
Symbol Description

NPopulation size or number of nodes in a network.
vNode of interest.
CDDegree centrality of a network.
CCloseness centrality.
dDistance between x and y vertices.
xState vector.
yOutput vector.
uControl vector.
ASystem matrix in state space representation.
BInput matrix in state space representation.
COutput matrix in state space representation.
DFeedback or feed-forward matrix in state space representation.
IIgnorant class for information spread.
SSpreading class for information spread.
RRecovered class for information spread.
CCounter-spreading class for information spread.
EExposed class for epidemic spread.
βSpreading rate.
γStifling rate.
δDecay rate in information interest.
αCounter-spreading rate.
μCounter-stifling rate.
ωWillingness of spreaders to listen to counter-spreaders (receptivity rate).
σStochastic element of a system ( b(S)+d(S)).
kAverage connectedness factor.
dStrength of information influence factor.
R0Basic reproduction number: Average number of secondary infections from a single infected individual ( βγ).
WWiener process.
KControl gain.
LLuenberger observer gain.
eError function.
JPerformance measure.
H Hamiltonian.
u*Optimal control.
λTime to be optimized.
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