155; Microsoft’s, 12225, 17679, 221, 249, 30423; Netscape’s, 100, 163, 17679, 220

browser wars, 19, 30423

bulletin board services (BBSs), 16, 13256; Internet compared to, 13435, 142; and ISPs, 13839, 143; ISPs and, 15354; national online service providers, 14143; overview of, 133; pornography supplied by, 14547; specialized online service providers, 14445; telephone companies’ relations with, 14041, 148; types of, 141

Bush, George, Jr., 34f, 6870, 330

businesses, adoption of Internet by, 26870. See also electronic commerce

business process innovations, 28287

cable companies, 238, 296

caching services, 29495

Cailliau, Robert, 99f, 102, 105

capital deepening, 29095, 291f, 298300

capitalism, and creative destruction, 56

carpet bombing marketing strategy, 143, 229, 237

carrier services, 8385

Case, Jeff, 45n

Case, Steve, 142n, 143, 228n, 319

catalog companies, 27476, 285

Cees Links, 393, 395

cellular telephony, 224

Centrino, 4058

Cerf, Vinton (Vint), 34f, 45, 56, 70n, 187, 187n

CERFNET, 80, 80n24

CERN, 100, 100n, 1024, 106, 209

CGI script, 11921, 120n30

Champaign-Urbana metropolitan area, 54n30, 55f, 78f, 97, 100, 111, 113, 114, 115, 119

circular conundrum, 21719, 242

Cisco, 51, 51n25, 164, 166, 16768, 181, 254, 340, 354, 360

CIX. See Commercial Internet eXchange (CIX)

Clark, David, 41, 56, 188f, 2023

Clark, James H. (Jim), 11217, 159, 160f, 185

Clarke, Arthur C., 2001: A Space Odyssey, 9798

CLECs. See competitive local exchange companies

click-through rates, 382

client-server computing, 165

Clinton, Bill, 95, 152, 399

coinvention, 219n, 28490, 426

collective efforts, 42930

collective invention, 23, 405

Commercial Internet eXchange (CIX), 8082, 89, 436

commercialization: blossoming of, 1619, 17t, 158t, 42223; defined, 5; forecasting errors concerning, 17081; hesitations in process of, 15986; innovation in relation to, 5; misunderstandings about, 28386; from non-profit sector, 11619

Committee 802, 393, 396, 401, 4078, 414

common carriers, 151, 43334

Communication Act, 397

Communications Decency Act, 152

Compaq, 166, 316

competition: of carrier services, 8385, 90; drawbacks of, 47, 85; innovation encouraged by, 440; in inventive specialization, 47; in the new economy, 25152; of viewpoints, 42829

competitive local exchange companies (CLECs), 29697, 35152

complex lessons, 412, 414

compliance, 59

CompuServe, 138, 163, 188, 222, 229, 237, 268, 360

Computers I, II, and III, 14852, 433, 435, 437

cookies, 37273

coordination, 42930

copyright, 389

costs: of Internet for NSF, 2829; nonmonetary, 28586

creative destruction, 56, 33134, 42728, 430

Cringely, Robert, 108n15, 304

Crocker, David, 46

Crocker, Stephen, 126


DARPA. See Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency

data carrier services, 291, 297

DEC, 51, 58

decentralization, 3839, 50, 98, 200205, 42021

Dell, Michael, 31516, 392, 39596

Dell Computer, 31516, 39596, 408

Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 2426, 24n9, 28n16, 42, 49, 128n43

DePuy, Chris, 253

Dertouzos, Michael, 210

DFJ. See Draper, Fisher, and Jurvetson

dial-up access, 222, 226, 29798

digerati, 25355, 253n20

Digital Equipment Corporation, 47n19, 166n6

Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 152, 389

disintermediation, 254, 254n23

dispute resolution, 62

disruptive technology, 254, 254n21

divided technical leadership, 8487

DOD. See US Defense Department

Doerr, L. John, 114

DOJ. See US Justice Department

domain name system, 48, 9095, 250

dot-com boom: bust after, 249, 282, 35056; cheerleaders of, 34447; factors in, 34044; financial missteps in, 34850; and Internet participation, 24953; IPOs in, 181; prevailing views underlying, 7, 33964

DoubleClick, 373

Draper, Fisher, and Jurvetson (DFJ), 24347

Draper, Tim, 243, 244f, 24546

EarthLink, 231

eBay, 220, 258, 356

Ebbers, Bernie, 361

e-commerce. See electronic commerce

economic archetypes, 10, 42531

economic experiments, 392, 398, 403, 40811, 41516, 42324

economic growth, lessons for, 44042

economic myths, 7, 40910

electronic commerce: business process innovations and, 28384; catalog companies and, 27476; entrepreneurship in, 26263

electronic data interchange (EDI), 165

electronic financial planning, 270

electronic mail: and business adoption, 270; for business enterprises, 17173; development of, 43, 4647, 46n16; early research on, 25, 27; ISPs offering, 268; percentage of Internet use represented by, 292; web-based, 24447

e-mail. See electronic mail

Encarta, 197

Encyclopædia Britannica, 138, 220

end-to-end networks, 4042, 202

enhanced service providers, 148

enhancement, 269, 28290

Enron, 36062

entrepreneurial entry, 25765, 288, 439

entrepreneurs, 7680

E-rate program, 296

Estrada, Susan, 80

Ethernet, 47n19, 48

ethics, 303, 31520, 32325, 349, 36062

exceptionalism. See Internet exceptionalism

Exchange, 17173

Exchange server, 270

Excite, 238, 258, 264

Executive Branch, 3536

exploration, 19, 20t, 302t

fair use, 388

Farber, David, 29n18, 56

FCC. See Federal Communications Commission

Federal Aviation Administration, 70

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 58, 14852, 295, 297n46, 352, 392, 397401, 435, 437, 439

Ferguson, Charles, 110, 182, 184, 185

file transfer, 25

Firefox, 323

FirePower Systems, 244

First Amendment, 434, 435

first-price auction, 37980

Fisher, John, 243

fixed-line access, 222

flat rate pricing, 22425, 228, 23031, 236

flexibility, 415

forecasts, 1112, 17081, 440

Fowler, Mark, 399

frictions, 43031, 436

FrontPage, 182, 314

funded entrants, 25962, 26061f

Garcia-Molina, Hector, 9, 36668

Gates, Bill, 19, 122, 123, 140, 142n, 160f, 17279, 30331, 440

Gauthier, Paul, 369n10

General Telephone and Electric (GTE), 83n29

Genie, 138, 222, 237

Genuity, 298

geography: and enhancement, 290; and entrepreneurial entry, 25859; of Internet access and usage, 233, 234f, 235; and Internet exceptionalism, 255; ISPs and, 23136, 234f; mid-level networks and, 5455; and network access points, 8889, 89n; pornography and, 14647

Gerstner, Lou, Jr., 16667, 27273, 273f, 277, 281

get big fast strategy, 25152, 254, 359

Gilder, George, 253, 34445

go-it-alone myth, 286

gold rush, 9, 16, 15963, 184, 259, 422

Google, 9, 19, 21, 36591; and advertising, 372, 37586; advertising-supported search services of, 14; ambiguity of incentives for, 38889; factors in success of, 38384, 390; origins of, 36570; search strategy of, 265; virtuous cycle at, 38788

Gopher, 1045, 105n11

Gore, Al, 51n26, 65, 66f, 6770, 107, 296

Gore tax, 296 See Overture

governance, 40, 4964; economic consequences of, 6364; groups responsible for, 4950; IAB and, 5659; mid-level networks and, 5356; by NSF, 29, 38, 4955, 69, 12628

government policies and role, 10, 43137; after privatization, 43336; changes in (1990s), 29598; Gore and, 6870; government funding, 12529; innovation fostered by, 12, 435; in Internet development, 67, 1415, 22, 7080; in technology development, 22, 72

Greene, Harold, 35, 35n2

Greenspan, Alan, 355, 356

Griliches, Zvi, 21516, 218, 233

grocery delivery services, 33538

Grove, Andy, 140, 249, 255, 338

GTE, 231, 298

hacker ethic, 44n13, 147, 264

HAL (computer), 9798

Hancock, Ellen, 281n13

Hanson, Ward, 288

Harris Semiconductor, 403

Hatch, Orrin, 31516

Hayes, Vic, 393f, 394, 402

heuristic lessons, 41214

Hickey, Fred, 344

High-Performance Computing Act, 69, 107

HomeRF, 403, 404

honest policy wonks, 7374, 96

hosts, 126, 127t

HoTMaiL, 24348, 258, 268, 270, 292, 340

hot spots, 404, 410

household service and home usage, 138, 143, 22527, 26568, 266f, 267t, 294. See also Internet access and usage

HTML system, 1045, 313

HTTP. See Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Hundt, Reed, 399

hybrid corn, 21518

hypertext, 61n45, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 208

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 100, 104, 106, 119, 120, 208, 223

IAB. See Internet Architecture Board

IBM, 181; antitrust case against, 33, 35; carrier services offered by, 84, 297; and commercialization of the Internet, 16467; competition for, 77; crisis at, 27274, 280; Internet investment by, 169; Internet services provided by, 27482, 424; and Internet upgrade, 5153, 52n28; and local area networking, 47n19; networking equipment produced by, 51; and personal computers, 37; and privatization, 7782, 86; rebirth of, 27782; routers made by, 51n25

IBM Global Network, 231

ICANN. See Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

iconoclasts, 15556. See also wild ducks

ICQ, 340

idealism, 43839

IE. See Internet Explorer

IEEE. See Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IETF. See Internet Engineering Task Force

ILECs. See incumbent local exchange companies

impatience, in investment/entrepreneurship, 18, 299300, 335, 338, 35662, 42324, 439

incumbent local exchange companies (ILECs), 296

influential institutions, 10, 43740

Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO), 128

initial public offerings (IPOs), 18081

Inktomi, 265, 369n10, 377

innovation: commercialization in relation to, 5; competition as spur to, 440; defined, 5; government policies as aid to, 12; openness and, 2057; wild ducks, 13032

innovation from the edges, 41942; browser wars and, 19; contributions of, 41920; defined, 1011; economic archetypes for, 425; end-to-end networks and, 42; Google as example of, 390; Microsoft’s hindrance of, 33234; opposition to, 428; original meaning of, 10; policies encouraging, 435

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 392, 401, 438

institutions. See influential institutions

Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN), 136

Intel, 18, 47n19, 58, 140, 181, 4058

interconnection, 8081, 8790, 432. See also routers

interest rates, 355

international communications, 137

International Telecommunications Union, 59

Internet: advantages of, 6364; architecture of, 3942; BBSs compared to, 13435, 142; commercialization of, 5, 89; cost of, 12628, 128n44; decentralization’s role in growth of, 3739; deployment of, 48; duration of, 229; governance of, 14, 40, 4964; government policies affecting, 1415; growth of, 126; innovation of, 5; name of, 28; NSF governance of, 29, 38, 4955; origins of, 2230, 65, 6768; OSI as rival of, 5960; “packaging”of, 18789; PCs compared to, 18990; speeds of, 51, 51n26, 69; traffic on, 29294, 293t; in United States, 67; upgrade of, 5153, 69; value chain for, 189; value of, 12; World Wide Web in relation to, 15

Internet access and usage: duration of, 226; geography of, 233, 234f, 235; household, 26668, 266f, 267t; pricing, 22325; revenue from, 24142, 242t. See also household service and home usage

Internet Activities Board (IAB), 50. See also Internet Architecture Board

Internet Architecture Board (IAB), 5659, 6162, 64, 85, 199, 203

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 95, 152

Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), 19899

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 57, 57n, 6163, 73, 198204, 203, 20611, 213, 414, 421, 433, 43638

Internet exceptionalism, 19, 25357, 42425; dot-com boom and, 33864; factual basis for, 34243; failure of, 28283; forms of, 342; geography and, 255; as misconception, 78; premises of, 25355; skepticism about, 25557

Internet Explorer (IE), 12324, 176, 307, 311, 31619, 32224

Internet participation, 24950

Internet service providers (ISPs), 16, 21842; BBSs and, 13839, 143, 15354; Boardwatch list of, 139t; differentiation of, 23641; and geography, 23136, 234f; home pages of, 236; importance of, 22123; and pricing, 22342; proliferation of, 232; revenue of, 242; services offered by, 240t, 410; small, 23233; types of, 23132; value chain for, 22122

Internet Society, 198, 203

Internet Tax Freedom Act, 152, 296

“Internet Tidal Wave,”122, 17677, 212, 258, 305

Intersil, 407

Intuit, 197

inventive specialization, 4249, 101, 248, 384

investment. See capital deepening

IPO spinning, 349

irrational exuberance, 35657, 360

ISPs. See Internet service providers

Jackson, Thomas Penfield, 303, 32730

Java, 32425

JDS Uniphase, 35960

Jobs, Steve, 318, 39295

Johnson, Clarence “Kelly,”175n19

Joy, Bill, 117

Jurvetson, Steve, 243, 244f, 24546

Kahin, Brian, 30, 50, 248

Kahn, Robert E. (Bob), 34f, 56, 70n, 187n

Kapor, Mitch, 81n

Karn, Phil, 45n

Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2930

Kierkegaard, Søren, 130

killer apps, 121, 250, 275, 287, 426

Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield, and Byers, 11314

Krol, Ed, 55

laddering, 349

last mile problem, 13536

layers, 47n20

lead users, 28990

learning externalities, 41116

Leno, Jay, 67

Letterman, David, 6768

Level 3, 298, 359

LexisNexis, 142

Li, Robin (Yanhong), 369n10

licensing, 11112, 115, 117

Linux, 233

L. L. Bean, 27476, 285

local access providers, 231, 235

local area networking, 47n19, 48

local telephone service, 134

Lott, Trent, 67

Lotus, 292

Lotus Notes, 172, 270

Lucent, 168, 169, 39396, 403

Lycos, 264

Magaziner, Ira, 151

mainframes, 41n

Mansfield Amendment, 25, 25n12

Marcus, Michael, 393f, 39899

market incentives, 409

market lessons, 41213

Marshall, John, 162

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 106, 111, 210

McCool, Robert, 120

MCI, 5153, 52n28, 8182, 83n29, 86, 138, 164, 16869, 181, 218, 231, 298, 361

MCImail, 270

McNealy, Scott, 197

Meeker, Mary, 182, 253

MERIT, 5153

meritocracy. See technical meritocracy

Merrill Lynch, 346

Metamor Worldwide, 358

Metcalfe, Robert, 47n19, 48

Metropolitan Area Exchanges (MAEs), 8990

Metropolitan Fiber Company, 360

Metropolitan Fiber Systems, 90

Microsoft, 18, 19, 58, 109, 232; antitrust suit against, 32331; and antitrust trial, 3078; AOL’s relationship with, 142, 31819; attitudes toward, 19197; browser of, 12225, 17679, 221, 249, 30423; coercive actions by, 31520, 32325; and electronic mail, 270, 292; forecasting errors made by, 17081; and HoTMaiL, 247; and Intel, 140; Internet strategy of, 31014, 424; Netscape’s rivalry with, 21112, 220, 30423; online service of, 14243; organization and leadership of, 305, 31213; and portals, 264; proprietary processes of, 19097, 2067; and server software, 120, 121; and the World Wide Web, 21114

Microsoft Network (MSN), 14243, 17071, 197, 225, 228n, 237, 319

middleware, 27576, 278, 306

mid-level networks, 49, 5356

military, 2227, 28n16

MindSpring, 231

modems and modem banks, 223, 22627, 239, 241

monopolies: and domain names, 9394; and innovation, 6, 84; NAPs and, 88

Montulli, Lou, 37273

Morgan Stanley, 252

Mosaic browser, 69, 9798, 100, 105, 10716, 118, 176, 187

Mosaic Communications Company, 11215, 118

motherboards, 407

MSN. See Microsoft Network

NAPs. See network access points

NASDAQ, 353f

national access providers, 23132, 235

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 70

National Cash Register (NCR), 402

National Center for Super Computing Applications (NCSA), 69, 10711, 114, 11921

National Science Foundation (NSF), 9, 13, 433; charter of, 74, 8485, 436; and Google, 19, 36568; governance of Internet by, 29, 38, 4955, 69, 12628; and growth of the Internet, 38; industry’s relation to, 7475; network interconnection plan of, 8790; and origins of the Internet, 24, 2729; and privatization, 7290, 220, 432

National Security Administration, 70

Netcom, 15455, 163, 222, 231

Netscape, 19, 249, 254, 268, 340; and antitrust trial, 3078; browser of, 100, 163, 17679, 220; decline of, 32123; and electronic mail, 292; and gold rush, 159; IPO of, 18081, 308; Microsoft’s rivalry with, 21112, 220, 30423; openness fostered by, 213; origins of, 111, 11516; and portals, 264; pricing strategy of, 309; and server software, 121; University of Illinois’s relations with, 11516, 11819, 124

Netware, 137

network access points (NAPs), 8890, 432

network administrators, 50

network effects, 18, 299, 423, 427

Network Solutions, 9194

new economy, 25152, 25657, 35354

Nokia, 403

norms, technical, 44, 44n13, 61

Nortel, 168

notebooks, 4067

Novell, 137, 166, 168

NSF. See National Science Foundation

NSFNET, 29, 5253, 7380, 78f, 8284, 86, 272


Office suite, 305

openness, 200207, 213

open platforms, 19091, 21214, 33334, 427

open systems interconnection (OSI) model, 7, 23, 5960, 137, 17273, 200, 203

Oracle, 121, 193

original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), 317, 4068

OS/2, 166

OSI. See open systems interconnection (OSI) model

Outlook, 270

overlays, 295

oversight, 9394

Overture, 37879

Ozzie, Ray, 172

Pacific Bell, 89

packet switching networks, 2428, 25n12. See also TCP/IP

Page, Larry, 9, 36570, 366f, 39091

Page-Rank, 369

Part 15 rules, 400, 436

partnerships, 140

Partridge, Craig, 45

pay-for-placement advertising, 379

pay-per-click advertising, 38182

pay-to-impression advertising, 38182

pay-to-list strategy, 376

PCs. See personal computers

Peapod, 336

peering, 294

personal computers (PCs), 18, 18990, 26566

Peterschmidt, Dave, 369n10, 359

piracy, 389

planning myth, 28384

platforms: defined, 192; functions performed by, 40, 192; open, 19091, 21214, 33334, 427; overview of, 3940; proprietary, 19097, 21214, 33334, 427

plugfests, 199

point-of-presence (POP), 226

point-to-point protocol (PPP), 154n35

policy. See government policies

POP. See point-of-presence

pornography, 145, 388

portals, 23638, 26465, 372, 376, 389

Postel, Jon, 58n, 9192, 9495

power, 11

prevailing views, 33940, 363, 37071

price exploration, 38081

pricing: AOL and, 224, 225, 22729; flat rate, 22425, 228, 23031, 236; Internet access and usage, 22325; ISPs and, 22342; Netscape and, 309; tensions in, 22942; usage, 224, 228

pricing experiments, 410

privatization: complexity of, 185; of domain name system, 9192; last mile problem and, 13540; proposals for, 2930; significance of, 1213; transition to, 1416, 15t, 32t, 7290, 9596, 42122

Prodigy, 138, 222, 237

productivity myth, 283

proof of concept, 43

property rights, 118

proprietary platforms, 19097, 21214, 33334, 427

Protean, 51n25

protocols, 24

protocol standards, 198200

PSINet, 7680, 7981, 84, 153, 162, 181, 218, 222, 231, 358

pure play, 254, 254n22, 258, 263

quality ratings, 38285

Quarterman, John, 56

Quayle, Dan, 67

Rand Corporation, 22

RankDex, 369n10

Reagan, Ronald, 3536, 399

Reiger, Bob, 154

Reno, Janet, 326

Request for Comments (RFCs), 5758, 198, 201

returns on investment, 18182, 183t

RIPE, 101

RocketMail, 247n10, 270

Rosenberg, Nathan, 392

rough consensus and running code, 2023

routers, 51, 51n25. See also interconnection

Russell, Andrew, 28n16, 57n

Sandburg, Carl, 249n

San Francisco Bay Area, 258

SAP, 193

Schoffstall, Martin, 7677, 81n, 16263

Schrader, William (Bill), 7677, 7980, 162, 358

Schumpeter, Joseph, 56, 12, 427

search engines, 265, 36869, 37576, 37980, 386, 425

second-price auction, 38081, 385

self-governance, 33132

self-publishing web pages, 154

Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space, 69

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 249, 302t, 330, 354

serial line Internet protocol (SLIP), 154n35

server software, 11922, 137

Shapiro, Carl, 256, 288

shareware, 11112, 115

Sheehan, George, 335

shrink-wrap myth, 28485

Silicon Graphics, 112

Silicon Valley, 112, 25859, 370

Silverberg, Brad, 175

skunk works, 17576, 175n18

Slivka, Ben, 17677, 185; “The Web Is the Next Platform,”176

Smarr, Larry, 107, 11011

Smith, Jack, 24347

SMTP, 173

snowflake fallacy, 351, 353n33, 354

Sony, 220

specialization. See inventive specialization

spectrum, 397401

spreadsheets, 270

Sprint, 77, 81, 83n29, 90, 169, 218, 231, 361

Spry Technologies, 18788, 222

Spyglass, 111, 11316, 11819, 121, 12325, 307

Standard 802.11b, 393

standards: BBS, 142; for browsers, 17277; democratic development of, 43738; IETF, 5758; open, 201, 206, 21213, 309; of platforms, 190200; platforms and, 3940; for TCP/IP, 47, 59; uniformity vs. diversity of, 44041; for the web, 106, 119, 12122, 155, 20811; for Wi-Fi, 393, 401, 405, 408

Stanford University, 117, 369

Starbucks, 404

startups, 25962, 26061f

stealth strategy, 378

Stoll, Clifford, 243

store and forward, 13334

Subcommittee 802.11, 393, 4012

SUN Microsystems, 117, 166, 197, 32425

supercomputers, 27

surfing, commercialization of, 386

Sutter, John, 161

Symbol Technologies, 403

targeting, 372, 386

taxation, 296

TCP/IP: BBSs and, 133; compatibility with, 28n16, 55, 64, 102, 171; explained, 2728; fundamental nature of, 2728, 40, 42, 59, 63; international use of, 101, 137; and local area networking, 48; military backing of, 2728, 28n16; origins of, 187n; OSI in relation to, 60; spread of, 63n; standards of, 47; telephone service for, 136

technical lessons, 41213

technical meritocracy, 4449, 59, 32526

telecom meltdown, 35152

Telecommunications Act, 151, 29596, 352

telephone companies and services: BBSs’ relations with, 14041, 148; local, 134; rules and regulations for, 14852, 29697; TCP/IP and, 136

Texas Instruments, 407

third-party tracking, 373

3Com, 47n19, 51, 166, 168, 403

Time Warner, 35758

T-Mobile, 404

Token Ring, 47n19, 166

Tomlinson, Ray, 43, 43n11

tracking, 37273

transparency, 438

Tupperware, 246

Turner, Fred, 44n13

underwriters, 18081

Ungermann-Bass, 51

uniform resource locator (URL), 208, 208n27

unintended/unexpected consequences, 49, 118, 124

United Nations, International Telecommunications Union, 59

United Parcel Service (UPS), 27980

United States: commercialization of Internet in, 83; Internet’s deployment in, 67

universal resource identifier (URI), 208, 208n27

University of California at Berkeley, 117

University of Illinois, 107, 11112, 115, 11725

University of Minnesota, 105

Unix, 5859, 106, 121, 137, 171, 233, 30423

Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII), 399

unlimited plans. See flat rate pricing

URL system, 1045

usage pricing, 224, 228

US Census Bureau, 70

US Commerce Department, 95

US Congress, 51, 94

US Defense Department (DOD), 24, 56, 5859, 70, 433

US Justice Department (DOJ), 33, 3536, 197, 298, 326, 361

UUCP, 48

UUNET, 7678, 80, 84, 145, 153, 162, 181, 218, 222, 231, 297, 298, 360

value chains, 16, 18, 189

Varian, Hal, 256, 288, 381

venture capitalists (VCs), 182, 184, 185, 243, 245, 246, 335, 344, 354, 370

Verizon, 298

Vermeer, 182, 184, 220, 258, 314, 340

viral marketing, 24748

virtuous cycles, 18, 40, 38788, 423

walled garden, 236, 241, 264

Wall Street, and the dot-com boom, 34450

Warren, Todd, 17172

Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 13031

Watson, Thomas J., Sr., 130

web. See World Wide Web

web traffic, 29294, 293t

WebVan, 33538, 356, 359

WECA. See Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance

WELL. See Whole Earth ’Lectronic Link

Wellfleet, 51n25

Western Electric, 35, 37

whipsaw effect, 360

White House. See Executive Branch

Whole Earth ’Lectronic Link (WELL), 144, 144n18

wide area information servers (WAIS), 104

Wi-Fi, 1314, 21, 392416, 425; growth of, 4039; lessons learned from, 40916; for mass market, 39496; name of, 404, 404n25; origins of, 397401; rules for, 397401; software for, 4012

wild ducks, 13032, 135, 175. See also iconoclasts

WIMP, 121

Windows 3.0/3.1, 154, 170, 193

Windows 95, 123, 124, 137, 17071, 174, 179, 19194, 207, 220, 3058

Windows NT, 137, 221

Windows XP, 396

Winograd, Terry, 9, 36668

Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA), 4034

wireless Internet access. See Wi-Fi

Wladawsky-Berger, Irving, 272, 273f, 27581

Wolff, Stephen, 29, 34f, 38, 52n28, 53, 73, 7980, 82, 162, 291

word of mouse, 24748

word processing, 270

working prototypes, 4344, 62, 185

WorldCom, 81, 292, 297, 298, 350, 36061

World Wide Web: development of, 1026, 20711; Internet in relation to, 15; Microsoft and, 21114; proposal for, 61n45

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 102, 106, 210, 313, 414, 421, 438

X-400, 173

Yahoo, 220, 254, 258, 264, 265, 270, 340, 354, 373, 37678

Yahoo Mail, 268

Y2K problem, 288, 288n27, 355

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