

  • ACA (Affordable Care Act), 208, 221–223
  • Accenture, 14
  • accessible fertility benefits, 219
  • ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), 62, 75, 127, 196, 226, 321
  • address history, 145
  • adoption assistance, 219
  • ADR (alternative dispute resolution), 340
  • affirmative action, 88, 319, 326
  • Affordable Care Act (ACA), 208, 221–223
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), 75, 196, 319–320
  • AI (artificial intelligence), 17, 20, 25, 27
  • alternative dispute resolution (ADR), 340
  • alternative scheduling, 232
  • American Community Survey, 160
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 62, 75, 127, 196, 226, 321
  • “and/also” thinking, 374
  • Anti-Kickback Act, 196
  • Aon, 211
  • Appcast, 97
  • applicant evaluation, 9, 91–108
    • pre-employment testing, 101–106
      • challenges of, 105–106
      • reasons for using, 102
      • types of tests, 102–105
    • pre-screening, 106–108
      • choosing between methods, 108
      • sample questions, 378
      • via phone, 106–108
      • via video conference, 106–108
    • rejection letters, 378
    • résumé reviews, 92–96
      • chronological résumés, 93
      • cover letters, 94
      • functional résumés, 93
      • history of growth, 94
      • infographic résumés, 92
      • online persona, 95–96
      • online portfolios, 92
      • outcomes, 93
      • red flags, 94–95
      • sample résumés, 378
      • Twitter résumés, 92
      • video résumés, 92
    • simplifying the online application process, 97–98
    • system for, 99–101
      • decision-making criteria, 97
      • step-by-step process, 100–101
      • weighted system, 101
  • applicant tracking systems (ATSs), 27–28, 97–98, 144
  • Ardent Partners, 49
  • artificial intelligence (AI), 17, 20, 25, 27
  • Asana, 15
  • assessment tests. See pre-employment testing


  • background checks, 10, 144–149
    • choosing whether to use, 147–148
    • complexity of, 147
    • elements of, 144–145
    • specialists, 148–149
    • summary of rights, 379
    • types of, 145–146
  • base wage/salary
    • raises and increases, 197–198, 200
    • setting, 186–187
  • bench strength, 273
  • benefits, 10–11, 203–228
    • administrating, 226–228
    • common-law couples, 223–224
    • defined, 186, 204
    • dental insurance, 218
    • disability pay, 205
    • domestic-partner benefits, 223–224
    • employee assistance programs, 224–226
      • areas of assistance, 225
      • confidentiality, 225–226
      • defined, 224
      • selecting, 225–226
    • employee wellness, 11
    • family assistance, 218–219
    • feedback, 227
    • health insurance, 11, 208–213
      • benefits consultants, 212
      • costs, 210
      • drug benefits, 212
      • ease of administration, 210
      • extent of coverage, 210
      • fee-for-service plans, 208–209
      • health maintenance organizations, 209–210
      • health savings accounts, 212
      • healthcare cost increases, 204–205, 211–212
      • high deductible health plans, 212
      • minimizing costs, 212–213
      • preferred provider organizations, 209–210
      • quality of care, 210
      • wellness programs, 211, 213
    • leaves of absence, 220–222
    • legal issues, 207
    • Medicare, 206
    • monitoring program, 227
    • retirement packages, 11, 213–217
      • defined benefit plans, 213–214
      • defined contribution plans, 213–216
      • employee stock ownership plans, 214
      • employer contributions to, 215–216
      • 401(k) plans, 214–216, 380
      • legal implications, 216–217
      • profit-sharing plans, 214
      • Roth 401(k) plans, 215
    • same-sex couples, 222–223
    • sick days, 222–223
    • Social Security, 206
    • time off, 219–220
    • trends in, 204–205, 211–212
    • unemployment insurance, 206
    • vision coverage, 218
    • workers’ compensation, 11, 207
  • BetterUp, 244
  • bona fide occupational qualifications (BFOQs), 61–62, 315
  • bonuses, 186, 198
    • annual and biannual, 198
    • defined, 198
    • employee referral bonuses, 245
    • guidelines for policies regarding, 200
    • retention bonuses, 198
    • spot bonuses, 198
    • team bonuses, 198
  • Brandon Hall Group, 161
  • Built In, 97


  • California Government Code Section 12947.5, 314
  • California Notice to Employee, 324
  • campus recruiting, 83–84
  • candidate assessment. See applicant evaluation; background checks; interviewing; reference checks
  • candidate selection systems, 134–139
    • collaboration skills, 138
    • creative problem-solving and innovation, 137
    • emotional intelligence, 138–139
    • growth mindset, 138
    • intuition vs., 134
    • monitoring and evaluating, 134
    • scorecards, 135–136
    • time management, 137
    • weighted system, 134
  • career centers, 83
  • career development, 11, 271–292
    • career pathing, 273–274
    • coaching, 279–281
    • importance of, 272–273
    • leadership development, 281–286
      • building strategy for, 284
      • defining leadership competencies, 284
      • defining leadership qualities, 283
      • evaluating results, 285–286
      • levels of leadership, 282
      • program options, 285
      • suitability for leadership, 285
    • mentoring, 274–279
      • how it works, 275–276
      • implementing, 278–279
      • matching mentors and mentees, 277–278
      • setting clear expectations, 276
      • why it works, 275
    • succession planning, 286–292
      • creating flexible understanding with candidates, 289–290
      • creating plan, 287–288
      • developing candidates, 290–291
      • evaluating results, 291–292
      • missteps in, 288–289
      • selecting candidates, 288–289
      • selecting candidates from outside, 289
      • technology for, 291
      • timing, 287
  • career pathing, 273–274
  • career roadmaps, 273–274
  • CareerBuilder, 75, 138
  • Center for Prevention and Health Services, 224
  • Chief People Officers (CPOs), rise of, 17
  • child labor, 193
  • childcare, 219
  • chronological résumés, 93
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964, 75, 196, 327
  • cliff vesting, 217
  • cloning effect, 132, 139
  • closed-ended questions, 120–121
  • coaching, 11
    • best practices for HR leaders, 365
    • career development, 279–281
    • employee development and growth, 265–266
    • GROW model, 280–281, 301
    • individual vs. group coaching, 266
    • mentoring vs., 174, 279
    • performance management process, 300–301
  • COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act), 221, 322, 342
  • cognitive ability tests, 103
  • collaboration skills, 138
  • collective bargaining, 188
  • colleges and universities. See campus recruiting
  • commission, 186
  • common-law couple benefits, 223–224
  • commuting assistance, 246
  • company celebrations, 246
  • company website, 76
  • compensation philosophy, 10, 183–202
    • base wage/salary, 186–187
    • bonuses, 186, 198, 200
    • commission, 186
    • communicating, 200–201
    • components of, 186
    • consistency in, 183–184
    • creating, 184–185
    • exempt vs. nonexempt workers, 193–195
    • flexibility in, 183–184
    • incentives, 186
    • individual factors, 191–192
    • job titles and salary expectations, 66
    • laws and regulations, 192–196
      • exempt vs. nonexempt workers, 194–195
      • wage and hour laws, 192–193
    • minimum wage, 193
    • negotiating salary, 151–153
    • overtime, 195
    • pay level setting, 187–188
    • pay raises and base salary increases, 197–198, 200
    • pay structure, 188–191
      • broadbanding, 190–191
      • variable pay systems, 188–189
    • payroll/revenue ratio, 192
    • position success profiles, 64
    • profit-sharing plans, 199
    • questions to ask, 184–185
    • salary range in job descriptions, 64
    • salary range in job postings, 72
    • stock, 199–200
    • variable pay, 186
    • wage and hour claims, 25
  • compressed workweek, 232
  • condensed schedule, 232
  • Conference Board, The, 205
  • conferences, 263–264
  • Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), 221, 322, 342
  • contingent workers, 48–56
    • advantages of, 50
    • creating environment for, 52–54
    • defined, 48
    • documenting performance, 54–55
    • feedback, 54–55
    • increase in, 49
    • legal responsibility, 55–56
    • questions asked by, 54
    • questions to ask, 50–52
    • staffing/recruiting firms, 51–52, 378
  • Copeland Act, 196
  • core competencies (success drivers), 66–67
  • core organizational values, 38–39
    • defined, 38
    • demonstrating, 70
    • example of, 38
    • job postings, 73
    • keeping alive during onboarding process, 173
    • process for determining, 39
  • corporate social responsibility (CSR), 236–238
    • benefits of, 237–238
    • defined, 236
    • diversity, equity, and inclusion, 237
    • environment, 237
    • examples of, 236–237
    • volunteerism, 237
  • cost of living increases, 197
  • county criminal records checks, 145–146
  • cover letters, 94, 98
  • Covey, Stephen, 369
  • Covid-19 pandemic, 9, 14, 22, 160, 204, 224, 232
  • CPOs (Chief People Officers), rise of, 17
  • Craigslist, 75
  • creative problem-solving, 137
  • credentials, 62–63, 146
  • credit reports, 146
  • CSR. See corporate social responsibility
  • Culpepper, 188


  • Davis-Bacon Act, 196
  • daycare, 219
  • defined benefit plans, 213–214
  • defined contribution plans, 213–216
  • defusing grievances, 338–340
  • DEI. See diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • dependent care reimbursement accounts, 219
  • disability, voluntary self-identification of, 382
  • disability pay, 205
  • DiSC Behavioral Inventory, 104
  • disciplinary procedures, 333–338
    • criteria for, 336–337
    • final or “last-chance” written warnings, 334–335
    • questions to ask, 337–338
    • termination, 335
    • verbal warnings, 334
    • written warnings, 334
  • disparate impact, 314–315
  • diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), 18–20
    • advantages of, 19
    • affirmative action, 88, 319, 326
    • argument for attracting talent from outside, 46
    • bona fide occupational qualifications, 61–62, 315
    • corporate social responsibility, 237
    • creating DEI workplaces, 20
    • defined, 18–19
    • discrimination fact and reference sheets, 379, 381
    • discriminatory interview questions, 122–126
      • address, 124
      • age, 123–124
      • citizenship status, 124
      • fact and reference sheets regarding, 379
      • family status, 124–125
      • health and physical condition, 125
      • language, 125–126
      • name, 125
      • national origin, 123–124
      • religion, 125
    • discriminatory questions, 98
    • diverse perspectives, 375
    • education, 88
    • education and development initiatives, 20
    • job fairs, 85
    • laws and regulations, 314
    • people analytics, 20
    • recruitment and hiring, 87–88
    • seeking out people, 88
    • statistics, 87
  • DocuSign, 176
  • domestic-partner benefits, 223–224
  • draw against future commissions, 186
  • drug benefits, 212


  • EAPs. See employee assistance programs
  • education verification, 146
  • educational requirements, 62–63
  • EEOC compliance. See Equal Employment Opportunity Commission compliance
  • eldercare, 219
  • emotional intelligence, 138–139
  • emotional well-being, 21
  • employee appreciation programs, 246
  • Employee Assistance Professionals Association, 225
  • employee assistance programs (EAPs), 21, 224–226
    • areas of assistance, 225
    • confidentiality, 225–226
    • defined, 224
    • selecting, 225–226
  • employee development and growth, 8, 11
    • career development, 11, 271–292
    • coaching and mentoring, 11
    • learning and development programs, 11, 16, 255–270
    • performance management process, 11, 293–307
  • employee engagement software, 29
  • employee experience systems, 28–30
    • employee engagement software, 29
    • employee recognition software, 30
    • learning management systems, 29
    • performance management systems, 28–29
    • succession management systems, 30
  • employee handbooks, 10, 177–180
    • contents of, 179–180, 379
    • creating, 178
    • disclaimers, 180
    • distribution of, 178–179
    • hybrid work model, 176
    • onboarding process, 166
    • procedures manuals vs., 177
  • employee purpose, 230
  • employee recognition programs, 246–251
    • administrating, 248
    • benefits of, 247–248
    • checklist for, 248–249
    • communicating, 250
    • defined, 246
    • evaluating results, 251
    • low-cost perks, 249
    • publicity, 250
    • results to acknowledge, 247
    • rewards, 247
  • employee recognition software, 30
  • employee referral bonuses, 245
  • employee referrals, 74
  • Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 216–217, 221, 225
  • employee skills inventory, 44, 378
  • employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), 214
  • employee surveys, 11, 240–243, 381
    • conducting, 240
    • exit interviews, 242, 381
    • pulse surveys, 241–242, 381
    • stay interviews, 242–243
  • employee wellness, 20–22, 351
    • discriminatory interview questions, 125
    • emotional well-being, 21
    • employee assistance programs, 21
    • exercise facilities, 244
    • financial well-being, 21–22
    • healthcare cost increases, 204–205, 211–212
    • holistic, 8, 20
    • mental health, 21
    • minimizing costs, 212–213
    • physical well-being, 21
  • employer brand, 38–39
  • employer contributions to, 215–216
  • employment agencies, 81. See also recruiters
  • employment contracts, 155–156
  • Employment Eligibility Verification Form, 325
  • employment verification, 146
  • employment-at-will, 331–332, 379
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) compliance, 28, 46, 315–319, 355
    • claims process, 317–318
    • contingent workers, 56
    • document retention, 316
    • Employer Information Reports, 316
    • position success profiles, 62
    • posters, 315–316, 382
    • pre-employment testing, 106
  • Equal Pay Act, 196, 317, 322
  • equity pay increases, 197
  • ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act), 216–217, 221, 225
  • ESOPs (employee stock ownership plans), 214
  • E-Verify, 146
  • executive education seminars, 264–265
  • executive search firms, 81. See also recruiters
  • exempt employees, 194–195
  • exercise facilities, 244
  • exit incentives, 350
  • exit interviews, 242, 381
  • experience ratings, 206


  • Facebook, 77–78, 95
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act, 105, 379
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 193, 323, 345, 381–382
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 207, 221–223, 322–323, 331, 380–382
  • Federal background checks, 145–146
  • Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), 324
  • feedback
    • benefits, 227
    • best practices for HR leaders in, 365
    • contingent workers, 54–55
    • leadership development programs, 286
    • onboarding process, 174–175, 177
    • performance management process, 300
    • preparing for negative reactions, 303–304
  • fee-for-service plans, 208–209
  • final (“last-chance”) written warnings, 334–335
  • financial well-being, 21–22
  • flexible work arrangements. See work-life flexibility
  • flextime, 231
  • FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act), 193, 323, 345, 381–382
  • FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act), 207, 221–223, 322–323, 331, 380–382
  • Forbes, 229
  • 401(k) plans, 214–216, 380


  • gamification, 34
  • Gartner, 256, 293
  • General Aptitude Test (GAT), 103
  • Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 87
  • gig economy, 49
  • Glassdoor, 77, 79, 187, 272
  • Globoforce, 301
  • goal setting
    • aligning performance management process with company goals, 298–299
    • cascading goals approach, 171
    • onboarding process, 170–171
    • SMART goals, 299
  • Google for Jobs, 75
  • government employment services, 86
  • graded vesting, 217
  • Great Resignation, 204, 256, 271
  • GROW (Goal-Reality-Options-Way Forward) model, 280–281, 301
  • growth mindset, 138, 363
  • Guardian, 21


  • halo effect, 132, 139
  • harassment. See unlawful harassment
  • Havas Group, 237
  • HDHPs (high deductible health plans), 212
  • headhunters, 81. See also recruiters
  • health insurance, 208–213
    • benefits consultants, 212
    • costs, 210
    • dental insurance, 218
    • drug benefits, 212
    • ease of administration, 210
    • extent of coverage, 210
    • fee-for-service plans, 208–209
    • health maintenance organizations, 209–210
    • health savings accounts, 212
    • healthcare cost increases, 204–205, 211–212
    • high deductible health plans, 212
    • minimizing costs, 212–213
    • preferred provider organizations, 209–210
    • quality of care, 210
    • vision coverage, 218
    • wellness programs, 211, 213
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 226–228, 324–325
  • health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 209–210
  • health savings accounts (HSAs), 212
  • helicopter parents, 89–90
  • HelloSign, 176
  • high deductible health plans (HDHPs), 212
  • high-potential pool, 290
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 226–228, 324–325
  • hiring managers, 58
  • HMOs (health maintenance organizations), 209–210
  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), 104
  • HR. See human resources; human resources technologies
  • HR Competency Model, 373
  • HR Executive’s HR Technology Conference, 24
  • HRD, 38
  • HRISs. See human resources information systems
  • HSAs (health savings accounts), 212
  • human resources (HR), 7–12
    • best practices for leaders in, 361–366
      • coaching, 365
      • external network or peer group, 363–364
      • feedback, 365
      • flexibility, 365–366
      • growth and development, 366
      • growth mindset, 363
      • knowledge of business, 361–362
      • marketing mindset, 362
      • self-awareness, 363
      • teambuilding and collaboration, 364
    • cooperation with leaders at all levels, 9
    • current trends in, 13–22
      • DEI workplaces, 18–20
      • hybrid work model, 14–16
      • people analytics, 17–18
      • upskilling, 16
    • focus on the human, 1, 7–8, 22
    • importance of, 1
    • key responsibilities of, 8–12
    • needs and expectations are shaped by environment, 1
    • paradox navigation, 373–376
      • “and/also” thinking, 374
      • anchoring to bigger-picture set of values or vision, 376
      • conviction and perseverance, 375
      • defined, 373
      • diverse perspectives, 375
      • empathy, 375
      • growth and development in, 376
      • identifying paradoxes, 374
      • importance of, 373
      • inclusive solutions, 374–375
      • uncomfortability, 376
    • people within your business are your business, 1, 7, 11
    • purpose of book, 1–3
    • rebranding, 8
    • shift in, from administrative to strategic, 17–18
    • size of department, 8–9
    • specialists, 9
    • stakeholder relationships, 367–372
      • alignment with shared values, 370
      • conflict and tension, 371
      • identifying stakeholders, 368–369
      • importance of, 368
      • owning your actions, 371–372
      • proactive communication, 370–371
      • responding vs. reacting, 372
      • trust, 372
      • understanding others’ perspectives, 369–370
  • human resources (HR) technologies, 17–18, 23–34
    • categories of, 26–30
      • applicant tracking systems, 27–28
      • employee experience systems, 28–30
      • human resources information systems, 26–27
    • communicating value of, 33
    • defined, 23
    • growth of, 24
    • identifying needed skills, 34
    • keeping up with, 24–25
    • legal and financial protection through, 25
    • recruitment and hiring, 70
    • selecting, 30–31
    • smaller companies, 25
    • sourcing and purchasing, 32–33
    • specialists, 31
  • human resources information systems (HRISs), 26–27
    • advantages of, 27
    • core functionality of, 26
    • defined, 26
    • integration, 31
  • hybrid work model, 14–16
    • collaboration tools and applications, 15–16
    • defining successful policies, 15
    • increase in, 160
    • management approach, 16
    • onboarding process, 160, 175–177
      • alignment, 176
      • employee development and growth, 176–177
      • employee handbook, 176
      • expectations, 176
      • feedback, 177
      • individualized plan, 176
      • introductions and connections, 176–177
      • meetings, 176–177
      • technologies, 176
      • virtual session, 176
      • welcome package, 175–176
    • preference for, 14
    • types of, 15
    • work-life flexibility, 232
  • hypothetical questions, 121


  • Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), 325
  • Inc., 257
  • incentives, 186
  • Indeed, 64, 75, 187
  • independent contractors (ICs), 49
  • individual development plans (IDPs), 267, 273–274, 291, 381
  • infographic résumés, 92
  • in-person learning, 261–262
  • Instagram, 77, 95
  • integrity tests, 104–105
  • internal hiring, 43–46
    • advantages of, 43
    • creating process for, 44
    • drawbacks of, 43
    • employee skills inventory, 44, 378
    • looking for internal talent, 44–46
    • skills to look for, 45
  • International Coaching Federation, 265
  • Internet Applicant Final Rule, 87
  • interviewing, 10, 109–130
    • concluding interviews, 129–130
    • evaluation form, 379
    • hiring based on impressions gained during, 133
    • interview-savvy candidates, 111
    • introductions, 115
    • mistakes and obstacles, 111–113
      • focusing on only one positive attribute, 113
      • lack of consistency, 112
      • lack of preparation, 111–112
      • lack of time, 112
      • mismanaging time, 112
      • speaking negatively, 113
      • talking more than listening, 113
    • objectives of, 109–110
    • panel interviews, 115–118
      • preparation for, 117
      • roles, 117
      • selecting panelists, 116–117
      • taking turns, 118
    • preparation for, 114–115, 379
    • questions and answers, 118–122
      • avoiding discriminatory questions, 122–126, 379
      • example of good questions, 126–129
      • focus, 118–119
      • form for, 379
      • giving time for responses, 119–120
      • interpreting answers, 126–129
      • listening, 119
      • note taking, 120
      • probing, 119
      • purposeful questions, 119
      • suspending judgments, 120
      • types of questions, 120–122
    • video interviews, 116
  • Intuit, 49
  • IRCA (Immigration Reform and Control Act), 325


  • job descriptions. See position success profiles
  • job fairs, 84–85
  • job offers, 149–156
    • clarifying acceptance details, 153
    • deadlines, 151
    • drawing the line, 153
    • employment contracts, 155–156
    • negotiating salary, 151–153
    • not delaying, 149
    • signing bonuses, 154
    • staying in touch, 151, 153–155
    • via letter, 150, 379
    • via phone, 149–150
  • job ranking and leveling, 187
  • job sharing, 232
  • job title creation, 64–66
    • abbreviations, 65
    • accuracy and clarity in, 64–66
    • avoiding obsolescence, 65–66
    • informal wording, 65
    • jargon, 65
    • matching salary expectations, 66
    • relevance to industry, 65
    • seniority level, 65
    • work hierarchy, 64
  • Jobvite, 31, 77
  • Journal of Applied Psychology, 245


  • Ken Blanchard Companies, The, 282


  • “last-chance” (final) written warnings, 334–335
  • layoffs, 346–351
    • alternatives to, 349–350
    • easing burden of, 348
    • helping those who remain, 350–351
    • legal implications, 347–348
    • outplacement firms, 348
    • reasons for, 346
    • weighing possibility of, 347
  • Leadership Challenge, The (Kouzes and Posner), 239
  • leadership development, 281–286
    • building strategy for, 284
    • defining leadership competencies, 284
    • defining leadership qualities, 283
    • evaluating results, 285–286
    • levels of leadership, 282
    • performance management process, 298
    • program options, 285
    • suitability for leadership, 285
  • leading questions, 121–122
  • learning and development (L&D) programs, 11, 255–270
    • coaching, 265–266
    • conferences, 263–264
    • effective programs, 268–269
    • evaluating results, 269–270
    • executive education seminars, 264–265
    • formal programs, 263
    • individual development plans, 267, 381
    • learning culture, 258–259
    • lunch-and-learn sessions, 267
    • mentoring, 265
    • microlearning, 266–267
    • needs assessment, 259–261
      • growth activities, 260
      • ingredients for growth, 261
      • questions to ask, 259–260
    • online learning, 261–262
    • in-person learning, 261–262
    • public learning events, 263–264
    • seminars, 263–264
    • succession planning, 290–291
    • talent development, 256–258
      • connecting initiatives to other HR activities, 258
      • defined, 256
      • goals of, 256–258
      • talent management vs., 256
    • upskilling, 16
  • learning culture, 258–259
  • learning management systems (LMSs), 29
  • legal issues, laws, and regulations, 12, 192–196, 311–328
    • Affordable Care Act, 208, 221–223
    • Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 75, 196, 319–320
    • Americans with Disabilities Act, 62, 75, 127, 196, 226, 321
    • Anti-Kickback Act, 196
    • Civil Rights Act of 1964, 75, 196, 327
    • Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, 221, 322, 342
    • contingent workers, 55–56
    • Copeland Act, 196
    • Davis-Bacon Act, 196
    • deductions, 193
    • discrimination, 98, 314, 381
    • disparate impact, 314–315
    • diversity, equity, and inclusion, 87
    • dynamic legal landscape, 312
    • employee assistance programs, 225–226
    • employee handbooks, 178–179
    • Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 216–217, 221, 225
    • employment-at-will, 331
    • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission compliance, 27, 46, 56, 62, 106, 315–319, 352–354
    • Equal Pay Act, 196, 317, 322
    • exempt vs. nonexempt workers, 194–195
    • failure to hire claims, 25
    • Fair Credit Reporting Act, 105, 379
    • Fair Labor Standards Act, 193, 323, 345, 381–382
    • Family and Medical Leave Act, 207, 221–223, 322–323, 331, 380–382
    • Federal Unemployment Tax Act, 324
    • Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 87
    • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 226–228, 324–325
    • human resources information systems, 27
    • Immigration Reform and Control Act, 325
    • inconsistencies, 312–313
    • Internet Applicant Final Rule, 87
    • interviewing, 111, 127
    • labor disputes, 313
    • layoffs, 347–348
    • leaves of absence, 221–222
    • National Labor Relations Act, 325–326
    • Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program compliance, 319
    • Older Workers Benefit Protection Act, 320–321
    • online job boards, 75–76
    • Patriot Act, 314
    • pay frequency, 193
    • pay timeliness, 193
    • performance management process, 306
    • position success profiles, 61–62
    • pre-employment testing, 102–103, 105–106
    • Pregnancy Discrimination Act, 326
    • procedures manuals, 178–179
    • Rehabilitation Act, 326
    • retirement packages, 216–217
    • reverse discrimination claims, 88
    • Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 327
    • Social Security Act, 206
    • talent development, 257
    • technology and, 25
    • termination, 341–342
    • time off, 220
    • unemployment insurance, 206
    • unions, 313
    • unlawful harassment, 352–354
    • vague definitions, 312–313
    • wage and hour claims, 25
    • wage and hour laws, 192–193
    • Wage Garnishment Law, 196
    • wage-theft prevention laws, 324
    • waivers of rights, 345
    • Walsh-Healey Act, 196
    • wellness programs, 211
    • Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, 327–328, 347–348
    • worker classifications, 47
    • workers’ compensation, 207
    • work-life flexibility, 233
    • workplace injuries, 56, 382
    • wrongful termination, 25
  • lifestyle spending accounts (LSAs), 205
  • life/work integration, 8
  • LinkedIn, 75, 77–78, 271
  • LMSs (learning management systems), 29
  • LSAs (lifestyle spending accounts), 205
  • lunch-and-learn sessions, 267


  • managed-care programs, 209–210
  • market pay adjustments, 197
  • marketing mindset, 362
  • Mashable, 75
  • McKinsey & Company, 19, 232
  • Medicare, 206
  • mental health, 21, 205, 244
  • mentoring, 11, 274–279
    • coaching vs., 174, 279
    • employee development and growth, 265
    • how it works, 275–276
    • implementing, 278–279
    • matching mentors and mentees, 277–278
    • onboarding process, 173–174
    • as recruiting and retention tool, 174
    • relationships, 173–174
    • setting clear expectations, 276
    • why it works, 275
  • merit pay raises (performance-based pay raises), 197
  • microlearning, 266–267
  • Microsoft Teams, 30, 176
  • Military Caregiver Leave, 207
  • minimum wage, 193, 323
  • mission statements, 259
  • Monster, 75, 77
  • Morgan McKinley, 149
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 104


  • National Association of Dental Plans (NADP), 218
  • National Committee for Quality Assurance, 210
  • National Criminal Records Database (NCRD), 145
  • National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 325–326
  • new-hire turnover metric, 18
  • nonexempt employees, 194–195


  • Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), 351, 382
  • Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), 319
  • off-the-wall questions, 122
  • Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., 12, 330
  • Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBA), 320–321
  • onboarding, 10, 159–180
    • benefits education, 227
    • defined, 160
    • duration of program, 161
    • empathy, 163
    • employee handbook, 177–180
    • first day activities, 164–166
      • conversation, 165
      • greeter, 164
      • introductions, 165
      • lunch, 165
      • onboarding plan, 164–165
      • small win opportunities, 165
      • tour, 165
      • workstation/office, 164
    • first week activities, 166–171, 380
      • employee handbook, 166
      • formal group event plus informal, personalized orientation, 167
      • goal setting, 170–171
      • job responsibilities, 170
      • location for large-group sessions, 168
      • policies, 166–167
      • presenting information in digestible chunks, 169–170
      • procedures manual, 166
      • senior leaders, 168
      • session agenda, 169–170
      • user-friendly and engaging presentations, 168–169
      • workplace layout, 167
    • HR’s role in, 161
    • hybrid work model, 160, 175–177
    • importance of, 161
    • ongoing process, 172–175
      • checklists, 172–173, 380
      • core values, 173
      • feedback, 174–175
      • follow-up meetings, 172
      • mentoring, 173–174
    • procedures manual, 177–180
    • unproductive approaches, 162–163
    • weighted system, 164
  • online job boards, 75–76
  • online learning, 261–262
  • online portfolios, 92
  • on-the-job safety, 11, 351
  • open houses, 85–86
  • open-ended questions, 121
  • OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration), 351, 382
  • Outlook, 30
  • overtime, 195
  • OWBA (Older Workers Benefit Protection Act), 320–321


  • paid holidays, 220
  • paid time off (PTO), 219–220, 232
  • paradox navigation, 373–376
    • “and/also” thinking, 374
    • anchoring to bigger-picture set of values or vision, 376
    • conviction and perseverance, 375
    • defined, 373
    • diverse perspectives, 375
    • empathy, 375
    • growth and development in, 376
    • identifying paradoxes, 374
    • importance of, 373
    • inclusive solutions, 374–375
    • uncomfortability, 376
  • Patriot Act, 314
  • pay level setting, 187–188
  • Pay Notice for Hourly Rate Employees (New York), 324
  • pay raises and base salary increases, 197–198, 200
  • pay structure, 188–191
    • broadbanding, 190–191
    • variable pay systems, 188–189
  • payroll taxes
    • bonuses, 198
    • contingent workers, 48
    • deductions, 193
    • employees, 48
    • independent contractors, 49
    • Medicare, 206
    • Social Security, 206
    • worker classifications, 47
  • payroll/revenue ratio, 192
  • Payscale, 187
  • people analytics, 17–18
    • DEI workplaces, 20
    • focus of, 17
    • human resources information systems, 27
    • new-hire turnover metric, 18
    • shift in HR from administrative to strategic, 17–18
    • skills in, 34
    • steps to take, 18
  • performance improvement plans (PIPs), 334–335, 338
  • performance management process, 11, 293–307
    • aligning with company goals, 298–299
    • anchoring to position success profiles, 296–298
      • determining competencies, 297–298
      • determining outcomes, 297
    • benefits of, 294–295
    • celebrating successes, 301
    • coaching, 300–301
    • following up, 307
    • keys to successful reviews, 304–306
      • conducting meeting, 305–306
      • preparation, 305
    • launching program, 302–304
      • communication plan, 303
      • identifying areas for further development, 304
      • preparing for negative reactions, 303–304
      • senior management support, 302
      • tracking mechanism, 302–303
    • legal implications, 306
    • one-on-one meetings or check-ins, 299–300
    • typical ongoing process, 295
    • variation in methods, 296
  • performance management systems, 28–29
  • performance-based pay raises (merit pay raises), 197
  • personality assessments, 104
  • phased retirement options, 235
  • physical ability tests, 103
  • physical well-being, 21, 56, 351
  • PIPs (performance improvement plans), 334–335, 338
  • position success profiles (job descriptions), 9, 57–67
    • anchoring performance management process to, 296–298
    • blank and sample profiles, 378
    • career pathing, 274
    • clear job titles, 64–66
    • core competencies (success drivers), 66–67
    • creating, 59–64
      • accurately describing success outcomes, 63–64
      • avoiding obsolescence, 62
      • credentials, 62–63
      • educational requirements, 62–63
      • elements to include, 60–61
      • need for, 60
      • qualifications, 62–63
      • realism, 63
      • salary range, 64
      • specificity, 64
    • defined, 58
    • focus on outcomes, 59
    • objective of, 59–60
  • positive employee experience creation, 8
    • benefits, 10–11, 203–228
    • compensation philosophy, 10, 183–202
    • corporate citizenship, 11
    • corporate social responsibility, 236–237
    • employee purpose, 230
    • employee recognition programs, 246–251
    • employee surveys, 11, 240–243, 381
    • exercise facilities, 244
    • low-cost perks, 245–246
    • mental health services and preventive care, 244
    • onboarding, 10, 159–180
    • relaxation spaces, 244
    • sabbaticals, 245
    • teambuilding and collaboration, 238–239
    • total rewards system, 181–183
    • tuition assistance or reimbursement, 244
    • work-life flexibility, 11, 229–236
  • PPOs (preferred provider organizations), 209–210
  • Predictive Index, 104
  • pre-employment testing (assessment tests), 59, 101–106
    • challenges of, 105–106
    • hiring based on results, 133
    • reasons for using, 102
    • types of tests, 102–105
      • cognitive ability tests, 103
      • integrity tests, 104–105
      • personality assessments, 104
      • physical ability tests, 103
      • skills assessment tests, 103
      • style assessments, 104
  • preferred provider organizations (PPOs), 209–210
  • Pregnancy Discrimination Act, 326
  • pre-screening, 106–108
    • choosing between methods, 108
    • sample questions, 378
    • via phone, 106–108
    • via video conference, 106–108
  • previous applicants, recruiting, 79
  • procedures manuals, 177–179
    • creating, 178
    • distribution of, 178–179
    • employee handbooks vs., 177
    • onboarding process, 166
    • standard operating procedures, 177
  • profit-sharing plans, 199, 214
  • promotions, 197
  • psychological safety
    • healthy conflict, 364
    • talent development, 261
    • work-life flexibility, 234
  • PTO (paid time off), 219–220, 232
  • public learning events, 263–264
  • pulse surveys, 241–242, 381


  • RBL Group, 373
  • recruiters, 80–83
    • advantages of, 80
    • direct communication with, 71
    • fees, 82
    • finding, 82–83
    • reasons for using, 81–82
    • replacement guarantees, 82
    • situations to avoid, 83
    • types of, 80–81
  • recruitment and hiring, 8–10
    • applicant evaluation, 9, 91–108
    • applicant tracking systems, 27–28
    • background and reference checks, 10, 141–149
    • candidate selection system, 134–139
      • collaboration skills, 138
      • creative problem-solving and innovation, 137
      • emotional intelligence, 138–139
      • growth mindset, 138
      • intuition vs., 134
      • monitoring and evaluating, 134
      • scorecards, 135–136
      • time management, 137
      • weighted system, 134
    • discriminatory questions, 98
    • diversity, equity, and inclusion, 87–88
    • failure to hire claims, 25
    • gamification, 34
    • helicopter parents, 89–90
    • hiring decisions, 131–143
      • challenges in, 139–141
      • cloning effect, 132, 139
      • cross-verification, 140
      • firsthand observations, 133
      • getting help with, 140
      • halo effect, 132, 139
      • interview impressions, 133
      • not forcing the issue, 140
      • past experience, 132
      • system for, 134–139
      • taking your time, 140
      • test and assessment results, 133
      • “top of mind” syndrome, 141
    • hiring manager/recruiter relationship, 58
    • improving application process, 97–98
    • intake meetings, 58
    • intentionality, 69–70
    • interviewing, 10, 109–130
    • job offers, 149–156
      • clarifying acceptance details, 153
      • deadlines, 151
      • drawing the line, 153
      • employment contracts, 155–156
      • negotiating salary, 151–153
      • not delaying, 149
      • signing bonuses, 154
      • staying in touch, 151, 153–155
      • via letter, 150, 379
      • via phone, 149–150
    • key job posting considerations, 71–73
      • active voice and action words, 73
      • creating buzz, 73
      • culture and values, 73
      • description of ideal candidate, 72
      • employee value proposition, 71
      • job qualifications, 72
      • job title, 71
      • organization information, 72
      • position summary, 72
      • quality over quantity, 71
      • salary range, 72
      • sample posting, 378
      • SEO, 73
    • mentoring, 174
    • monitoring, 90
    • plan for conducting and managing process, 70–71
    • position success profiles, 9, 57–67
    • sourcing strategy, 9, 73–86
    • talent strategy, 9, 37–56
  • reference checks, 10, 141–143
    • difficulties of, 141–142
    • online, 143
    • sample questions, 379
    • tips for, 142
    • within own network, 143
  • Rehabilitation Act, 326
  • rejection letters, 378
  • relaxation spaces, 244
  • remote work. See hybrid work model
  • résumé reviews, 92–96
    • chronological résumés, 93
    • cover letters, 94
    • functional résumés, 93
    • history of growth, 94
    • infographic résumés, 92
    • online persona, 95–96
    • online portfolios, 92
    • outcomes, 93
    • red flags, 94–95
    • sample résumés, 378
    • Twitter résumés, 92
    • video résumés, 92
  • retention bonuses, 198
  • retirement packages, 11, 213–217
    • defined benefit plans, 213–214
    • defined contribution plans, 213–216
    • employee stock ownership plans, 214
    • employer contributions to, 215–216
    • 401(k) plans, 214–216, 380
    • legal implications, 216–217
    • phased retirement options, 235
    • profit-sharing plans, 214
    • Roth 401(k) plans, 215
  • reverse discrimination claims, 88
  • rewards package, 8
  • risk navigation, 8, 12
    • alternative dispute resolution, 340
    • defusing grievances, 338–340
    • employment-at-will, 331–332
    • ethical culture, 330–331
    • layoffs, 346–351
      • alternatives to, 349–350
      • easing burden of, 348
      • helping those who remain, 350–351
      • legal implications, 347–348
      • outplacement firms, 348
      • reasons for, 346
      • weighing possibility of, 347
    • legal issues, 12, 311–328
    • preventing litigation, 332–333
    • progressive disciplinary procedures, 333–338
      • criteria for, 336–337
      • final or “last-chance” written warnings, 334–335
      • questions to ask, 337–338
      • termination, 335
      • verbal warnings, 334
      • written warnings, 334
    • safety and health, 351
    • termination, 12, 341–351
      • common mistakes, 342–343
      • delivering news, 344
      • immediate, 335
      • as part of progressive disciplinary procedures, 335
      • post-termination protocol, 344–345
      • termination meeting, 341–342
      • waivers of rights, 345
    • unlawful harassment, 352–355
    • workplace violence, 355–357
  • Robert Half, 187
  • Ross School of Management, 373
  • Roth 401(k) plans, 215


  • sabbaticals, 245
  •, 187
  • SalaryExpert, 187
  • Salesforce, 229
  • same-sex couple benefits, 222–223
  • Sapling, 172
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 327
  • scorecards, 135–136
  • search engine optimization (SEO), 73
  • SelectSoftware Reviews (SSR), 24
  • seminars
    • executive education seminars, 264–265
    • professional association conferences and seminars, 263–264
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), 369–370
  • severance agreements, 345
  • sexual harassment, 352–353
  • short-term compensation (STC) programs, 349–350
  • SHRM (Society for Human Resources Management), 215, 224, 237, 287
  • sick time, 220
  • signing bonuses, 154
  • skills assessment tests, 103
  • Slack, 15, 30, 176
  • SMART goals, 299
  • social media, 77–79
    • interaction, 77
    • keeping up with HR tech through, 24
    • making information available in early stages, 78
    • making presence known, 78
    • online persona, 95–96
    • percentage who use, 77
    • reference checks, 143
    • review services, 79
    • skills in, 34
  • Social Security, 206
  • Social Security Act, 206
  • Social Security number tracing, 145
  • Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), 215, 224, 237, 287
  • sourcing strategy, 9, 73–86
    • campus recruiting, 83–84
    • candidates who previously applied, 79
    • company website, 76
    • DEI workplaces, 20
    • employee referrals, 74
    • government employment services, 86
    • intake meetings, 59
    • job fairs, 84–85
    • online job boards, 75–76
    • open houses, 85–86
    • recruiters, 80–83
      • advantages of, 80
      • direct communication with, 71
      • fees, 82
      • finding, 82–83
      • reasons for using, 81–82
      • replacement guarantees, 82
      • situations to avoid, 83
      • types of, 80–81
    • social media and online networking, 77–79
      • interaction, 77
      • making information available in early stages, 78
      • making presence known, 78
      • percentage who use, 77
      • review services, 79
    • tracking system, 73
    • walk-ins, 86
  • spot bonuses, 198
  • SSR (SelectSoftware Reviews), 24
  • staffing/recruiting firms, 51–52, 81, 378. See also contingent workers; recruiters
  • stakeholder relationships, 367–372
    • alignment with shared values, 370
    • conflict and tension, 371
    • identifying stakeholders, 368–369
    • importance of, 368
    • owning your actions, 371–372
    • proactive communication, 370–371
    • responding vs. reacting, 372
    • trust, 372
    • understanding others’ perspectives, 369–370
  • Starbucks, 20
  • state background checks, 145–146
  • stay interviews, 242–243
  • STC (short-term compensation) programs, 349–350
  • stock, 199–200
  • Strazzulla, Phil, 24
  • style assessments, 104
  • success drivers (core competencies), 66–67
  • SuccessFactors, 31
  • succession management systems, 30
  • succession planning, 257, 286–292
    • creating flexible understanding with candidates, 289–290
    • creating plan, 287–288
    • evaluating results, 291–292
    • missteps in, 288–289
    • selecting candidates, 288–289
    • selecting candidates from outside, 289
    • technology for, 291
    • timing, 287


  • talent assessment. See applicant evaluation; background checks; interviewing; reference checks
  • talent development, 256–258. See also learning and development programs
    • connecting initiatives to other HR activities, 258
    • defined, 256
    • goals of, 256–258
    • talent management vs., 256
  • talent recruitment and hiring. See recruitment and hiring
  • talent sourcing. See sourcing strategy
  • talent strategy, 9, 37–56
    • arguments for attracting talent from outside, 46
    • employer brand, 38–39
    • filling positions from within, 43–46
      • advantages of, 43
      • drawbacks of, 43
      • employee skills inventory, 44, 378
      • internal hiring process, 44
      • looking for internal talent, 44–46
    • objective of, 37
    • rehiring former staff, 44
    • worker classifications, 47–49
      • contingent workers, 48–56
      • employees, 48
      • factors determining, 47
      • independent contractors, 49
      • summary of differences among, 378
    • workforce planning, 39–42
      • developing potential within current team, 41–42
      • strategic approach to, 40–41
  • team bonuses, 198
  • teambuilding and collaboration, 238–239, 364
  • temporary pay cuts, 349
  • termination, 12, 341–351
    • common mistakes, 342–343
    • delivering news, 344
    • immediate, 335
    • as part of progressive disciplinary procedures, 335
    • post-termination protocol, 344–345
    • termination meeting, 341–342
    • waivers of rights, 345
    • wrongful, 25, 332–333
  • TikTok, 95
  • time management skills, 137
  • time off, 219–220
  • time to fill metric, 58
  • time to hire metric, 58
  • “top of mind” syndrome, 141


  • unlawful harassment, 352–355
    • decisive action, 355
    • investigating complaints, 355
    • overview, 352
    • publicizing policies, 354, 382
    • reporting process, 354
    • sexual harassment, 352–353
  • upskilling, 16
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 187, 213, 220
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 146
  • U.S. Department of Labor, 86, 216, 233, 323


  • vacation days, 220
  • variable pay, 186
  • verbal warnings, 334
  • Verified Market Research, 24
  • Victory Through Organization (Ulrich, Kryscynski, Ulrich, and Brockbank), 376
  • video résumés, 92
  • violence, 355–357
  • vision coverage, 218
  • volunteerism, 84, 237, 246
  • vouchers, 219


  • Wage Garnishment Law, 196
  • wage-theft prevention laws, 324
  • walk-ins, 86
  • Walsh-Healey Act, 196
  • WARN (Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification) Act, 327–328, 347–348
  • Washington Post, 87
  • wellness programs, 211, 213
  • WFA (work-from-anywhere), 14–15, 231–232. See also hybrid work model
  • Willis Towers Watson, 197, 203
  • work schedule reductions, 349
  • Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, 327–328, 347–348
  • worker classifications, 47–49
    • contingent workers, 48–56
    • employees, 48
    • factors determining, 47
    • independent contractors, 49
    • summary of differences among, 378
  • workers’ compensation, 207
  • workforce planning, 39–42
    • defined, 39
    • developing potential within current team, 41–42
    • questions to ask, 41
    • strategic approach to, 40–41
    • traditional approach to, 40
  • work-from-anywhere (WFA), 14–15, 231–232. See also hybrid work model
  • working from home, 8
  • work-life flexibility, 11, 229–236
    • alternative scheduling, 232
    • best practices, 236
    • commitment to, 233–235
    • compressed workweek, 232
    • condensed schedule, 232
    • defined, 231
    • flextime, 231
    • freelancing, 232
    • job sharing, 232
    • leadership and, 235–236
    • legal implications, 233
    • paid time off, 232
    • phased retirement options, 235
    • remote work, 232
  • workplace injuries, 56, 382
  • workplace violence, 355–357
  • workshare, 349
  • written warnings, 334–335


  • Yelp, 79
  • YouTube, 77


  • ZipRecruiter, 75
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