

accusations, refuting, 77-79, 86

ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power), 34

Active Listening

body language, 48-49

concentration, 40-42

football analogy, 51

Roman Columns analogy, 42-47

sub-vocalization, 47-48

understanding the question, 49-51

Zen master analogy, 39

agility, 127

Al Gore and George W. Bush debate, 134-140

Al Gore and Jack Kemp debate, 132-134

George W. Bush and John F. Kerry debate, 140-153

versus force, xix, 57, 126, 140

agreement with guilty as charged questions, 95

AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), 34

answering questions

control in group settings, 82-96

with questions, 56

skipping answers, 167

anticipating tough questions, 84-85

asking challenging questions. See challenging questions

The Atlantic Monthly, 119

audience perception, 12-14

audience reaction, involuntary, 57, 110


back references, avoiding, 65

balance, 81

Bellet, David, xxi

benefit to the audience (WIIFY), 93-94

Bentsen, Lloyd, 109-111

Beowulf, xxi

Black Entertainment Television, 7

Blitzer, Wolf, xv-xvii

The Bob Newhart Show, 2-5, 83

body language, 20-21, 48-49

Boston Red Sox, 7

“bounce” (in political campaigns), 30

Brokaw, Tom, 109-111

Buffer technique

Double Buffer, 68-69

Key Words Buffer, 67-68, 73-79

paraphrasing as, 66-67, 73

Bush, George H., 29, 154

debate with Bill Clinton and H. Ross Perot

guilty as charged questions, 90-91

importance of listening, 25-37, 44-47

paraphrasing, 61

Bush, George W., 155

debate with Al Gore, 31, 134-140

debate with John F. Kerry, 31

agility and force, 140-153

preparation for, 118

facial expressions, 145-146

interview with The New York Times, 87

“mistakes made” question, 86-89

Topspin example, 100-109

Bush Scowl, 146


call to action, 93-94

Carter, Jimmy, 154

Carville, James, 29-30, 34

CBS Television, xxi

challenging questions. See also Q&A techniques

confronting, xix-xx

preparing list of, 84-85

reactions to, 54-55

Buffer technique, 66-67, 73

contentiousness, 8-11, 118-121

defensiveness, 2-5, 83

Double Buffer technique, 68-69

effect on audience perception, 12-14

evasiveness, 5-8, 83

Key Words Buffer technique, 67-68, 73-79

paraphrasing, 55-65

Triple Fail-Safe, 71-72

“you,” power of, 70-73

reasons for asking, xvii-xix

types of, 62-65

Clinton, Bill, 155

Active Listening, 41

confidentiality when answering questions, 89

debate with George H. Bush and H. Ross Perot, 25-37, 44-47

debates with Bob Dole, 31

“I feel your pain,” 34

questioned by Wolf Blitzer, xv-xvi

concentration, 40-42

confidentiality, 89-90, 160

consequences of reaction to challenging questions, 12-14

contentious reaction to questions, 54

H. Ross Perot example, 8-11, 118-121

loss of control, 126

control. See also effective management

in group settings, 16-17

answering the question, 82-96

anticipating tough questions, 84-85

body language, 20-21

Buffer technique, 66-67, 73

Double Buffer technique, 68-69

Key Words Buffer technique, 67-68, 73-79

listening to questioner, 24-37

opening the floor for questions, 17-18

paraphrasing, 55-65

recognizing the questioner, 18-19

retaking the floor, 54-55

Triple Fail-Safe, 71-72

yielding the floor, 19-21

“you,” power of, 70-73

importance of, xx, 126

loss of, 2-5, 126

Q&A sessions, 166-168

Cruise, Tom, 40


David versus Goliath analogy, xix

deafness ruse (repeating the question), 50

Dean, Howard, 146

Dean Scream, 146


Bentsen, Lloyd, debate with Dan Quayle, 109-111

Bush, George H., debate with Bill Clinton and H. Ross Perot, 25-37, 44-47, 61, 90-91

Bush, George W.

debate with Al Gore, 31, 100-102, 134-140

debate with John F. Kerry, 31, 88-89, 107-108, 118, 140-153

Clinton, Bill

debate with George H. Bush and H. Ross Perot, 25-37, 44-47

debates with Bob Dole, 31

Dole, Bob, debates with Bill Clinton, 31

Gore, Al, 127

debate with Dan Quayle, 127-131

debate with H. Ross Perot, 8-11, 118-121

debate with Jack Kemp, 132-134

debates with George W. Bush, 31, 134-140

impact of, 154-155

Kemp, Jack, debate with Al Gore, 132-134

Kennedy, John F., debate with Richard M. Nixon, 116-117

Kerry, John F., debates with George W. Bush, 31, 88-89, 107-108, 118, 140-153

list of, 118

Mondale, Walter, debate with Ronald Reagan, 112-113

Nixon, Richard M., debate with John F. Kennedy, 116-117

Perot, H. Ross

debate with Al Gore, 8-11, 118-121

debate with George H. Bush and Bill Clinton, 25-37, 44-47

preparation for, 118

Quayle, Dan

debate with Al Gore, 127-131

debate with Lloyd Bentsen, 109-111

Reagan, Ronald, debate with Walter Mondale, 112-113

rules for, 31, 141-145, 150

defensive reaction to questions, 2-5, 83

Democratic National Convention (DNC) in 2004, 153

Dingle-Norwood Bill (HMO legislation), 137

direct answers, 89


Al Gore and H. Ross Perot debate, 118-121

importance of, 116-122

John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon debate, 116-117

DNC (Democratic National Convention) in 2004, 153

Dole, Bob, 31, 132, 155

Double Buffer technique, 68-69

Dukakis, Michael, 98-99, 154


earning Topspin, 102-103

Edison, Thomas, 116

effective management, perception of, xx-xxi. See also control

evasive reaction to questions

Pedro Martinez example, 7-8

Trent Lott example, 5-7, 83

expectations, 139

Eye Connect, 70-71

Eye on New York, xxii


facial expressions, 145-146

Fallows, James, 119, 122

Farley, Daniel, 148

Fight or Flight response, 11, 98

fighting and negative behavior, 126

follow-up questions in presidential debates, 31

football analogy, 51


Al Gore and Dan Quayle debate, 127-131

Al Gore and George W. Bush debates, 134-140

George W. Bush and John F. Kerry debates, 140-153

versus agility, xix, 57, 126, 140

Ford, Gerald, 154


Gibson, Charles, 148-149

Gordon, Ed, 7

Gore, Al, 127, 155

debate with Dan Quayle, 127-131

debate with H. Ross Perot, 8-11, 118-121

debate with Jack Kemp, 132-134

debates with George W. Bush, 31, 134-140

Gore Sigh, 146

Grabel, Linda, 88

group settings, control within. See control, in group settings

guilty as charged questions, 90-92, 95-96


Hall, Marisa, 25-37, 41, 44-47, 61, 90-91

hand raising in Q&A sessions, 18

head nods, 57, 71, 110

Hewitt, Don, 116

honesty, xvii, 83

hostile questions. See challenging questions

Hume, Brit, 109


“I feel your pain” (Clinton), 34

inaccurate questions. See accusations

Initial Public Offering (IPO), xvi, 13-14

interpreting the question, 49


The Bob Newhart Show, 2-5

George W. Bush by The New York Times, 87

H. Ross Perot and Al Gore by Larry King, 8-11, 118-121

Michael Dukakis by Ted Koppel, 98-99

Trent Lott by Ed Gordon, 7

involuntary head nods, 57, 110

IPO (Initial Public Offering), xviii, 13-14

irrelevant questions, paraphrasing, 63. See also tangential questions


“Jack Kennedy” quote (Lloyd Bentsen), 111

Kee, Lisa, 100-102

Kemp, Jack, 132-134

Kennedy, John F., 116-117, 154

Kerry, John F., 155

confidentiality when answering questions, 89-90

debates with George W. Bush, 31

agility and force, 140-153

“mistakes made” question, 88-89

preparation for, 118

Topspin, 107-108

lack of focus during presidential campaign, 106

key issues in questions

obscuring, 41-42

Roman Columns analogy, 42-47

Key Words Buffer technique, 67-68, 73-79, 161

King, Larry, 8-11, 118-121

Koppel, Ted, 98-99

Kotoda Yahei Toshida (Teacher Ittosai Sword Manual), 53


Larry King Live, 8-11, 118-121

The Last Samurai, 40

Lee, Bruce, 81

Lehrer, Jim, 31, 137

Lewinsky, Monica, xv-xvi, 89


Active Listening

body language, 48-49

concentration, 40-42

football analogy, 51

Roman Columns analogy, 42-47

sub-vocalization, 47-48

understanding the question, 49-51

Zen master analogy, 39

importance of, 24-37

loss of control, 2-5, 126

Lott, Trent, 5-7, 12, 83

lower expectations, 139


martial arts analogy, xix-xx

Martinez, Pedro, 7-8, 12

Matsura Seizan (Jyoseishi Kendan), 115

media sound bites, 95-96

“mistakes made” question, 86-89

Mondale, Walter, 112-113, 154

moral responsibility, 108

multiple questions, 63-64


NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 8, 12-13, 118

names, addressing questioners in Q&A sessions, 19

National Grocers Association convention, 29

negative behavior, 126

negative questions, paraphrasing, 62

neutral questions, paraphrases as, 61

neutralizing hostile questions. See reactions to challenging questions

New York Mets, 7

The New York Times, 87, 151

Night Beat, xxii

Nightline, 98

Nixon, Richard M., 116-117, 154

nodding in agreement, 57, 71, 110

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 8, 12-13, 118


obligation to respond, 82

obscuring key issues, 41-42

opening the floor for questions

as Buffer technique, 66-67, 73

control in group settings, 17-18

paraphrasing, 55-65

perception of audience, 12-14

Perot, H. Ross, 154

consequences of reaction to questions, 12-13

debate with Al Gore, 8-11, 118-121

debate with George H. Bush and Bill Clinton, 25-37, 44-47

hiring of Ed Rollins, 122

Point B (call to action), 93-94. See also Topspin

pointing during Q&A sessions, 18

political campaigns, “bounce,” 30

polling results, 30, 152

position statements, 85

Powell, Colin, 74-79, 86


Al Gore and H. Ross Perot debate, 118-121

importance of, 116-122

John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon debate, 116-117

list of tough questions, 84-85

presented material questions, 64-65

presidential debates. See also debates

impact of, 154-155

list of, 118

preparation for, 118

rules for, 31, 141-145, 150

presidential election campaign of 2004, 107-108

press conferences

Colin Powell, 74-79

George W. Bush, 103-106

Norman Schwarzkopf, 158-165

Putin, Vladimir, 142


Q&A sessions. See also press conferences

Active Listening

body language, 48-49

concentration, 40-42

football analogy, 51

Roman Columns analogy, 42-47

sub-vocalization, 47-48

understanding the question, 49-51

control, 166-168

in group settings

answering the question, 82-96

anticipating tough questions, 84-85

body language, 20-21

Buffer technique, 66-67, 73

Double Buffer technique, 68-69

Key Words Buffer technique, 67-68, 73-79

listening to questioner, 24-37

opening the floor for questions, 17-18

paraphrasing, 55-65

recognizing the questioner, 18-19

retaking the floor, 54-55

Triple Fail-Safe, 71-72

yielding the floor, 19-21

“you,” power of, 70-73

Q&A techniques, martial arts analogy, xix-xx. See also challenging questions, confronting; interviews

Quayle, Dan, 109-111, 127-131

questions about questions, 56


Rafsky, Bob, 34

raised hands in Q&A sessions, 18

reactions to challenging questions, 54-55

Buffer technique, 66-67, 73

contentiousness, 8-11, 118-121

defensiveness, 2-5, 83

Double Buffer technique, 68-69

effect on audience perception, 12-14

evasiveness, 5-8, 83

Key Words Buffer technique, 67-68, 73-79

paraphrasing, 55-65

Triple Fail-Safe, 71-72

“you,” power of, 70-73

Reagan, Ronald, 112-113, 154

recognizing the questioner, 18-19

red flag issues. See universal issues in tough questions

refuting accusations, 77-79, 86

repeating the question, 50, 54

Republican National Convention (RNC) in 2004, 153

responding to questions, obligation for, 82

restating the question versus paraphrasing, 55

retaking the floor (control in group settings), 54-55

RNC (Republican National Convention) in 2004, 153

role model, Norman Schwarzkopf as, 158-165

Rollins, Ed, 122

Roman Columns analogy, 42-47, 56-61

Rudman, Warren, 128


Saturday Night Live, 149

Schieffer, Bob, 147, 150

Schwarzkopf, Norman, 158-165

self-control, 126

Sensei Ittosai, 53, 57

Simon, Greg, 119

Simpson, Carole, 25-37, 41

skipping answers, 167

sound bites, 95-96

speculative questions, 90

split screens in presidential debates, 145

statement questions, paraphrasing, 64

strategic information. See confidentiality

sub-vocalization, 47-48

succinct answers, 83-84

Sun Tzu (The Art of War), 125-126


tangential questions, 86. See also irrelevant questions

themes of 2004 presidential election campaign, 107-108

Thurmond, Strom, 5-7, 83

time management, 163

importance of, 158-160

of Q&A sessions, 17

timing systems in presidential debates, 142-143

Topspin, 93-94, 98, 167

earning, 102-103

George W. Bush example, 100-109, 167

importance of, 155

John Kerry and George W. Bush debates, 143-144

Lloyd Bentsen example, 109-111

Michael Dukakis example, 98-99

Norman Schwarzkopf example, 162

Ronald Reagan example, 112-113

tough questions. See challenging questions

Trewhitt, Henry, 112-113

Triple Fail-Safe (control measures summary), 71-72

truthfulness. See honesty

2004 Democratic and Republican National Conventions, 153


understanding the question, 49, 51

universal issues in tough questions, 84-85

unknown answers to questions, 86-89

verbalization, 122-123. See also paraphrasing

visual listening. See body language


Wallace, Mike, xxii

WIIFY (“What’s in it for you?”), 93-94. See also Topspin

Woodruff, Judy, 109

Yagyu Tajimanokami Munenori (Hereditary Manual of the Martial Arts), 97

Yards After Catch analogy, 51

yielding the floor, 19-21

Yin and Yang, 81

“you,” power of, 70-73

Zen master analogy, 39

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