Table of Contents


Introduction: Questioning Is the Skill of Management

1. Is There a Basic Set of Management Questions?

2. Asking Questions Is the Skill of Effective Management

3. How Good Are Your Skills?

4. You Ask Too Many Questions

Common Errors: How to Recognize and Correct Them

5. What Are the Common Errors?

6. Do You Have Habit Questions?

7. Does Your Question Lack Context?

8. Do You Put the Answer in the Question?

9. Positioning: “Just a Country Lawyer...”

10. Posturing: When the Questioner Suddenly Becomes Larger

11. A “Casual” Question?

12. Do You Speak “Jargonese”?

13. Avoidance: If I Close My Eyes, Will the Elephant in the Room Disappear?

14. No Question: Managing by “Wall”

Neglected Questions

15. If I Ask a Foolish Question, I’ll Look Foolish

16. Unasked Questions: If You Already Know the Answer, It Is Unnecessary to Ask the Question

17. Someone Else (of Higher Authority or Greater Experience) Will Ask

18. Saved Questions: I Will Save My Question for Another More Appropriate Time

19. My Question Will Make Waves and Making Waves Is Bad

20. Normalization of a Defect

Misuses of Management Skills: Inquisitions Are Not the Only Abuse of Questioning

21. Errors and the Misuse of Management Skills

22. Is Your Question an Abuse of Power?

23. Are There Questions That Should Not Be Asked?

Questioning: Improve Your Skills

24. What Are the Attributes of a Person Who Asks Good Questions?

25. Are You Prepared to Ask?

26. What’s the Purpose of Your Question?

27. Words: Are Some Words More Important Than Others?

28. What Are the “Right” Questions?

29. Is Everything We Ask Important?

30. The Manner of Asking a Question: Style

31. What Was That You Said?

32. Can You Use a Raised Voice?

33. What Is Your Personal Style for Asking Questions?

34. Who Is Asking the Question?

35. Who Are You as a Manager?

Signs and Signals

36. Hand Gestures and Other Physical Signals

37. Eye Contact

38. Demeanor, Body Language, and Facial Expressions

Types of Questions

39. Direct Questions

40. Indirect Questions

41. Open Questions

42. Closed Questions

43. Stupid Questions

44. Filtering Questions

45. Double-Direct Questions

46. Hypothetical Questions (If, What If, Suppose)

47. Provocative Questions

48. Rhetorical Questions

49. Reflective Questions

50. Leading Questions

51. The Pause as a Question

52. Silent Questions

53. One-Word Questions

54. Clarifying Questions

55. Divergent Questions

56. Convergent Questions

57. Redirecting Questions

58. Negative Questions

59. Either/Or Questions

60. Loaded Questions

61. Trick Questions

62. Dual-Answer Closed Questions

63. General Reference Questions to Keep Handy

Use of Skills

64. Do You Have a Plan?

65. Follow-Ups and Probes

66. Follow-Up Questions

67. Probing Strategies

68. Does the Manager Need to Control the Conversation?

69. Strategies for Asking Tough Questions

70. Mounting Challenges

71. Eliciting Dissent

72. Are You Prepared for Any Answer? What About a Surprise?

73. The Use of Leading Questions

74. Looking for Reasons

75. Are You Asking for an Opinion?

76. How Do You Evaluate New Ideas?

77. Looking for Trouble?

78. Strategies for the Setting

79. Are You Prepared for Answers?

80. Are You Prepared for Nonanswers?

81. Have You Asked About the Fatal Flaw?


82. Listening: The “Hearing Phenomenon”

83. What Are You Listening For?

84. Avoiding Listening Errors


85. Is Socrates to Blame?

86. Conclusions and Final Recommendations


Are You Still Here?



Questioning as a Spectator Sport: Where to Go to Watch and Learn the Game


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