
Licensing of BEA WebLogic products has changed over the years. Those of you who have previous WebLogic administration experience know what I mean. At this time, if you do not have an existing contractual arrangement, the license you receive is good for five unique IP addresses for accessing your installation. It can be found in the $BEA_HOME of your installation; the file is license.bea. With a five unique IP access limit, it can be a real headache for the administrator if you have more than a small development team. The cluster has to be restarted to clear the access cache in WLP.

As a crutch, I have set up a scheduled job to restart the cluster nightly. This has some value, but usually fails when the developers ask businesses to take a look at the application. So, a word to the wise here: once the business has decided to sponsor the effort, full development licenses must be purchased to move the project along.

A word about BEA support is warranted here. Two sites that are invaluable for the support of WLP are licensing and support web sites. When you decide to take the plunge and purchase BEA's products, have the support line create a login for elicense after you have done so for the support site. Below are support URLs in html format for your convenience. Save this to a web page for later reference.

BEA resources page

<title>BEA Support Information</title>
    <h3>BEA Support Phone 888 232-7878<BR>
    BEA Customer ID: Your Customer ID<BR>
    Customer Name: Your Company Name<BR></h3>

<A href="">License mgmt</A><BR>
<A href="">Support and Downloads</A><BR>
<A href="">Developer ( dev2dev )Resources</A><BR>
<A href="">Documentation</A><BR>
<A href="">Education</A><BR>
<A href="">Questions</A><BR>
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