

References and further reading

The following authors are either cited directly in the text, or have influenced the thinking of the authors and shaped the contents of this publication. They are indicative of the breadth and depth and diversity of knowledge available to interested readers. Some of these are seminal works in their respective fields, notable for their enduring influence several decades after publication. Others are contemporary works addressing new challenges and opportunities facing organizations.

Note that this list does not include the publications in the Best Management Practice (BMP) portfolio which are cited in full in Appendix D.

Argote, L. (2000). Knowledge transfer: a basis for competitive advantage in firms. Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes. Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 150–69.

Allee, Verna (2003). The Future of Knowledge: Increasing Prosperity Through Value Networks. Butterworth-Heinemann.

Breene, T., Mulani, N.P. and Nunes, P.F. (2005). Marks of distinction. Outlook Journal, No. 2.

Bryson, J.R., Daniels, P.W. and Warf, B. (2004). Service Worlds: People, Organisations, Technologies. Routledge.

Burner, Mike (2004). Service Orientation and its Role in your Connected Systems Strategy. Microsoft.

Camazine, S., Deneubourg, J. L., Franks, N. R., Sneyd, J., Theraulaz, G. and Bonabeau, E. (2001). Self-Organization in Biological Systems. Princeton University Press.

Carr, Nicholas (2005). The end of corporate computing. MIT Sloan Management Review. Vol. 46(3), 67–73.

Chan, Kim W. and Mauborgne, Renée (2005). Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant. Harvard Business School Press.

Cherbakov, L., Galambos, G., Harishankar, R., Kalyana, S. and Rackham, G. (2005). Impact of service orientation at the business level. IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 44, No. 4.

Coase, Ronald (1937). The nature of the firm. Economica, 4(16), 386–405.

Easton, G. and Jarrell, S. (1998). The effects of total quality management on corporate performance: an empirical investigation. Journal of Business, 71(2), 253–307.

Edmondson, A. and Frei, F. (2002). Transformation at the IRS. Harvard Business School.

Forrester, Jay W. (1961). Industrial Dynamics. MIT Press.

Forrester, Jay W. (1971). Principles of Systems. Wright-Allen Press.

Froehle, C. and Roth, A.V. (2004). New measurement scales for evaluating perceptions of the technology-mediated customer service experience. Journal of Operations Management, 22(1), 1–21.

Goold, Michael and Campbell, Andrew (2002). Designing Effective Organizations: How to Create Structured Networks. Jossey-Bass.

Grant, Robert M. (1991). The resource-based theory of competitive advantage: implications for strategy formulation. California Management Review, Vol. 33, No. 3.

Gratton, Lynda and Ghoshal, Sumantra (2005). Beyond best practice. MIT Sloan Management Review, 46(3).

Greiner, Larry E. (1998, orig. 1972). Evolution and revolution as organizations grow. Harvard Business Review, May–June.

Grönroos, Christian (2001). Service Management and Marketing: A Customer Relationship Management Approach. John Wiley and Sons.

Hill, Peter (1977). On goods and services. The Review of Income and Wealth, 23: 315–38.

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Iqbal, Majid (2004). Getting students excited about services: providing a context for applying their newly acquired knowledge ITSqc Working Paper CMU-ITSQC-WP-04-001a. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Iravani, Seyed M., Van Oyen, Mark P. and Sims, Katharine T. (2005). Structural flexibility: a new perspective on the design of manufacturing and service operations. Management Science, Vol. 51, No. 2, 151–66.

ITGI (2005). COBIT 4.0: Control OBjectives, Management Guidelines and Maturity Models. IT Governance Institute.

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Lidwell, W., Holden, K. and Butler, J. (2003). Universal Principles of Design. Rockport Publishers.

Lovelock, Christopher and Gummesson, Evert (2004). Whither services marketing? In search of a new paradigm and fresh perspectives. Journal of Service Research, 7 (August), 20–41.

Luehrman, T.A. (1998). Strategy as a portfolio of real options. Harvard Business Review, 76(5), 89–99.

Luftman, Jerry and Brier, Tom (1999). Achieving and sustaining business–IT alignment. California Management Review, Vol. 42, No. 1.

Magretta, J. (2002). What Management Is: How it Works and Why it’s Everyone’s Business. The Free Press, New York.

Malone, T. W., Crowston, K. and Herman, G. A. (eds) (2003). Organizing Business Knowledge: The MIT Process Handbook. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

McNeillis, Paul (2005). ITNOW 2005 47(6), 14–15; British Computer Society. doi:10.1093/itnow/bwi114

Milgrom, Paul and Roberts, John (1992). Economics, Organization and Management. Prentice-Hall.

Miller, R. B., Heiman, S.E. and Tuleja, T. (1995). The New Strategic Selling. Grand Central.

Mintzberg, Henry (1994). The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning. Basic Books.

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National Academy of Engineering (2003). The Impact of Academic Research on Industrial Performance. The National Academies Press.

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Repenning, Nelson P. and Sterman, John D. (2001a). Nobody ever gets credit for fixing problems that never happened: creating and sustaining process improvement. California Management Review, 43(4).

Repenning, Nelson P., Goncalves, Paulo and Black, Laura (2001b). Past the tipping point: the persistence of firefighting in product development. California Management Review, 43(4).

Rummler, Geary (1995). Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart. Jossey-Bass.

Seely Brown, John and Hagel III, John (2005). Innovation blowback: disruptive management practices from Asia. The McKinsey Quarterly, No. 1.

Senge, Peter (1990). The Fifth Discipline. Currency Doubleday.

Simons, Robert (1995). Levers of Control: How Managers Use Innovative Control Systems to Drive Strategic Renewal. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts.

Sterman, John D. (2000). Business Dynamics. Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World. McGraw-Hill.

Tapscott, Don, Ticoll, David and Lowy, Alex (2000). Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs. Harvard Business School Press.

Tax, S.S. and Brown, S.W. (1998). Recovering and learning from service failure. Sloan Management Review, 75–88.

Toomey, Mark (2009). Waltzing with the Elephant. Infonomics.

Ulwick, Anthony (2005). What Customers Want: Using Outcome-driven Innovation to Create Breakthrough Products and Services. McGraw-Hill.

Van Maanen, J. and Schein, E.H. (1979). Toward a theory of organizational socialization. In B. Staw (ed.), Research in Organizational Behavior 1. JAI Press, Greenwich, 209–264.

Williamson, O.E. and Winter, S.G. (1993). The Nature of the Firm: Origins, Evolution and Development. Oxford University Press.

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