Now it's Over to You

In the introduction to this book I wrote that we were embarking on a journey together. Well, the journey is coming to an end (at least for the moment, anyway). Over the last 35 chapters we've explored ideas and insights that could help us to have a great life by increasing our levels of success, fulfilment, and happiness. Each of those three areas is subjective and not easy to measure. However, I do hope you feel it's been a worthwhile ride. I genuinely hope that you have gained not only some insights and ideas, but crucially also some inspiration to help you make a difference during your time on this planet.

The reality is, over a hundred billion people have lived on this planet before you, but there's never been a single person just like you. And there never will be. You are unique. So, my question is, how will you maximize this incredible privilege and this amazing opportunity called life? How can you make a difference not just to yourself, but also to others?

Life provides endless possibilities, and each of us has so much potential. The challenge is to recognize we cannot do life in isolation, but to understand that our effectiveness and enjoyment are increased significantly when we connect and collaborate with others.

It starts by not taking miracles for granted. So, wake up to the fact that this is your time, your opportunity. Your life isn't a rehearsal – it's the main show. It will pass really quickly if you don't take time to savour and enjoy it. I love this quote attributed to Confucius: ‘We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one.’

The last idea I shared with you was ‘Take your talk for a walk.’ So, although I wish a great life could be achieved simply by reading or listening to a book, the reality is somewhat different. So, I've some advice, and also a couple of favours to ask.

Firstly, take time in the next few months to re-read this book. You’ll be surprised what you notice from reading it a second time that you didn't see before. Although the content won't have changed, you and your circumstances will have. So, I strongly encourage you to see this as a book you return to time and time again.

If you haven't already done so, take notes, highlight certain phrases, and identify small, simple actions you can take (remember, molehills matter massively).

As I also mentioned in my introduction, share your ideas from reading this book with others. Not only could you be helping them, but you’ll be helping yourself cement your learning and understanding.

And now for those favours. If you've benefited from reading this book, tweet some of your favourite quotes to @TheSumoGuy (use #greatlife). It's really helpful to hear what's resonated with you.

Secondly, I'm very keen to know which chapters in particular helped you. So, I would love you to email [email protected] with your top three chapters. Who knows, your feedback might encourage me to write a follow-up with further ideas on how to have a great life.

I've shared many quotes in this book, so let me leave you with one of my favourites. It's from Ralph Waldo Emerson.

To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children … to leave the world a bit better … to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded.

That's all from me. The ball is now in your court. It's time to make your mark. To make a difference. So, over to you.

Thanks for sharing the journey. And here's to a great life.


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