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Abstract, 96, 152, 190, 209, 227

abstract words in concrete context, 169–171

abstract words linked to concrete pictures, 164–169

concrete versus, 153–159

creativity and abstract images, 225–226

Accidental forgetting, 36, 236

Accuracy, 78, 87, 126, 140

Achievement, 129–130

Achievers, 98, 99

Action, 67, 152, 172, 232

anticipation influencing, 93–94, 220

cues and, 23, 26–29, 34, 51–68

dopamine and, 95, 96, 109

emotion influencing, 92–93, 220

forgetting and inaction, 2, 29

future with value extracted for present, 20

meaning and, 146–147

motivation and, 11, 29, 30–31, 34, 96, 98–99, 109, 125, 244

remembering and, 2, 4–5, 12, 21

rewards and, 24, 27, 209

surprise and, 72–73

Adaptation, 2, 4–7, 124–126

Advertising, 36, 54, 71, 85, 120, 130, 198, 205, 206, 211, 237

with delay before outcome, 107–108

hyperbole or exaggeration with, 138–139

nostalgia and, 183–185

prospective memory and, 22, 25

social proof and, 66–67

Aesthetics, 199–200, 214

Affordances, cues and, 56

Age, 28, 44–45

Algorithm, gambling, 2

Alice in Wonderland (Carroll), 9–10, 211–212

Alive versus dead, businesses, 141

All Is Vanity (Gilbert), 80

Altman, Robert, 145

Amazon, 36

Ambiguity, risk with, 217

Amygdala, 72, 152, 175, 176, 179, 213

Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 118–119, 123

Anticipation, 101, 104, 110

action influenced by, 93–94, 220

dopamine and, 75, 95–99

expectations and, 75, 91–93

rewards and, 97–99, 106–107

uncertainty and, 89–90, 99–109

Anxiety, 83, 214

Aobiome, 226

Apple, 6, 108, 184, 223, 239

Appleton, Andrea, 212

Attention, 54–56, 199

cues to attract, 52–53, 59–60

reflective attention, 59–61


business, 36–40, 194–195

emotions of, 178–180

expertise of, 159–160

Authority heuristic, 219

Autobiographical memory, 129, 224

Automatic decisions, 205–207, 208, 217

Availability heuristic, 219

Awareness, 6, 206


Baddeley, A. D., 170

Balance, 200. See also Cognitive elements; Perceptive elements

Ballesteros, Rose, 184–185

Barrios, Jarrett, 93

Bayley, Melanie, 9–10

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 82

Behavior, 2, 4, 8–9, 100, 221

with decisions based on habits or goals, 207–208

goal-oriented, 5, 6–7, 24

reflexive, 5, 6, 24, 204–205

Beliefs, 83–85, 87, 172

Berndt, Ron, 78

Bertone, Antonio, 198

Besselman, Bill, 237

Binary, with opposites, 141

Biology, 5–6, 31, 42, 204

Bogdan, Corneliu, 71–72

Bordes, Nathalie, 85

Boredom, with predictability, 87

Bradbury, Ray, 13

Brain, 56, 84, 127

amygdala, 72, 152, 175, 176, 179, 213

appealing to feeling, 178–188

brain science myths, 239–240

cortex, 27, 72, 95, 152, 175, 176, 179

with decisions, 94, 203–211, 214–220, 222–228, 233

dopamine and, 75, 95–99, 102, 108, 109, 239

emotions, meaning and type, 180–183

with expectation, psychology of, 73–75

with future, 18–19, 20

fuzzy logic, case study, 228–232

hippocampus, 27, 100

limbic system, 95

with mental schemas invoked, 76–78

mind and, 43, 129, 224

neuroeconomics and neuro­biology, 204

neurology, 3–4, 11, 71–72

nostalgia and, 183–185

with past, 18–19

as prediction engine, 4, 20, 75

with rewards and things of value to humans, 211–214, 233

serotonin levels, 226–227

stability-plasticity dilemma and, 207

striatum, 95

temporal expectations and, 220–222

wabi-sabi and, 185–187

Brain Bugs (Buonomano), 162

Brand names, 101, 211, 224

Brown, Gordon, 135

Budweiser, 36, 130

Builders, 98

Buonomano, Dean, 162

Burton, 158–159, 168

Burton, Jake, 158–159

Business, 3, 64, 82, 158, 179

CMOs, 24–25

cynicism in, 181–182

distinctiveness and, 141–142, 148

employees and motivation, 98–99

with pictures versus text, 161–162

prospective memory and, 19–33

remembering, business audiences and, 36–40, 194–195

repeatable messages in, 115–116

BuzzFeed, 174


Cabrera, Chris, 141–142

Calvino, Italo, 118

Caregivers, 98

Carroll, Lewis (Dodgson, Charles), 9–10, 211–212

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 175

Catsouras, Christos, 236

Ceausescu, Nicolae, 71–72

Chandler, Raymond, 169

Chief marketing officers (CMOs), 24–25

Child prodigies, 20

Choice, common currency of, 209. See also Decisions

Chomsky, Noam, 147

Clarity Coverdale Fury, 54

Classics, 117–120

Cliché, 153, 168, 190, 191

communication and, 119–120

reasons for using, 174–175

CMOs (chief marketing officers), 24–25

Cognitive elements

pictures versus text, 160–164, 190

retrieval with perceptive and, 153–171

Coherence, 124–126

Commerce. See Business

Commercials. See Advertising

Communication, 32, 47, 64, 119–120, 221

Community, role of, 24

Computers, remembering with, 3

Concepts, 18, 20, 60, 152

Conclusions, action and, 172

Concrete, 190, 227

abstract versus, 153–159

abstract words in concrete context, 169–171

abstract words linked to concrete pictures, 164–169

Conformity, 130

Consolidation, of memory, 37–38

Content, 6, 12, 24, 25, 32, 47, 56, 64, 84, 136

business audiences and remembering, 194–195

with cues and action, 26–29

information quality with ease of retrieval, 196–197

isolation or von Restorff effect and, 134–135

length, 193–196

self-generated content, 11, 29, 144–145, 246

surprise with elevated, 85–86, 87

time, perception of, 198–201

with time constraints, 197–198

variables, checklist for memorable content, 241–247

Context, 6, 151, 241

abstract words in concrete context, 169–171

gist memory and, 171, 190

as variable influencing memory, 11, 18, 29

Contrast, 200, 201

Control, 180, 206

of memory, other people’s, 40–44

memory and important types to, 45–47

Conversion rate optimization (CRO), 212–213

Coolness, elements of, 223

Coordinating, cues and, 67

Cornell University, 114

Cortex, 27, 72, 95, 152, 175, 176, 179

Costeja González, Mario, 235, 236

Creativity, abstract images and, 225–226

Crisp sets, verbatim memory with, 42

Criteria, for classics, 117–119

CRO (conversion rate optimization), 212–213

Cuban, Mark, 182

Cues, 69, 153, 242

action and, 23, 26–29, 34, 51–68

with attention, 52–53, 59–60

to goals, 61–64, 68

habits provoked by, 57–59, 68

intentions linked to, 23–26, 52

memory and, 11, 23–26, 34, 57, 64–68

Culture, 224–225, 240

Customers, 211, 212–213, 224, 230, 231

Cynicism, 181–182, 183


Daly, Jack, 109

Damage, to brain with decisions, 94

Damasio, Antonio, 94

Damiano, Mark, 176

Danger, exaggerating, 72

Dante, 240

The Dark Side of the Moon, 173

Data, 85, 114, 125, 136–137

Dead versus alive, businesses, 141

Dear Old Love (Selsberg), 59–60

Decisions, 2, 3, 8, 85

automatic decisions, 205–207, 208, 217

brain with, 94, 203–211, 214–220, 222–228, 233

of customers, 212–213, 224, 231

with decision-making as social, 222–225

steps when making, 209, 232–233

variables in decision-making process, 229–232

Declarative memory, 121–122

Degree of truth, 229

Delacroix, Eugene, 81

Delay, 33, 34, 231

before outcome, 105–109, 216

temporal expectations and, 220–222

Demarco, Rock, 104


decisions with feasibility versus, 227–228, 233

social desirability, 64, 69, 128–130, 131, 157, 224–225

Desouza, Pedro, 137, 145

Devaluation experiment, 207–208

Dickens, Charles, 143

Discrimination, 134–135

Disfluency, of words, 122–124

Distinctiveness, 11, 29, 133, 144, 147, 242

with drama, degree of, 138–140

human touch and, 145–146, 148

long-term memory and, 134–138, 148

opposites and, 140–143, 148

simple syntax and distinct words, 120–124, 130

Dodgson, Charles. See Carroll, Lewis

Dodson, Bert, 163–164

Dominance, 200–201

Domino’s Pizza, 224–225

Dopamine, 102, 108, 239

anticipation and, 75, 95–99

rewards and spikes in, 95, 97, 109

Drama, 138–140

Duration. See Time


Economy, 8, 204

Efficiency, automatic decisions and, 206

Effort, 32–33, 34, 40, 216, 231

Ehrenreich, Ben, 147

Einstein, Albert, 107

Elaborate encoding, 60, 68

Elaboration, on knowledge from past, 60

Elements, 66, 120, 223. See also Cognitive elements; Perceptive elements

Elton, Chester, 98

Emotion, 72, 127, 186

action influenced by, 93–94, 220

brain and, 178–183, 187–188

decisions and, 213–214

defined, 31, 180, 243

fear, 73, 84, 182–183, 220

imagination with anticipation and, 93, 109

intensity of, 187–188, 191

motivation and, 30–31, 34

nostalgia, 183–185

pleasure, 84–86, 87, 96

retrieval and, 150, 152

senses, 11, 29, 53–57, 151, 172–174, 200, 209, 246

as variable influencing memory, 11, 18, 29

with vivid images, 175–177, 191, 221

Employees, motivation and, 98–99

Encoding, 60, 68, 170

Enjoyment. See Pleasure

Epistemological value, 214

Ericson, Keith, 30

Essentialism (McKeown), 39

Euclidian geometry, 9–10

European Court of Justice, 235

Evaluation, 45, 65–66, 210, 233

Event-based cue, 25

Exaggeration (hyperbole), 138–139

“Executive control” network, 180


anticipation and, 75, 91–93

with beliefs and tools, 83–85, 87

with patterns broken, 78–80

surprise and psychology of, 73–75

temporal expectations, 220–222

Experience, 19, 95–96, 99, 199–200

Experts, 44–45, 159–160

Exploration, behavior and, 100

Exposure effect, with stimuli, 46, 77


Facebook, 71, 161, 179


defined, 243

retrieval and, 152

as variable influencing memory, 11, 18, 29, 172

Familiarity, 11, 29, 219, 243

gist memory and, 42–44, 46, 47, 194

with mental schemas invoked, 76–78

Fear, 73, 84, 182–183, 220. See also Risk; Uncertainty

Feasibility, desirability versus, 227–228, 233

Feelings. See Emotion

Fernandez, Phil, 56

Field, Genevieve, 155

Fischer, Bobby, 81

Fleming, Ian, 13

Fluency, of words, 122–124

Foreshadowing, 105, 106, 110

Forgetting, 2, 3, 7, 19–20, 29, 30, 153

forgetting curve, 36–37, 38, 48

retrieval and avoiding forgettable pictures, 174–177

right to be forgotten, 235–240

Fourneau, Antonin, 104

Framework, 12–14, 218

Franklin, Adrian, 8

Free recall, 27

Frontal cortex, 27, 95, 152

Future, 3, 4, 18, 30, 94, 237. See also Anticipation

intentions, 23–26, 33–34

prospective memory and, 19–25, 33

Fuzzy logic, 40, 42, 46, 47, 218

case study, 228–232

variables influencing memory and, 14–15

Fuzzy sets, gist memory with, 42, 46

Fuzzy-trace theory, 42, 48


Gain-framed messages, 218

Gambling algorithm, 2

Garmin, 144

Garrison, Bert, 159–160, 167


specific versus, 153–159

words, 164

Geometry, Euclidian, 9–10

Gerber, Erich, 230

Gibson, J. J., 54

Gilbert, Charles Allan, 80

A Girl I Knew (Salinger), 157

Gist memory, 43, 46–47

context and, 171, 190

length, 194–195

verbatim and, 42, 44–45, 48, 194–195

Glenn, Joshua, 146

Glimcher, Paul, 209

Global Green, 145

Goals, 22, 52

cues to, 61–64, 68

decisions and, 205, 207–208

goal-oriented behavior, 5, 6–7, 24

Godden, D. R., 170

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 13

Good luck charms, 83

Google, 119, 235, 236

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 145

Gostick, Adrian, 98

GPS, 6

Graded opposites, 142

Green, Amanda, 205

Green Cross International, 145

Greiner, Lori, 182–183

Group security, 130

Grupo W, 107–108


Habits, 7, 16, 57

cues to provoke, 57–59, 68

habitual behavior, 5, 6, 24, 205

The Hairpin, 174

Hedonism, 130, 214

Hefner, Hugh, 13

Hemingway, Ernest, 13

Hemingway, Patrick (son), 13

Heuristics, types, 218, 219, 223

Hierarchy, 200

Hill, David, 220

Hippocampus, 27, 100

Holistic value, 214

Hollywood, 108

Hooks, anticipation, 104, 110

Hotel brands, customers and, 224

House Hunters (television show), 105–106

HSBC, 142

Huffington Post, 174

Hugo, Victor, 157

Humans, 20, 129–130, 172–173

human touch and distinctiveness, 145–146, 148

rewards and things of value to, 211–214, 233

Huron, David, 73, 100

Husky, 184–185

Hyman, Ira, 61

Hyperbole (exaggeration), 138–139


Imagery, 18, 65, 191

with creativity and abstract images, 225–226

pictures, 160–169, 174–177, 190

vivid, 175–177, 191, 221

Imagination, emotion with, 93, 109

IMDb (Internet Movie Database), 114

Impressions, 64, 151

Inaction, 2, 29. See also Action

Individual memory, 8

Inferno (Dante), 240

Information, 6, 12, 18, 48, 63, 103, 129, 162, 170, 207, 236

anticipation and, 99, 106

content with ease of retrieval and quality of, 196–197

forgetting curve with, 36–37

quantity of, 11, 245

tension released with, 106–107

as variable influencing memory, 11, 29

Instagram, 161

Instructions, prospective memory and written, 65

Intensity, 12, 187–188, 191

Intentions, 21, 36, 195–196, 206, 235–240

cues, memory, and, 64–68

cues linked to, 23–26, 52

executing on, 23, 24, 29–33, 34

Interference, with retrieval, 149–150

Internal dialogue, rewards and, 42

Internet, 71, 161, 174, 178, 179, 188

Internet Movie Database or IMDb, 114

search engines and forgetting, 235–236

Irving, John, 13

Isolation (von Restorff) effect, 134–135, 138

Item-context binding, 170


Jobs, Steve, 108

Johnston, David, 104

Joordens, Steve, 240

Jornet Burgada, Kilian, 17–18, 19, 21, 29, 33


Kable, Joseph, 209

Kidd, Celeste, 222

Kleenex, 71

Klein, Yves, 198

Kormann, Dmitry, 100–101

Kregel, Kevin, 173–174

Kureha Corporation, 239


Language, 80, 211–212

metaphors, 167, 168, 190

movie lines, memorable, 114–115, 116, 120–121, 187

simple syntax and distinct words, 120–124, 130

Learning Technologies conference, 38

Length, 193–196, 198

Liability, forgetting as, 3

Liberty (goddess), 81

Liberty Guiding the People, 81

Limbic system, 95

Lindsay, Kevin, 212–213

Linguistics. See Language

Lippman, Laura, 146–147

Logic. See Fuzzy logic

Lonely Planet, 8

Long-term memory, 57, 60, 68, 126

distinctiveness and, 134–138, 148

self-generated content and, 144–145

Long-term potentiation, 27

Loss-framed messages, 218


Machiavellianism, 182

Mad Men (television show), 178–179

The Making of MONA (Franklin), 8

Maloof, Sam, 168

Mantras, 127–128

Manufactured time, 91

MapMyRun, 144

Marcario, Rose, 145

Marketing decisions, data and, 85

Marshmallow test, 222

Material-intense content, action and, 12

Math, 2, 38

Euclidian geometry, 9–10

fuzzy logic, 14–15, 40, 42, 46, 47, 218, 228–232

McDaniel, Mark, 21

McKeown, Greg, 39

Meaning, 18, 60

distinctiveness with, 146–147

emotions, 180–183

retrieval and, 150, 152

The Meaning of Life, 150–151

Medicine, 44, 83–84

Memory, 2, 4–8, 19, 27, 31, 60, 125, 200. See also Gist memory; Long-term memory; Prospective memory; Random memory; Short-term memory; Verbatim memory

consolidation of, 37–38

cues and, 11, 23–26, 34, 57, 64–68

experts, influencing memory of, 44–45

important types to control, 45–47

movie lines, memorable, 114–115, 116, 120–121, 187

retrieval and memorable story­telling, 153, 154, 178, 189

types, 8–9, 11, 38–40, 42–43, 57, 121–122, 129, 224

variables, checklist for memorable content, 241–247

variables influencing, 11–12, 14–15, 18, 29, 133, 172

Memory, other people’s, 29, 45, 47–48

business audiences and remembering, 36–40, 194–195

controlling, 40–44

Mental Floss, 174

Mental schemas, with familiarity, 76–78


classics, 119–120

social desirability and, 224–225

types, 193–194, 218

Messages, repeatable, 113

adaptive coherence and, 124–126

distinct words tied by simple syntax, 120–124, 130

portability and, 114–116, 127, 130

self, staying consistent with desired, 126–128

social desirability and, 128–130, 131

timeless appeal and, 116–119, 130

Metaphors, 167, 168, 190

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 7

Micromessage, 193–194

Microsoft, 236

Miller, Arthur, 13

Mind, 43, 129, 224. See also Brain

Les Misérables (Hugo), 157

MONA (Museum of Old and New Art), 1–3, 6–8, 12

Mona Lisa, 79

Mood, information and, 170

Morozov, Dimitry, 209

Motivation, 11, 29, 96, 109, 125, 244. See also Action

emotion and, 30–31, 34

employees and, 98–99

Motor cortex, 152

Movies, 114–115, 116, 120–121, 187

Murrow, Edward, 89–90

Museum of Old and New Art (MONA), 1–3, 6–8, 12

Myths, brain science, 239–240


Nastase, Ilie, 91

Natural selection, 4, 73

Nature, 65–66, 130

Needs, conflicting, 61–62

Neurobiology, of decision-making, 204

Neuroeconomics, of decision-making, 204

Neurology, 3–4, 11, 71–72

Newman, George, 20

Newton, 108

Nike+, 144

Nostalgia, 183–185

Noticing, 23–26, 34, 67–68

Novelty, 11, 29, 78, 101, 106, 244

reward and, 99–100

surprise and, 75–76


“O Tannenbaum,” 212

Obsolete, remembering as, 2–3

O’Leary, Kevin, 182–183

Omens, 83

Opiates, fear and, 73, 84

Opposites, 140–143, 148

Option uncertainty, 217–218

Oreo, 206

Organization, 200, 240

O’Sullivan, Emer, 212

Outcomes, 103–104, 227

delay before, 105–109, 216

evaluation of, 210, 233

Overconfidence, with future and forgetting, 30


Pacino, Al, 150–151, 153, 155, 174

Paradigm shift, 119

Past, 18–19, 60

Patagonia, 145–146

Patterns, 11, 14, 78–80

Perceptive elements

pictures versus text, 160–164, 190

with retrieval, 172–174

retrieval with cognitive and, 153–171

Perkins, Anthony, 146

Perrottet, Tony, 7, 8

Personal meaning, 18

Personal security, 130

Phones. See Smartphones

Physical properties, 53–56, 68

Pictures. See also Imagery

abstract words linked to concrete, 164–169

avoiding forgettable, 174–177

text versus, 160–164, 190

Pink Floyd, 173

Pinterest, 161

Pitt, Brad, 156

Placebo pills, 83–84

Plank, Kevin, 237

Playboy, 13

Pleasure, 84–86, 87, 96

Plotnik, Arthur, 121

Poehlman, T. Andrew, 20

Popularity, as wave, 223

Portability, repeatable messages and, 114–116, 127, 130

Potter, Mary, 165

Power, 63, 69, 99, 127

Predictions, 5, 72–73, 101

accurate predictions, 78, 87

brain as prediction engine, 4, 20, 75

Predictive analytics, 136–137, 144

Present, 20, 97

Primary reinforcers, stimuli and, 6

Procedural memory, 121–122

Processing fluency, 122

Proportions, 10–12, 14–16

role of, 10–11

Prospect theory, 218

Prospective memory, 35, 65

business and, 19–33

memory search and, 23, 24, 26–29, 34

Proximity, 200, 201

Psychology, 83, 226

of expectations with surprise, 73–75

psychological distance, 227–228

Punishment, 31–33, 180

Purdie, David, 188

Purposeful forgetting, 236–237

Pyramid, memory, 38–39


Quantity. See Information


Rai, Saritha, 225

Random memory, 39–41, 48, 125

Ray, Mike, 206–207

Reactivation, of old memories, 60

Recall, 27. See also Remembering

Reddit, 174

Reflective attention, cues with, 59–61

Reflexes, 52

habits and, 7, 16

reflexive behavior, 5, 6, 24, 204–205

Reimann, Martin, 167

Reinforcers. See Primary reinforcers, stimuli and; Secondary reinforcers

Relational opposites, 141–142

Relevance, 11, 29, 245

Remembering, 3, 18–19, 25, 27, 170

action with, 2, 4–5, 12, 21

business audiences and, 36–40, 194–195

content, 64, 194–195

intent to be remembered, 235–240

retrieval, 67, 149–189, 196–197

Repeatable messages. See Messages, repeatable

Repetition, 11, 29, 113–114, 245. See also Messages, repeatable

Retrieval, 67, 151, 152. See also Remembering

with brain, appealing to feeling, 178–188

forgettable pictures, avoiding, 174–177

information quality with ease of, 196–197

interference with, 149–150

memorable storytelling and, 153, 154, 178, 189

with perceptive and cognitive elements, 153–171

perceptive elements with, 172–174

Retrospective memory, 19, 27

Revenue Disruption (Fernandez), 56

Rewards, 7, 19–20, 42, 52, 57, 100, 180, 230

action and, 24, 27, 209

anticipation and, 97–99, 106–107

decision-making with risk and, 216–220

dopamine spikes and, 95, 97, 109

effort and, 32–33, 34, 216

social aspects and, 33, 34, 216

stimuli as biologically rewarding, 5–6, 31

with things of value to humans, 211–214, 233

value and, 98, 209–210

Risk, 33, 34, 216–220, 231

The Rite of Spring, 101

Rivollet, Nicolas, 219

Rolls, Edmund, 180

Rules, breaking sacred, 81

Ruth, Bill, 79–80


S shapes, 237–239

Saatchi & Saatchi, 85

Sacred rules, breaking, 81

Sales, 230, 231, 58

Salience, 12–14, 180

Salinger, J. D., 157

Sandburg, Carl, 89–90

Savage, Leonard, 217

Scarcity heuristic, 218

Schemas, 76–78, 80, 82–83, 87

Schickele, Peter, 82

Schmidt, Ken, 129

Science, 71–72, 239–240

Search engines, forgetting and, 235–236

Sears, 36

Secondary reinforcers, 6

Self, 125, 129, 130, 220

decisions for self versus others, 225–227

desired self, staying consistent with, 126–128

self-generated distinctiveness, 143–145, 148

Self-generated content, 11, 29, 144–145, 246

Selsberg, Andy, 59–60

Senses, 151, 200, 209. See also Emotion

cued in automatic way, 53–57

sensory intensity, 11, 29, 246

storytelling and, 172–174

SentiStrength, 188

Serotonin levels, 226–227

Sex, framework and salience with, 13

Shark Tank (television show), 182–183

Shimabukuro, Jake, 198

Short-term memory, 57, 126

Significant Object project, 147

Situational value, 214

SlideShares, 12

Smartphones, 76

Smith, Richard J., 117

Smith Magazine, 193

Smithsonian (Appleton), 212

Smoyz, 71

Social aspects, 11, 29, 246

decision-making as social, 222–225

rewards and, 33, 34, 216

Social concern, 130

Social desirability, 64, 69, 157

messages and, 224–225

repeatable messages and, 128–130, 131

Social memory, 8–9

Social obscurity, 231

Social proof, 66–67

Social schemas, 80

SoulPancake (Wilson), 168

Specific, 153–159

SR-71 spy plane, 159–160, 167

Stability-plasticity dilemma, 207

State space uncertainty, 217

Status. See Social desirability

Steichen, Edward, 57

Stimulation, 130

Stimuli, 5–6, 31, 46, 77, 209

decisions and value assigned to, 214–216

physical properties of, 53–54, 56, 68

Storytelling, 129, 150, 172–174

formula, 151–152, 190

retrieval and memorable story­telling, 153, 154, 178, 189

Strava, 144

Stravinsky, Igor, 101

Strength, 66, 188

Striatum, 95

Success, 8–9, 126–127

Surprise, 11, 29, 71–72, 81, 86, 247

expectation with beliefs and tools, 83–85, 87

with expectations, psychology of, 73–75

familiarity through mental schemas, 76–78

novelty and, 75–76

patterns and, 14, 78–80

with schemas, unrelated but existing, 82–83, 87

Swingler, Steve, 57–58


with declarative and procedural memory, 121–122

distinct words and simple, 120–124, 130


Taylor, Donald, 38

TED, 172–173, 210

Temporal expectations, 220–222

Tension, 102, 105, 106–107, 109–110

Text, pictures versus, 160–164, 190


of basic human values, 129–130

fuzzy-trace, 42, 48

of mind, 129, 224

prospect, 218

Thiele, Peter, 79

Thinkers, 98

Thompson, Shaun, 127

Three Pears and an Apple, 57

TIBCO, 229–230

Tigers, humans and, 172–173

Time, 40, 91, 165, 170

content with time constraints, 197–198

decision-making with time delay, 231

delay before outcome, 105–109, 216

perception of, 198–201

repeatable messages and timeless appeal, 116–119, 130

retrieval with actions across timeline, 152

rewards and time delay, 33, 34

sensory and short-term memory, duration, 57

temporal expectations, 220–222

time-based cue, 25

value-based decisions and, 215–216

Tinklepaugh, Otto L., 86

Todd, Rebecca, 175–176

Tolstoy, Leo, 118–119, 123

Toobin, Jeffrey, 236

Tools, expectations with beliefs and, 83–85, 87

Training, automatic decisions and, 208

Translations, 211–212

Truth, 229

“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” 212

Twitter, 178, 188


Ultimatum game, 226


anticipation and, 89–90, 99–109

with delay before outcomes, 105–109, 216

dopamine and, 102

with outcomes, importance of possible, 103–105

types, 217–218

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), 240

University of Washington, 80

Updike, John, 13

Urban Outfitters, 36


Vaillant, John, 172–173

Value, 20, 31, 218, 227

brain and deciding about, 208–211

decisions and value assigned to stimuli, 214–216

devaluation experiment, 207–208

human values, theory of basic, 129–130

rewards and, 98, 209–210

rewards with things of value to humans, 211–214, 233

Van Zelm, Leah, 223–224


checklist for memorable content, 241–247

in decision-making process, 229–232

with memory, other people’s, 29

memory influenced by types of, 11–12, 14–15, 18, 29, 133, 172

rewards, 32–33

tension, 102, 109–110

Variety, 144

Velocity, 144

Veracity, 144

Verbatim memory, 47

defined, 42, 43, 48, 194–195

gist and, 42, 44–45, 48, 194–195

Verma, Raj, 141

Vision, 18, 167

pictures versus text, 160–164, 190

time as visibly progressing, 199

visual comprehension and time, 165

visual cortex, 152, 175, 176, 179

Von Restorff, Hedwig, 134

Von Restorff (isolation) effect, 134–135, 138


Wabi-sabi, brain and, 185–187

Walker, Rob, 146

Walsh, David, 2, 3, 6, 12

Wave, popularity as, 223

Websites, for business, 24–25

“What I Learned from the Worst Guy I Ever Dated” (Field), 155

“What My Mother Learned from Einstein,” 107

Why Read the Classics (Calvino), 118

Williams, Serena, 168

Willpower, 63, 69

Wilson, Rainn, 168


abstract words in concrete context, 169–171

concrete pictures linked to abstract, 164–169

disfluency and fluency of, 122–124

generic, 164

mantras, 127–128

movie lines, memorable, 114–115, 116, 120–121, 187

with pictures versus text, 160–164, 190

simple syntax and distinct, 120–124, 130

Wyckoff, Claire, 144


Yahoo, 236

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