
Agile mindset, 44

Agile product delivery, 1314, 27, 38

flexible delivery, 187

IT support, 182

MAIDEO requirements, 183

management–specialist continuum, 182

monitoring and control, 177180

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 182

system engineering, 180181

tacit–explicit continuum, 182

task complexity scale, 183

Agile project management, 38

Architecture integrity, 138


change initiatives, 173

corporate standards, 171172

current areas of concern, 172

improvement areas, 173

IT support, 174

MAIDEO requirements, 175

management–specialist continuum, 174

project board responsibility, 171

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 174

tacit–explicit continuum, 174

task complexity scale, 174

task complexity scale, 174

Baseline project plan, 7675

Benefit owner appraisal, 110

Benefits realization

assess project output impact, 106

benefit owner appraisal, 110

early-stage benefits, 101102

IT support, 111

linking benefits, 106

live up to, 105

MAIDEO requirements, 112

management–specialist continuum, 111

missing requirements identification, 107

new benefits, 103

new requirements incorporation, 107

organizational impact, 108109

outcomes and capabilities, 107109

owners assignment, 103104

prioritization, 105

project/program strategy, 104105

review benefits, 109110

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 111

tacit–explicit continuum, 110

task complexity scale, 111

Benefits Review Plan, 110

Budge allocation, 97

Business analyst, 2223

Business case development, 78

added value, 95

alternatives, 9596

background information, 9495

budge allocation, 97

interdependencies, 98

IT support, 99

justification control mechanism, 93

MAIDEO requirements, 100

management–specialist continuum, 99

return on investment (ROI), 96

risks, 9697

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 99

strategic alignment, 96

tacit–explicit continuum, 98

task complexity scale, 99

timescales, 97

Cases method, 88

Communication management strategy, 125126

Conceptual knowledge, 62

Continued business justification, 42

Controller, 2425

Corporate management, 22

Corporate strategy, 104

Culture of management control, 44

Customer demand, 134135

DevOps, 10

Earned value management (EVM), 116

Effective change management procedure, 40

Extreme programming (XP), 38

Financial specialist, 23

Function-point analysis, 79

HybridP3M process

agile product delivery, 1314

aspects, 34

assurance providing, 13

business case development, 78

complexity, 4

IT support, 4

knowledge management, 56

knowledge nature, 4

leadership, 1112

manageability, 4

managing requirements, 1011

meta-model, 23

monitoring and control (M&C), 9

planning, 67

project enterprise functions, 1

project/program definition, 5

project/program establishment, 1213

project/program evaluation, 11

realizing benefits, 89

risks mitigation, 7

specializations, 4

stakeholder expectations, 910

Immediate anomaly resolution, 119

Information flows, 47

Integrating knowledge management, 41

available IT support, 71

continuous, 6162

follow-on actions/

recommendations, 69

KM Brief execution, 6061

Knowmadic steps technique, 6265

MAIDEO requirements, 7172

product-specific social message, 6667

project and product level, 6768

project model-specific social message, 6566

ProwL evaluation, 6869

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 70

tacit–explicit continuum, 69

task complexity scale, 71

Issue management, 128129

IT support

agile product delivery, 182

assurance, 174

benefits realization, 111

business case development, 99

integrating knowledge management, 71

leadership process, 163

monitoring and control (M&C), 121

planning process, 80

project/program establishment, 169

evaluation, 142

requirements management, 142

risk management, 90

stakeholder expectations, 132

Knowledge management, 56

Knowledge orientation, 43

Knowledge-based project/program management

information flows, 47

monitoring and control, 4546

optimized process, 47

organization and process, 45

strategy and policy, 45

KnowledgePlace, 186

Knowmadic steps technique

conceptual knowledge, 62

knowledge capture, 63

knowledge objects, 63

knowledge specificity, 62

project level, 63

project model, 63

social messages, 65

Leadership process, 1112

agile culture, 157

decision making, 155

decision-making capability, 161

event management, 159160

IT support, 163

learning culture, 157

MAIDEO requirements, 163164

management–specialist continuum, 163

organizational maturity, 158

project process responsibility, 158159

rational decision making, 162

selling decisions, 162

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 163

tacit–explicit continuum, 162

task complexity scale, 163

team effort, 159

transactional leadership, 160161

transformational leadership, 160

Learning capability, 41

Life cycle management, 2627, 2637, 54

MAIDEO requirements, 5758

agile product delivery, 183

assurance, 175

benefits realization, 112

business case development, 100

integrating knowledge management, 7172

integrating knowledge management, 7172

leadership process, 163164

monitoring and control (M&C), 122

organizational dimensions, 185

planning process, 81

Project/program, 5758

project/program establishment, 170

projects/programs evaluation, 153154

requirements management, 143

risk management, 91

stakeholder expectations, 132

Make-or-buy decisions, 140

Management–specialist continuum

agile product delivery, 182

benefits realization, 111

business case development, 99

monitoring and control (M&C), 121

planning process, 80

project/program, 56

project/program establishment, 169

projects/programs evaluation, 143, 163

requirements management, 142

risk management, 90

Matrices, 186187

Matrix-style resource management, 2526

Mature enterprise functions, 44

Meta-model, 23

Monitoring and control (M&C), 9

action control, 114

benefits, 115

change, 118

delivery process, 116117

highlight report, 120

IT support, 121

MAIDEO requirements, 122

management–specialist continuum, 121

people control, 114

planning, 115116

process analysis, 119120

project anomalies, 118119

result control, 114

review, 120

stakeholder commitment, 117118

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 121

tacit–explicit continuum, 120

task complexity scale, 121

Organizational culture, 104

Organizational design, 13

Organizational maturity, 44, 158

Parametric techniques, 79

Personal knowledge mastery, 4142

Planner, 24

Planning process

acceleration tactics, 75

activities and dependencies, 78

baseline project plan, 7675

delivery model, 7475

estimating, 7879

IT support for, 80

levels of plan, 75

MAIDEO requirements, 81

management–specialist continuum, 80

overall project plan, 74

plan execution, 79

product analysis, 73

rework cycle strategy, 75

risk analysis, 77

scheduling, 79

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 80

tacit–explicit continuum, 79

task complexity scale, 81

tolerances, 76

Work Breakdown Structure, 7576

Work Package, 7778

Praxis framework, 3, 6

PRINCE2’s life cycle management, 2637

Process leadership, 12

Product-specific social message, 6667

Project board members, 2021

Project enterprise functions, 1

Project history plan, 116

Project initiation document (PID), 55

Project knowledge manager, 20

Project management methodologies

Agile methodology, 16

Agile product delivery, 27, 38

Agile project management, 38

HybridP3M principles, 39

HybridP3M processes and roles

business analyst, 2223

controller, 2425

corporate management, 22

financial specialist, 23

mapping, 1819

planner, 24

project board members, 2021

project knowledge manager, 20

project manager, 17, 20

risk manager, 25

team manager, 22

technical specialists, 25

life cycle management, 2637

management by stages

agile mindset, 44

applied process and function, 43

continued business justification, 42

defined roles and responsibilities, 42

effective change management procedure, 40

exception principle, 40

extensive project approach, 43

integrated knowledge management, 41

knowledge orientation, 43

knowledge-based project/program management, 4547

learning capability, 41

learning from experience, 41

management environment, 4243

mature enterprise functions, 44

personal knowledge mastery, 4142

tacit knowledge, 40

matrix-style resource management, 2526

team dynamics, 27

traditional, 16

Project manager, 17, 20

Project model-specific social message, 6566

Project support, 21


benefits realization, 104105

complexity, 57

definition, 49

IT support, 5657

MAIDEO requirements, 5758

manageability, 56

management environment, 5152

management–specialist continuum, 56


agile approach, 52

life cycle management, 54

project approach, 5355

project initiation document (PID), 55

project type, 5253

process-data diagram, 50

ProwLO methodology, 50

tacit–explicit continuum, 55

Project/program establishment, 1213

IT support, 169

MAIDEO requirements, 170

management–specialist continuum, 169

matrix approach, 165

organizational process champions, 167

project board members, 165166

project formation tool, 165

project management team appointment, 166167

specialists appointment, 167168

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 169

tacit–explicit continuum, 168

task complexity scale, 169

team building, 168

Projects with Learning Outcomes (ProwLO) methodology, 6, 7

Projects/programs evaluation

agility, 150

benefits realization, 149

customer satisfaction, 150

decision analysis, 148149

delivery process, 150

efficiency, 150

evaluation methods, 146

follow-on actions, 152

gate reviews, 146147

IT support, 142

MAIDEO requirements, 153154

management–specialist continuum, 143

meta-process, 146

post control, 147148

postmortem reviews, 148

product quality, 150

project knowledge management (PKM), 145

project performance, 149150

project success, 150151

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 152

tacit–explicit continuum, 152

ProwLO methodology

adoption, 6061

evaluation, 6869

process model, 61

Quality assurance (QA), 13

Quality Log, 117

Rational decision making, 162

Requirements management

architecture integrity, 138

categorizing, 137138

customer demand, 134135

eliciting, 137

feasibility, 139

history tracking, 133

IT support, 142

key features, 135136

knowledge/experience gaps, 138140

MAIDEO requirements, 143

make-or-buy decisions, 140

management–specialist continuum, 142

plan requirement, 141

report requirements status, 141

requirement status monitoring, 141

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 142

tacit–explicit continuum, 142

task complexity scale, 143

user experience (UX) plan, 133, 136137

Work Packages, 141

Result control, 114

Return on investment (ROI), 96

Rework cycle strategy, 75

Risk impact and probability, 85

Risk management


additional adjustments, 88

impact, 8788

interdependencies, 8687

potential, 86

setting and implementation, 86

effectiveness, 83

high-level linear process, 83

interdependencies and adjustments, 8687

IT support, 90

MAIDEO requirements, 91

management–specialist continuum, 90

new online venture, 84

risk identification, 8385

risk impact and probability, 85

risk tolerance, 85

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 89

tacit–explicit continuum, 89

task complexity scale, 91

Risk manager, 25

Risk mitigation, 7

Risk tolerance, 85

RISMAN method, 85

Social messages, 65

Stage Gate paradigm, 7

Stakeholder background, 51

Stakeholder expectations, 910

analysis, 125

Cases method, 129130

communication management strategy, 125126

issue management, 128129

IT support, 132

MAIDEO requirements, 132

process assets review, 130

progress information, 127128

relationship development, 127

stakeholder identification, 124125

stakeholder information requirements, 126127

step-by-step process vs. skilled activity continuum, 131

tacit–explicit continuum, 130

task complexity scale, 132

Strategic alignment, 96

Systematic learning, 11

Tacit–explicit continuum, 55

agile product delivery, 182

benefits realization, 110

business case development, 98

integrating knowledge management, 69

leadership process, 162

planning process, 79

project/program establishment, 168

projects/programs evaluation, 152

risk management, 89

stakeholder expectations, 130

Task complexity scale

agile product delivery, 183

assurance, 174

benefits realization, 111

business case development, 99

integrating knowledge management, 71

leadership process, 163

monitoring and control (M&C), 121

planning process, 81

project/program, 57

project/program establishment, 169

requirements management, 143

risk management, 91

Team manager, 22

Technical specialists, 25

Traditional project management, 16

Transactional leadership, 160161

Transformational leadership, 160

Unexpected project behavior, 119

User experience (UX) plan, 133, 136137

Web-based process model, 3

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 7576

Work Package, 7778

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